
[Agnoron] Chapter 3: Training Begins

Aric and his friends set off early the next morning after leaving the village, with their sights set on their destination. They walked for hours, covering a considerable distance before stopping to rest and eat some food.

Once they had finished their meal, Aric suggested that they start their training. His friends were hesitant, but they knew they had to prepare for what lay ahead.

The group found a clearing and set up camp for the night. As soon as they finished pitching their tents, they began their rigorous training.

First, Aric and his friends worked on their physical endurance. They ran laps around the clearing and did push-ups and sit-ups. They were all exhausted, but Aric pushed them to keep going.

Next, they practiced their sword fighting skills. Aric had brought some wooden swords with him, and they sparred with each other, honing their technique and learning new moves from Aric.

The wizards also began teaching them magic. They started with simple spells like lighting a fire and creating a small breeze, but as they progressed, the spells became more complex and challenging.

The training was grueling, and Aric's friends struggled to keep up. But Aric was relentless, driving them on even when they were on the brink of collapse.

As the days passed, Aric's friends began to see an improvement in their skills. They could run farther, fight with more precision, and cast spells more effectively. Aric's leadership and guidance were paying off.

But there were still moments of doubt and fear. Aric's friends had never faced a real battle before, and they didn't know if they were ready for what lay ahead.

Aric sensed their hesitation and gathered them around the campfire one night. He reminded them of their mission, of the people they were fighting for, and of the strength they had within themselves.

He told them that they were not alone, that they had each other, and that together they could overcome anything.

With renewed determination, they continued their training, pushing themselves harder than ever before.