
8. Chapter 8

A/N: Okay, so I have been meaning to post this chapter all day and of course I am just now getting around to it. Anyway, thank you all for your awesome reviews! I love checking them in between classes (they make me smile)! Here is a little crime and happy linstead family chapter for you with a small appearance from who else but Jay's ex. Enjoy and please review!

"No one forget your cover and are only target is Harris. Find him and maybe we can all go home early tonight", Voight reminded on Monday afternoon as he spoke into everyone's ear piece.

Erin sat with her legs crossed at the nearest bench pretending to read the paper as she studied each person walking past her. "Lindsay? Anything among the passengers", Voight's gruff voice asked.

"Nothing yet", she whispered into her headphone mic.

"Halstead and Dawson", Voight asked next.

"Zip", Jay's voice came over the headphones as well. Jay and Antonio were stationed at security also waiting for Harris.

"Ruzek and Olinsky", Voight continued finishing his roll call.

"Nothing outside", Olinsky said so quickly you could barely understand him.

Erin sighed inwardly as she continued to watch all of the people scattered around the airport. If they didn't catch this guy, god only knows how many people he could kill next. She hated to think like that when it came to a case, but she just couldn't help it.

"Olinsky and I have the eyeball", Adams's voice suddenly came over Erin's headphones.

Erin immediately stood from her spot and glanced over at Jay and Antonio who only stood a few feet away from her, "Give me your location Ruzek", Voight asked just as everyone began to retreat from their assigned places.

"Heading back inside. Erin, he's coming your way", Ruzek said as he watched their suspect re-enter the airport.

Erin quickly spotted him making a call near the window. "I got him", she said in Harris' direction pretending to text as she stood next to him.

"They are following me and it is all your fault", Harris was angerley whispering into his phone as Erin stood close enough to listen in. "No, you are the one that hired her and you are the one that killed her. You're making me look like the guilty one here, Noel", he continued to speak.

At the sound of the word killed, Erin immediately pocketed her phone and walked away from her spot by the window. "Meet outside", she whispered into her mic knowing all of her colleagues were getting ready to think she was crazy.

Voight, of course, was the first to ask questions. "What the hell, were you thinking. He's our guy", he asked frustrated.

"No, he's not. You didn't hear the same phone call I did. Someone is setting him up. Someone named Noel", Erin defended herself.

Everyone went quiet as they looked at her wondering where her head was at. They were getting ready to close this case and now everything changed.

"That's your gut instinct", Olinsky added to the conversation.

"Yes", she replied simply.

"Fine. Let's get Jin on tracking his cellphone and seeing where these calls were sent to and who was picking up the other line", Voight replied.


"Fill me in", Voight announced as he exited his office later that afternoon.

"Our newest suspect is named Noel Richardson, one of the only employees Harris kept on his team", Erin explained as she stuck a picture of Richardson on the whiteboard.

"Any priors", Voight continued to press.

"Got busted for trying to use a counterfeited twenty dollar bill, but other than that just a couple meaningless parking ticket", Antonio explained as he looked down at the file in his lap.

"Anyone have a CI that can look into the counterfeit money or Harris and Noel in general", Voight asked.

"I think I have something from one of my guys", Jay stated. "I am going to meet up with him to tonight and he should lead me to where Harris and Noel set up", he continued to explain.

"Make sure you take someone with you. No one goes into this case alone", Voight said as he re-entered his office.

Jay quickly grabbed his phone and walked off to the break room to make a phone call. After about five minutes, Erin closed one of her files and walked down the hall, hoping her colleagues would think she was going to the bathroom. Rounding the corner, she entered the guys locker room where Jay was leaning up against his locker on the phone.

"Yeah, I can meet then", he agreed to his CI on the other line.

Erin smiled as she snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around his muscular waist, gently peppering kisses against his shirt. She felt him tense up and then immediately relax as she stood on her tip toes and kissed his neck.

"Yeah..um okay. I will see you", Jay stated before hanging up his phone and tossing it on the bench. "You can't distract me like that, babe", he continued this time turning to face Erin.

"I couldn't help myself. You look really hot today", she said in between her tease of kisses against his jaw line.

"As hot as I looked when I woke up beside you this morning", Jay asked raising his eyebrows as he stuck his hands in the back pockets of her jeans.

"Oh, definitely", she answered before finally meeting his lips with her own. Jay smiled as he kissed her for the first time since they left the apartment.

"So, you're meeting with your CI tonight", Erin stated as she released their lips and gently ran her fingertips against the stubble on his jaw before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Yeah, which means I will need a sitter for Maggie", Jay answered watching Erin's dimples appear as her lips curled into a smile. "Erin Lindsay, are you using me to spend time with my daughter", he asked.

Erin let out a quiet laugh, "Actually detective, I am using your daugher to get to you", she said watching him smile.

"Oh, really, so you will watch her for me", Jay asked. "And maybe if you do then we can have a repeat of yesterday", he continued watching her smile stay glued to her face.

"On that note", Erin began before standing on her tip toes to matt their lips together again. "Of course I will watch her", she finished releasing his lips.

"Here's your key then", Jay said as he took one of his hands out of her back pockets and dangling a key in front of her face.

"Seriously", she asked shocked. Jay just nodded watching her eyes light up like she had just won the lottery. "Well, you ARE GOING to be my girlfriend, secret or not, so why not give you a key", he explained.

Erin smiled as she took the key from his hands, "Why thank you then, soon to be boyfriend", she said kissing his cheek before walking out of the locker room.


"And then after I went outside, I drew you and daddy a picture", Maggie explained holding on to Erin's hand as they walked towards Jay's apartment.

"You are going to have to show it to me when we get inside", Erin stated watching the little girl show off her huge smile.

As soon as they stepped up on the sidewalk and towards the door to the apartment building, Maggie let out a huge gasp.

"Look, Mommy Erin! It's a puppy", she squealed as she pointed towards a woman and her puppy sitting on a bench close to the dog. "Can I go pet it", she begged pouting her lower lip.

"Sure sweetie, but you have to ask the lady really nicely", Erin said as Maggie was pulling her towards the lady with the puppy.

"Can I pet your puppy", Maggie asked sweetly as she approached the woman.

"Of course", the woman answered as the puppy ran up to Maggie and began to lick her face happily.

Maggie laughed as the puppy licked her face and Erin couldn't help but smile at her joy. "You have a beautiful daughter", the woman suddenly stated taking Erin from her thoughts.

"Oh, thank you", Erin said smiling as Maggie looked up at her hoping for her approval. "Come on, Mags. Let's get home", she stated watching Maggie take her attention away from the puppy.

"Okay. Thank you for letting me pet your dog", Maggie thanked the woman kindly before grabbing Erin's hand as the walked into the apartment building.

Kaitlyn Sanders watched as the little girl who was just loving on her dog walked up to Jay's apartment with the woman she called 'mommy'. She knew this was partly her fault, but she also knew that she was going to do everything in her power to get this Erin out of the picture.


Jay quietly took off his shoes and upon entering the apartment, he immediately heard his two girls laughing in the master bedroom. He smiled knowing they probably had a great time tonight, compared to his failed mission with his CI. As he approached the open door to his bedroom, he saw both Maggie and Erin sprawled out on the bed watching a movie. Erin, of course was the first to notice his beat up face.

"Oh my god, Jay! What the hell happened", she asked rising out of the bed with Maggie in tow.

"Daddy, what happened", Maggie asked as well as she ran up to him, demanding to be lifted in his arms so she could get a better look at his face.

"Just trying to catch some bad guys", he answered simply watching his daughter sadly smile.

"Maggie, wanna get some ice for Daddy's face", Erin suddenly requested upon the little girl.

"Yeah", she agreed jumping from her fathers arms and running off to the kitchen to get the ice pack.

Jay smiled as Erin took a step closer to him and rested her hand gently on his face, "Wanna kiss it and make it better", he teased watching her smile before she planted a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Was this your CI", she asked getting straight to the facts.

"Yeah, we never even got to Noel and Harris. It's a long line of informants before you can get there and Ruzek and I didn't pass", Jay explained as Erin let out a sigh.

"Hey, I'm fine. It's just black eye and a couple of cuts and bruises. Trust me I have had a lot worse", he reassured her this time placing a kiss to her lips to prove he was fine.

Erin smiled as he tried to prove his toughness, "And now I am here with you guys and I feel ten times better", Jay explained as he heard Maggie's footsteps coming up from the hallway.

"I got you my doggie ice pack. He always makes things feel better", she said handing her dad the small ice pack.

"Thank you sweet pea", Jay said as he took the pack from her hand and kissed the top of her head.

"And here's my picture for you", Maggie said sticking out the picture she had drew today at preschool for her parents.

Jay smiled as he looked over the picture where Maggie had drawn them all with huge smiles on their face and holding hands. "I love it", he answered watching her eyes light up with a smile.

"Now come on let me see this movie you two were watching", Jay said changing the topic as Maggie skipped back over to the bed.

"You too", he demanded specifically to Erin wrapping an arm around her waist as they laid on the bed listening to Maggie explain the movie. As she was talking, Jay looked down at Erin who was smiling at Maggie's every word and he realized even after a day like today, he could come home to them and forget about it all.