
19. Chapter 19

"CHICAGO PD", Voight's voice bellowed just before Olinsky knocked down Kaitlyn Sander's door.

With a loud bang, the door feel and Voight immediately entered with his gun drawn for his holster. Erin and Jay entered quickly behind him, followed by the rest of the Intelligence Unit. Jay followed Voight up the stairs, Erin and Antonio searched the down stairs, while Olinsky and Ruzek stood guard at the door watching at their back up arrived.

"Clear", Erin called out as she clipped her gun back on her hip. She heard Antonio call out the same confirmation not long after her.

Running a hand through her hair, Erin sighed also listening to Jay and Voight call out the same fate as they came down the stairs.

Once they had marched into court, announcing the disappearance of Maggie, the judge had quickly forced Kaitlyn's lawyer to give up any information he had pertaining to Kaitlyn's location. Of course, trying to get something as simple did not go without a protest, but Jay and Erin got what they needed with the help of Jay's lawyer and the judge. The hearing for custody was then moved until an arrest was made for Maggie's kidnapper.

Erin, of course, and no doubt in mind that the person behind this was Kaitlyn.

"There is no other address her lawyer gave you", Voight questioned Jay as they came down the stairs.

"No, just her home address. I remember her parents being frequent visitors to Chicago, but not enough that they would get a place here", Jay answered as they came downstairs to find Erin standing in the living room.

Jay walked over and gently squeezed her hand, trying his best to reassure her that everything would be okay. Somehow, he found himself calmer than he had ever imagined he would act in this situation. Jay wasn't exactly sure why though. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that the chances of Intelligence finding Maggie were definite. Maybe it was the fact he knew Kaitlyn wasn't smart enough to take Maggie anywhere far away.

If any of those reasons were wrong, there was one thing Jay was sure of. If they didn't find Maggie, Maggie would find them. He had always taught her, if faced with a situation such as this one, what to say or where to go. He had faith in her.

"You guys gotta see this", Antonio suddenly called out from the office in Kaitlyn's house.

Erin, Jay, and Voight approached the office to find Antonio studying several pictures plastered on the walls and scattered on the desk.

There were pictures of Maggie. Going to school. Playing in the park. Coming home with Jay or Erin. There were pictures of Erin and Jay. Arriving at their apartment. Going to work. Playing with Maggie.

"She's been tracking your every move", Voight suddenly said as he looked at the pictures and post-it notes with dates and times.

Erin felt like she was going to throw up. This psycho was following her. Stalking her family. Taking away the things she cared most about.

Turning around, Erin came into the view of a different set of pictures on bookshelves. There were pictures of a younger Kaitlyn at what looked to be a college graduation. Family gatherings. One picture, did catch her eye in a interest the others did not.

It was Kaitlyn and a baby. A baby that Erin assumed was Maggie. They were sitting on a porch overlooking a lake.

"Where's this", Erin suddenly asked getting everyone's attention.

She turned around, holding the frame out to Jay as he took it from her hands. Studying to for a moment, Jay began to recognize where it was from.

"Her family has a house on Lake Michigan. She never took me out there though, in the brief time that we were dating", Jay explained.

Voight walked over and looked at the picture as Jay took it out of the glass hoping for some type of address as to where this picture was taken. Turning over the picture of Kaitlyn and Maggie, Jay found exactly what he had been looking for.

"Michigan City, Indiana", Jay said holding up the picture and showing it to Voight.

"That's only an hour from here", Erin said having already put the address in her phone.

"Alright, let's get moving people", Voight said as he took the picture from Halstead's hand.


It wasn't Kaitlyn's intention to scare her daughter, but every since they had left the museum Maggie wouldn't stop crying. Her plan had gone as smoothly as it could possibly go. She had gotten Maggie alone, which wasn't hard since her daughter was a free spirit and naturally got separated from the group. They snuck out the back exit and had made the hour drive to Indiana.

Of course, it did not go without a protest. As soon as they had gotten into the car, Maggie began to scream, begging to know where her parents were. Kaitlyn had tried her best to explain that they were going to live together now. She quickly made up something about how Jay and Erin wanted her to do this and that they would not miss her at all.

That's when the crying began.

It had been nothing but tears since the moment Kaitlyn brought Maggie to her family's vacation house and settled her into a room. The room Kaitlyn had specifically designed for when she got to have her daughter back.

"Maggie", Kaitlyn asked quietly as she opened up the door to the bedroom she had placed Maggie in.

Walking into the room, Kaitlyn saw Maggie sitting on the bed, curled up with her arms wrapped around her knees. There were still tears streaming down her cheeks, but it looked as if the crying had subsided for now.

"I brought you some snacks", Kaitlyn said setting down a bowl of chips on the dresser as she sat on the edge of the bed.

Maggie shook her head and quickly scooted towards the other side of the bed, in attempt to get farther away from Kaitlyn.

"Maggie, I know you are upset, but you have to learn to trust me now", Kaitlyn said softly.

"I want my mommy and daddy", Maggie pleaded for the hundredth time that day.

"Maggie, I'm your real mommy and we are going to be together now. Your other mommy and daddy don't want you anymore", Kaitlyn lied.

"No! They love me", Maggie screamed burying her head in her knees.

Before Kaitlyn could get another word out, she heard a noise that sounded like sirens. Standing up to look out the window, she watched as they approached the house.

"Crap", she muttered under her breath turning to leave the room. Kaitlyn spun around and looked at Maggie, whose tears had subsided at the sound of the police sirens.

"Stay here", she threatened before slamming the door.

Running quickly down the steps, Kaitlyn knew it was too late. She could already see the detectives from Jay's unit approaching her door.

"Chicago PD! Kaitlyn Sanders, open this door immediately", a gruff voice boomed from outside.

Kaitlyn knew this was it. Jay always had to win. She had tried her best in trying to get Maggie and she failed.

Opening the door, immediately one detective grabbed her arm and began to handcuff her. "You still don't know where she is. She may not even be here", Kaitlyn yelled seeing Jay and Erin run up the steps.

Jay quickly turned around upon hearing Kaitlyn speak, "Don't even think about trying to pull that kind of shit Kaitlyn", he warned her.

"She's my daughter, Jay. My flesh and blood. You can never forget that", she continued to scream as Ruzek was leading her out.

Ignoring Kaitlyn's comment, Jay turned back around and took off after Erin who was already at the top of the stairs.

"Maggie", he heard Erin calling.

"Mommy, I'm in here", Maggie's little voice suddenly called out.

Erin immediately knew where her daughters voice was coming from as she ran down the hallway to open the door.

"MOMMY", Maggie practically screamed jumping from the bed and running straight into Erin's arms.

Erin bent down to catch Maggie as she ran full speed towards her, almost knocking her over. Gently smoothing down her hair, Erin pulled away from Maggie and saw tears stain her eyes.

"Hey baby, don't cry", Erin calmed her wiping away some fallen tears.

"You and Daddy still want me", she asked timidly.

"Of course, sweetie. You are our whole world", Erin reminded her.

Maggie smiled towards her mother, wrapping her arms around her neck again. Looking behind Erin, Maggie quickly spotted Jay talking to Voight.

"DADDY", she exclaimed wiggling from Erin's embrace and running towards him.

Jay easily caught Maggie in his arms as she wrapped her small arms firmly around his neck.

"Hey sweet girl", Jay said as he gently kissed her forehead.

"I don't like that lady", Maggie whispered in her father's ear as she rested comfortably in his arms.

"Don't worry, Maggie you will never be bothered by her again", he reassured her as she smiled.

"I'm going to go make sure the arrest is taken care of", Voight stated.

"I will see you three back at the district", he said reaching over and gently squeezing Maggie's face as she gave him a huge smile.

As Voight took off down the stairs, Jay looked up to see Erin leaning against the door frame, tears gently fell on her face.

"Hey", he said in almost a whisper as he walked over to her. Maggie also took notice to her mother's tears and immediately tried to wiggle from Jay's arms and back over to her mother.

"Mommy don't cry. You found me and now everything is okay", she said gently snuggling her head into the crook of Erin's neck.

"Yeah, everything is okay", Jay said giving her a smile.

Erin smiled as Maggie wiped away the tears on her cheeks, "I'm just a mess", she said turning to Jay.

"And you have every right to be. But, look she's unharmed and ready to drive us crazy again", Jay reminded her.

Maggie nodded her head making Erin laugh, "I don't understand how you can be so level-headed in this situation", she asked.

"Someone has to be so you can freak out. Kind of like how you are level-headed when I freak out", Jay explained.

Erin smiled as he spoke, "And that's just how this relationship will always work", he added.

"And I love it", he finished before gently giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Can I be the funny one in this relationship", Maggie suddenly asked.

Both Jay and Erin laughed at Maggie's comment as she looked at both of her parents with a huge smile on her face.

"Sure, baby", Erin agreed as she tucked a few loose strands of Maggie's hair behind her ears.

"Come on. Let's go home", Jay decided as he retreated towards the step, Maggie and Erin on his heels.

A/N: Per usual - I am so sorry about the long update. This chapter was surprisingly hard to right. I hope you all enjoyed it though! One question I did have was now that Maggie was found, would you guys like a little mini trial? It's been in my thought process for a while so, I wanted to know what you guys thought (it would only last like one maybe two chapters) Anyway, read and review to let me know what you think. Hopefully I can get a new chapter up soon :)