
Chapter 115

Above Shanxi, the Turian Fleet was maintaining its position above the planet as their ground forces continued their expansion into the Capital city of Shanxi. By this time several hundred Alliance soldiers had been killed during the invasion alongside several hundred civilian colonists.

Morale was dropping because of the low number of supplies available to the Alliance soldiers. As a result, General Williams had made a difficult choice. To spare the lives of the rest of the Alliance soldiers under his command and the colonists' lives, he surrendered to the Turian military forces.

On the ground within the last Alliance stronghold, the Alliance soldiers had surrendered to the Turian troops alongside General Williams who was taken prisoner by General Venarix, a turian with a scar running across his mandible. Smiling venomously, he addressed the Alliance soldiers as his words were translated so they could understand.

"You fought well, humans," he mocked, condescension could be heard from his words. "But war...war is an art that your kind has yet to master."

The Turian soldiers around him snickered, their cocky grins visible as they began leading the prisoners away. Just as the Alliance soldiers were being marched off, above the planet, a fleet of more than 100 ships had appeared in front of them.

Upon arriving, Vice Admiral N'that 'Kongamee had the Guardian Custode take the lead position and launch the massive swarm of weapon-ships. As the weapon-ships were launched, Vice Admiral N'that 'Kongamee had sent out a transmission towards the Turian fleet.

The message was simple and clear, "This is the Imperial Ascendency, cease your hostilities immediately and withdraw from this planet. This is your only warning."

The Turian fleet commander responded with an arrogant scoff. "We do not comply with requests from unidentified forces. So how about you stand down or suffer the consequences."

Vice Admiral N'that 'Kongamee has been commanded by Axel to stop the invasion at all costs, even if they must use force to achieve that objective.

"Very well," replied Vice Admiral N'that 'Kongamee, his voice echoing with a cold determination. "Proceed with full force."

The weapon-ships roared to life and started to swarm the defending Turian fleet. Ascendency Transport ships which were equipped with slipspace drives had initiated a short range slipspace jump to appear on the surface of the planet. In a matter of a few minutes, thousands of Ascendency soldiers started to attack the Turian occupation forces and liberate the planet from their control.

In orbit, the Turian fleet was quickly destroyed, their kinetic barriers didn't offer much resistance in the face of the Ascendency's weapons.

Meanwhile on the Citadel, Miranda was in a meeting with the council, finishing up the last few things that the Ascendency needed to do before they officially became an associate member. And to bring up the topic of the Turian invasion which she is continuously receiving live updates of. However, the rules and regulations that the Citadel had were something that she could not comply with.

The first thing was the ban on AI which is something that plays a major role in their society, military, and overall empire. Then adding on the restriction to the number of dreadnought class ships that they could have at once would weaken the Ascendency fleet.

"I am afraid we cannot comply with such regulations, councilors. Our AIs are an integral part of our society and pose no threat to others. We have ensured that they exist in harmony with organics," Miranda stated firmly. "As for the dreadnought limitation, that is also something that we cannot abide by."

"And councilors, I must inform you about the Turian Hierarchy's actions against another spacefaring species" informed Miranda.

"We have recently discovered that the Turian Hierarchy has unilaterally launched an invasion on an unknown species planet. The defending species has put up a good fight against the Turian ground troops while many innocent lives die due to lack of supplies on the defending party's side. As a result, they are unable to mount a successful resistance against the Turians' offensive."

Upon hearing this news, the councilors' faces registered shock, concern and a hint of skepticism.

"Are you certain of this?" Asari Councilor Valese asked, her tone grave. "Turians have always been very disciplined about maintaining peace in their territories." she said as she turned to Katius, the Turian Councilor.

Miranda nodded, "Our scout ship has been monitoring the situation from a safe distance for weeks now. The evidence is unquestionable."

Katius, the Turian Councilor, straightened in his chair. He was a solid figure, gruff exterior carved by decades of military experience. His sharp, birdlike eyes stared into Miranda's eyes for a tense moment before he spoke.

"I find this accusation hard to digest," he declared. "The Turian Hierarchy has always operated under strict protocol. If there is any semblance of truth to your claim, we shall investigate it at once."

Miranda met his gaze, "The Imperial Ascendency has already intervened. We have dispatched forces to halt the Turian invasion and liberate the planet."

Katius's mandibles twitched with irritation. He sneered, "You've deployed your forces without consultation and now you expect our approval? I trust you understand that this could be perceived as an act of war."

Miranda scoffed at his statement, "If that is what the Turian Councilor wants to perceive it as, then by all means do so. But let it be known that the Imperial Ascendency will not stand by and watch innocent lives being taken. We will not wait for you to take your time investigating while people suffer and die."

Her words echoed through the chamber, silencing the murmurs of the other councilors. The Salarian councilor, Tivus, finally broke the tense silence.

"Regardless of your intentions," he said, his voice calm but forceful. "Your actions might stir up conflict within the Citadel's fragile peace. We advise that you withdraw your forces immediately."

Miranda shook her head, "Too late for that. Our forces have already engaged with the Turians on Shanxi."

A hushed shock fell over the council at Miranda's disclosure. The atmosphere was thick with tension as they absorbed the unexpected news.

"This is unprecedented…" Valese finally whispered, as she looked at her co-councilors.

Katius was visibly seething, his mandibles clenched tightly. His voice was icy as he addressed Miranda, "We will not forget this transgression, Ascendency. Your actions could spark a galactic war."

Miranda remained unshaken; her demeanor was strong as she returned his stares. "And we will not forget the Turian Hierarchy's blatant aggression against an innocent species," she retorted.

As the meeting with the Council ended in quiet tension, Miranda was left with a bitter taste in her mouth. She had hoped for their understanding and support, but instead found only resistance. But at least the Ascendency had made its position clear; they would not stand by while injustice was committed.

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