
Chapter 1 "Operation: Spearhead"

Time: 0800 Date: 2525 January 13th Location: Reach,Pálháza Pelicans began to zoom over the forestry of the Pálháza forest, some of the tops of the trees being schorched in black, in the back of the pelican was Fireteam Foxtrot, consisting of 5 marines, SSGT. Jacob Red, PVT. Eduardo Diaz Pablo, PFC. Gary Smith, Pvt. Valanda White, CPL. Jacky Hudson. their mission was simple, assist two fireteams currently engaged with the URF. it was so simple or so they thought. as the pelican made its way nearly to the LZ they would drop the troops off alarms began to blare in the pilots seat, CPT. Jackson Tyler deployed his flares knocking the lock on from the missile off with ease, but then all hell broke loose...BOOM!, the pelican shook violently starting to descend tilting to the side as it's right front thruster was destroyed eventually breaking off, what the UNSC didn't know was the URF had managed to steal a M12G1 Warthog, most commonly known as a Guass Warthog. its weapon had the ability to take a pelican down with ease. the pelican made its decent, the pilot fighting with the controls trying to make this crash landing another happy landing, but just when things couldn't get worse the Guass hog fired again, this time hitting the cockpit killing the pilots instantly. the pelican crashed into the ground kicking up dirt as it slid. All of the marines in the troop bay knocked unconscious.