

After putting on the wig Jiya turned around to Neha only to get scolded.

"I told you to be decent. I didn't want to be spooky. You know you both are looking so scary. I don't wanna go with you. You can go by yourself."

"Calm down. Calm down. It's Halloween and we need to be spooky. It's to save ourselves from the evil spirits. Common don't chicken out."

Jiya then did her Neha's makeup as well. Although it wasn't as spooky as her own like a walking dead pirate or as of his brother who has flesh flashing wounds all over his body. Jiya just painted a pattern like a snake's scale on left side of Neha's face after applying dark green eye shade over her eyes with a black eye liner. She also painted Neha's lips green with an organic color.

Although Neha wanted to be a good innocent fairy she ended up looking like an evil version of tinkle bell with her green wings.

The trio then reached the venue.

They were though shocked when they reached the place. Forget about the party there wasn't even a house or any single damn person. They were scared by the darkness around them. The whooshing wind made them shiver. They gulped down their own saliva. Neha's whole body was shivering she was tightly holding Kartik's shirt.

Jiya looked around once again and then said, "Let's go back."

But some other unexpected thing was waiting for them. As they turned around they were shocked more, the car that they brought were not there anymore. They panicked and fear engulfed them completely.

Kartik decided to make a call at home. Just as he put his hand in his pocket a snicker was heard and then a jack-o-lantern was lit. Then a number of jack-o-lantern started lighting one after the other. But those snickering was coming from those lanterns. They were scared and then they ran. They ran back in the direction where they came from.

After running for a while they saw a house. They hesitated at first but then decided to go in the house in the hope to find some help. Just a light in one of the room gave them a hope to find someone for help. They knocked on the door. After knocking thrice the door opened. A maid opened the door and took them in.

They were heavily breathing next to the door. Footsteps were heard then and an old man with a cigar came down the stairs.

"What happened? Why you both are panting so much? Were you running?"

"We.... we came for-" Jiya opened her mouth to explain their situation but after few words stopped. Both? They were three, right? She turned around to find only Neha beside her.

"Where's Kartik?" She asked Neha and then turned to open the door and look outside. But she didn't find her brother. She ran outside to look for him but felt a jolting pain in her forehead and her steps moved backward as if she bumped into something.

She turned around and saw no one. The old man was gone and so was her friend Neha.

She tried to ran forward once again but again was thrown back few steps. She stood there puzzled, not knowing what to do or where to go. She stood there like a lifeless statue.

It was all her fault. She was the one who wanted to come to this party. Although Kartik wanted to come too but she was the one who was the most desperate to come. And Neha, she didn't want to come at all. But because of their friendship she agreed at last. It was all her fault. They shouldn't have come.

She then decided to go and find Neha. She wouldn't have gone somewhere. She should be definitely in the house. She slowly entered the one storey house. She searched around but didn't find her. Then she went upstairs to look in the room that had lights on. She bashed in the room.

She heard water running, she knocked on the door. Finally a familiar voice helped her to calm down a little. It was Neha in the bathroom. She was here. It must have been the fear. She was also panicked about her brother's disappearance. Yes. That could have made her imagine that something happened to Neha as well and she was gone too just like her brother.

Now she wanted to get out of here and find her brother.

I hope you are enjoying the story. Please show your support through comments and power stones.

Thank you to everyone who have showed their support and given power stones to my story.

Need support and contribution of readers for this contest.

Thank you.

~Samayra Akhtar

Samayra_Akhtarcreators' thoughts