
Halloween Hell

Only one child every 5000 years is born with the power to destroy or rebuild the magical world. The only problem is both sides good and evil want the child. This is the year for it to happen. Ten family's have children born under the right sign. And all of them want the power.

Betty_Tatum · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Boundary

After the new kids showed up last night I ate dinner and went to bed. When I get up this morning I plant to do a little training with the girls. But Sky stops me by telling me she has to talk to all of us about putting up some shielding or something because there are now to many teens to safely train in the back yard.

So her and Ariana talk about it for a while then she looks at me and mom and says,"There's something we could do but it won't be easy. It will take all three of us and it will drain us. It is known as misst. It will cover the whole community and will repel everyone who does not have dragon or elf blood. I will take a drop of Lilly's blood so she will be able to pass through. It will take about an hour to get everything together. when I'm ready we have to drive around all four corners of the community then burry small sachets. After that we come back here and cast the spell. By tomorrow morning you will be able to safely and securely practice in the open. Also no one on the outside will see anything different. It is undetectable to everyone."

Sky tells her to get everything together and mom goes off with her to give her the blood. I wonder how mom feels about that? But at least she will be protected with the rest of us.

Sure enough and hour later Ariana came back with everything she needed. Then mom drove her around the perimeter of the community. They buried the bags on the corners then came back to the house. After she got the rest of the stuff needed we went to work in the middle of the road. Ariana put everything she needed in a metal bowl on the ground then she handed me and Sky a piece of paper. Before we start I ask her if this also has a shield spell in it and she says," yes of course it does." So we started chanted as she lit the stuff in the bowl on fire. As the smoke lifted into the air it spread out it was a thin layer that spread out it raised about a hundred feet or more into the air then settled into place. Then the sides went down and touched the ground. The whole time we were watching this we were chanting. I could feel the power flowing out of me and mixing with the smoke. I wondered if it was the same for the others? After an hour Ariana calls a halt to the chanting telling us it's done. That's when I really feel it, I am really drained so I am sure the others are as well. That's when the doors start opening. Everyone starts to come out to check on us. Sky tells them everything is fine and tomorrow things will be completed so training can truly begin. Sky also make sure everyone of the teens know they have to train as well. Then she also introduced Savannah and William to the rest of the group. After that she tell them all," I'm sorry I am beat. as I'm sure the others are as well. if you will excuse us we need some sleep I think."

They all understand and we go back to the house. I'm not sure about the others but as soon as I get inside I ask mom if she's okay, then I go to my room and fall asleep right away.