
Halloween Hell

Only one child every 5000 years is born with the power to destroy or rebuild the magical world. The only problem is both sides good and evil want the child. This is the year for it to happen. Ten family's have children born under the right sign. And all of them want the power.

Betty_Tatum · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Talking To Sky

On Sunday morning we all cleaned the house in preparation for our guests. We also made snacks. Ariana and Sky made the shields stronger outside. And they also planned to put up more cloaking spells. We didn't want anyone to see what was going on.

While they were doing that mom and I moved the two picnic tables into the center of the backyard. We weren't sure how many people were coming, but Sky said at least six. I looked over at Ariana and Sky and saw them talking. I could only hope she was talking to Sky about my issues.

After they were done Sky walked over to me. She looked a little anxious. I was a bit worried, maybe she isn't happy with me? Then she started talking to me.

" Okay my dear, I want to start by saying I am very proud of you. Not only with your schooling, but with your training, and how well you are handling everything. I also want you to know I am not upset because you call me by name. Lilly has been your mom for fourteen years and I have only been back a few weeks now. I don't want you to feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to. No matter what I will always love you."

" I am so glad you said that. It makes me happy that you understand my issues. I was just to scared to ask you, I didn't want you to be mad at me."

" Oh honey I love you I would never be mad at you. You have been through a lot in your short life. I'm just sorry I wasn't there with you, and so very happy Lilly was. Did you know last night I talked to her about all of this. I am so proud of you. Now what do you say we work on flying some before everyone gets here."

"Sounds like a good plan to me. What do we need to do?"

" You need to focus your energy on becoming light, like a cloud. Then see yourself floating in the air. Then see yourself moving around the yard. That is how you fly. First we learn in the Human form then we learn in the dragon form."

For the next two hours we practiced this. Unfortunately I have not been able to get the hang of this.im I'm just not able to catch on right away, but that's why we practice. Right now we both need to go clean up before our people get here.

Once we were ready we waited patiently for them to show up. I have to say I was really nervous, it has been so long since I have seen any of my people. Will they like me? Will they know me? How do I act around them? But then it was almost noon so we will just have to wait and see.

At noon the gentleman named Gabriel showed up with a van full of people. Before they opened the doors I could feel the pull sky was talking about. All of them were pure bloods. As Gabriel walked up to the door mom opened it and welcomed everyone in. We all went out to the backyard and sat at the picnic tables, it was really the only area big enough for us. Mom sat down after handing out drinks and cookies, then everyone looked at Sky.

I have to say I was amazed by the way she handled herself. She was so calm, cool, and collected. She took control of everything right away. Then she started to talk to them.

"Hello everyone, My name is Sky and I am your queen. You have been brought here because we need to get every one of the survivors together so in five years we can go home and take down that corrupt Council, and get our home back.You should all know that my daughter Emily survived the battle as well and according to the Dragon God she is the chosen one. First let's start with your name, then if you have any questions please ask."

"Hello your majesty, first of all you should know we all believe you, second I am Kayla, and third the Dragon God has been giving us all dreams. We know what we have to do and we are all willing to do it. We are all just so glad both you and Emily are okay."

Good afternoon your majesty, we are Bryan and Celeste. We worked in the castle."

"Yes, I remember Celeste, she was Emily's hand maiden. But I'm sorry I don't remember you."

"I understand your majesty, I worked in the gardens. The roses on the north side of the castle."

" Oh yes, you planted the purple roses. They were beautiful. Now you to are who?"

" I am Gordon and this is my wife Tanya. We also worked in the castle."

"Wait I remember both of you. Tanya was my lady in waiting and you were a member of the home guard. This is great, over the next five years I need all your help to find the rest of out people. Not only do we need to find them, but we need to bring them here. I also need all your help to train Emily. She must be ready for battle when we go back through the portal. Also is it possible for you guys to move closer to us?"

Gabriel steps forward and says," your majesty we know all about it the Dragon God has told us everything, and we would be honored to move closer to protect you and Emily. We are actually working on it now. But I do have one question the Dragon God wouldn't answer, will you allow us to bring our family with us when it's time to go?"

"Yes of course I will, they are your family's. I would never make you leave them behind. But we will have to keep them safe somehow, especially the children."

"Thank you your majesty, We really didn't want to leave them behind and we will keep them safe. But your majesty we must go, most of us work the night shifts."

" I completely understand. Thank you for coming. We will talk again soon. Be safe, be well."

I just could not get over her command of them. She was so sure of herself. I was so scared they might talk to me. I didn't know what to say, I was glad when they had to get to work. But I knew I would have to get over this fear. Not only am I a princess, but I am the chosen one and they will have to follow me against this council. I will talk to mom, Ariana, and Sky about it later. Right now I am hungry.

After everyone left we cleaned up then went in and had lunch. All in all I think things went well. We will see what happens next.