
Halloween Hell

Only one child every 5000 years is born with the power to destroy or rebuild the magical world. The only problem is both sides good and evil want the child. This is the year for it to happen. Ten family's have children born under the right sign. And all of them want the power.

Betty_Tatum · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Birthday Prep and Strangeness

"Mom can I ask you a question? For my birthday this year can I have a big party? Or at least a decent sized one. Since I am going to turn eighteen and go to college a month later I kinda want to make it a birthday and a going away party."

"That sounds like a good plan to me. what shall the theme be? How many people do you want to come. We only have three months from today to get it all set up. Do you want me to make the cake or get it done professionally? And have you decided what college your going to? You only have a week to figure that one out. I am so proud of you. A writing scholarship. And a full ride as soon as you decide what school you want. And can you please tell me why you keep scratching your arm like that?"

"I can't help it this spot itches really bad. And I would love it if you would make the cake. As far as how many people I would like my friends and of course the family. What do you think about a hundred people, or do you think that's to much?"

"No honey that sounds good to me. And it looks like you have a dry spot. Put some lotion on it. And what type of cake do you want? Shall we get the event catered? I think we can find a good catering company."

" Really we can have the party catered? Okay so how many choices for dinner can we do? I can ask my friends tomorrow what they want. Also can you help me because I have a dry spot on my back as well. But I can't reach it. And it itches really really bad."

"Oh honey you should have asked before. Grab the lotion and come here. Now we don't need to go overboard because I want some money left for when you get married. But I think we can do a fish maybe halibut, chicken breast, and some kind of beef. We should also do a vegetarian dish to. Oh honey this area is huge it must be terrible. Now what else should we do?"

" Thanks mom that feels so much better. You know I have four other spots like this on my legs. Is it odd for this to happen or what? Also I was thinking mashed potatoes and corn with the beef. Can we get the chicken stuffed? I really liked the way you did it for dinner that one time. And for the fish can we do like a fish and chips kind of thing?"

"Well when I asked the doctors about it when it started at fifteen she said it was ok. I just don't know why it's doing this now and so much at once. We will just keep putting the lotion on it and hope it clears up like it did before. Now as far as the dishes I believe that sounds great. But what do we do for the vegetarian option? I will make some calls tomorrow and see who we can set up for this. Also shall we get invitations done? I can call on that tomorrow as well. What do you want to say on the invitations? Something simple or complex? Since we are doing dinner shall we start the party at like three? And maybe we can do games and dancing?"

" Okay so three sounds like a good time to start. I would love to do one of those dance dance Revolution games as well. So we can do games and dancing. We also need to get things for the younger kids. Because if the cousins come then they will want to have fun to and I am sure they won't be able to keep up on the dance machine. So yea start at three. Fun and games. Dinner at six. And your famous cake afterwards. And they need to RSVP so we know."

"Okay I think that sounds good to me. And that was a great idea for the little kids. I love it when you think of everyone like that. One last question, did you hit your back? You have a large purple area here that makes me a bit nervous. Does it hurt?"

"No mom it just itches nothing hurts. Oh and I think we need to give them one week to answer or they aren't allowed to come. Remember aunt Tammy For Sissy's wedding. That was a mess. And I really don't want that kind of drama."

"Good point, Now let me write all this down so I can call on it all tomorrow. Maybe you should take a bath. let's see if that bruise gets any worse. If it does we might take you to the doctor. Now you better get ready for school. Don't forget to give your friends a heads up so we can get more information. send me a text between classes and we can go from there. Now scoot."

"Okay mom, I'll see you later. Love you. Bye."