
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · Others
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139 Chs

Sha Jiaojiao Is Here, A Virtuous Son-In-Law With No Humanity

Sha Wanli was so excited that he threw all principles aside."Son-in-law? Where is he?"The Silver Shark Clan members were stunned for a moment before reacting.Recalling what had just been said, they all felt embarrassed for Sha Wanli."Clan Chief! You've lost your principles!"The Silver Shark Clan members revealed themselves and followed suit.They were all powerful individuals at the Soul Formation and Void Refining stages, and they acted swiftly.In just a few breaths, Sha Wanli rushed ahead and arrived at the royal city, standing in front of Sha Buqun."Sha Wanli, why have you come?"Sha Buqun widened his eyes, his pupils turning blood red."Hmph! How can I not come when you want to harm my son-in-law?"Sha Wanli coldly shouted, full of killing intent, rolling up his sleeves ready to attack."Son-in-law?" Sha Buqun was taken aback, looking at Sha Jiaojiao below, suddenly realizing.It was already outrageous for Sha Jiaojiao to marry a human.What was even more outrageous was that Sha Wanli could accept it and shamelessly call him son-in-law.What about the dignity of the Silver Shark Clan?"Sha Wanli! How can you allow your daughter to marry a human? What about the dignity of the Silver Shark Clan?"Sha Buqun angrily shouted, feeling ashamed as a member of the Gold and Silver Shark Clans.Could a person really say such things?Sha Wanli remained calm, showing no reaction. This was the face of an old man who had lived for thousands of years. How could he be shaken by such an attack?There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even felt like laughing."Sha Buqun, the matters of my Silver Shark Clan do not need your interference. Now, I will settle the score with you for assassinating my daughter!"Sha Wanli shouted, and as soon as his words fell, he made his move."Attack! Kill Sha Buqun!"The Silver Shark Clan members behind him rushed forward, surrounding and attacking Sha Buqun.The two clans already had a grudge, so naturally they would beat a dog in the water when they encountered a lone target.Ye Kaishan watched in astonishment. This was like a sudden appearance of a powerful enemy.But with someone helping him, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.After all, Sha Buqun was a powerful Void Refining expert, and it wouldn't be easy to deal with him alone.Facing the siege of the Silver Shark Clan, Sha Buqun didn't dare to linger in battle. He burned his origin and desperately fled, fighting all the way from the royal city to the nearby sea....Ye Kaishan stayed in the royal city, repairing the damaged formation.After a long time, Sha Wanli returned with his clan members in a menacing manner."Unfortunately, that old bastard managed to escape, but he was injured in his origin. He won't die, but he will be crippled and won't pose a threat in the future."An elder of the Silver Shark Clan grumbled, still exuding killing intent.At this moment, Sha Wanli came to Ye Kaishan with a stern face, and the two of them faced each other across a distance.The atmosphere immediately became tense.The Silver Shark Clan members were ready at any moment, holding back their unpredictable clan chief.Just now, he was still a son-in-law. What happened to that?"Young man, you married my daughter and didn't even bother to inform us. Isn't that a bit too much?"Sha Wanli pulled a long face and coldly questioned."Father, it was me who didn't let Ye Kaishan inform you. It has nothing to do with him."Before Ye Kaishan could speak, Sha Jiaojiao rushed forward, boldly answering."You have no say here!" Sha Wanli glared at his daughter fiercely, his anger bursting out."You rebellious daughter, I will break your legs sooner or later.""Come on, hit me. While you're at it, kill your grandson too!"Sha Jiaojiao stood proudly with her belly, refusing to back down.As soon as these words were spoken, Sha Wanli was stunned, and even Ye Kaishan looked at Sha Jiaojiao's belly with astonishment.Carefully sensing it, there was a faint sign of life inside."Jiaojiao, are you pregnant?" Ye Kaishan asked in surprise. He thought it would be difficult for Sha Jiaojiao to get pregnant, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.The Silver Shark Clan members were all dumbfounded, staring at Sha Jiaojiao's belly in disbelief.This kind of speed was probably because these two hadn't had any rest since they got married.Day and night, every day and night."Sha Jiaojiao! I..." Sha Wanli snapped back to his senses, pointing at Sha Jiaojiao but unable to speak. His face twitched, his mouth trembled, as if he could have a seizure at any moment.At this moment, a storage ring appeared and slowly hung on Sha Wanli's hand."Elder, it was impolite of me to marry without informing you. This is a small token of appreciation, please accept it as an apology," Ye Kaishan said with a sincere face.Sha Wanli shook his head and laughed, "Kid, do you think my Silver Shark Clan is begging for alms? Do you think I need this little thing from you?"As he spoke, he was about to return the ring to Ye Kaishan, but an inadvertent glance made him freeze."What the hell! What's so dazzling?"Spirit stones, all of them were spirit stones, a white expanse.Top-grade, high-grade, middle-grade, spirit stones of various qualities, adding up to a total of one million pieces.Spirit stones were something Ye Kaishan had in abundance. He received them as rewards from the system, earned them at home, received them as gifts from concubines, and even had Hao Yang's inheritance.One million spirit stones were just a small amount to him.And most of the spirit stone mines came from the land. Although the Silver Shark Clan was powerful, they didn't have many spirit stones."The Silver Shark Clan is big and prosperous, and certainly wouldn't care about this little thing. Here, there's also a little something, please don't refuse, Elder," Ye Kaishan said.Just as Sha Wanli was stiffening, Ye Kaishan took out another storage ring and placed it on the back of his hand.Sha Wanli glanced at it and saw a pile of treasures, spiritual pills, and rare medicinal herbs."Wow...""So many treasures."At this moment, Sha Wanli's defense completely collapsed.A kind smile appeared on his face, and even his waist seemed to bend."Um... my son-in-law, just now I was testing you. I hope you don't mind.""You and Jiaojiao love each other, how could I be the kind of scoundrel who breaks up a loving couple?" Sha Wanli naturally put the two rings into his sleeve, looking at Ye Kaishan as if he was looking at an ancestor.This scene left the people from the Silver Shark Clan behind them speechless, awkwardly stomping the ground with their feet.They knew that the clan leader's bottom line had been completely broken through once again."Where did the Elder say that? From now on, we are all one family," Ye Kaishan said with a smile."Good! If there's anything, my son-in-law, just tell me, don't be polite," Sha Wanli promised, patting his chest.Ye Kaishan nodded slightly, this was what he had been waiting for.With a few insignificant treasures, he had gained the friendship of the Silver Shark Clan. This was a very cost-effective deal.Afterwards, Ye Kaishan invited Sha Wanli and the others to his home as guests.The group left the palace and hurried towards Azure Cloud City.Leaving behind a group of stunned cultivators in the royal city."Old Ancestor Ye is so awesome, he made the sea clan run away with their tails between their legs.""This man conquers the land and now sets his sights on the endless sea."Through some understanding, most cultivators knew about the terror of the Golden Shark Clan.Among the powerful beings who came this time, any random Golden Shark could kill in both countries.However, such a lineup was directly defeated by Ye Kaishan."The land of the Fire Country can no longer contain Old Ancestor Ye."Some cultivators sighed in admiration.