
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

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Nascent Soul Consummated, Master Ye Tours Daughter Country

"Alright..." Ye Kaishan saw Chu Shiwei's determined expression and didn't say anything more.He understood in his heart that this woman was a die-hard fan of Yin Moon Empress.Shortly after, Ye Kaishan learned from her that the Yinyue Dynasty would send a powerful cultivator at the Soul Formation Stage to help them.Although the Soul Formation Stage was average, it was still better than nothing.After discussing, Chu Shiwei left Azure Cloud City.Ye Kaishan knew that time was running out, so in order to quickly improve his strength, he could only work day and night to have children.Cultivation?What cultivation?Having children was the greatest cultivation.In the blink of an eye, half a year passed. On this day, Mei Mo, who was originally cultivating, suddenly felt nauseous.She was startled and felt that something was wrong. She used her divine sense to feel her lower abdomen and her face slowly fell."Damn it... I'm pregnant with that old thief's child..."Mei Mo's mentality was somewhat shattered. Although she had devoted herself to Ye Kaishan during this time, she still had some dissatisfaction in her heart.She hoped that one day the reinforcements from the Heavenly Demon Palace would arrive and save her.But now her belly was getting bigger.What should she do?"Damn it... damn it!" Mei Mo angrily cursed, unconsciously rubbing her lower abdomen with her jade-like hand.Although she was tough on the surface, her heart gradually softened.The life in her belly was still weak, but Mei Mo still felt a sense of connection and a throbbing feeling.She had never felt this before....A few more months passed, and Xue Qingqiu finally gave birth to a Profound Grade spiritual root successor.The other concubines who were married at the same time also gave birth one after another.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through 4000 descendants. The family size has expanded. Rewards include a top-grade spiritual field, 20 years of cultivation experience, 20 years of formation experience, 20 years of refining experience, and 1000 top-grade spirit stones.]"Absorb!"Without hesitation, Ye Kaishan immediately began to absorb the experience.Since he had more concubines, the growth of his descendants had become faster and faster.Each person giving birth to one or two children added up to a huge number.After absorbing the experience, Ye Kaishan's cultivation finally broke through to the Nascent Soul Completion stage.Inside his body, three Nascent Souls sat in the position of heaven, earth, and man, representing the three realms.Taking another step forward, the Nascent Souls would evolve into Primordial Spirits, reaching the Soul Formation Stage."I have three Nascent Souls. Will I be able to form three Primordial Spirits?"Ye Kaishan pondered. Most cultivators only had one proper Primordial Spirit.Once the Primordial Spirit was destroyed, their life would come to an end.But if he had three Primordial Spirits, even if two were shattered, as long as one Primordial Spirit remained, he would not perish.Not only would his combat power greatly increase, but his chances of survival would also greatly increase....On this day, while Ye Kaishan was enjoying himself with his concubines, a message came to the Ye family.Chu Shiwei sent a message through a sound transmission stone."The reinforcements from the Yinyue Dynasty have arrived and brought news that the Heavenly Demon Palace has entered the Heavenly Net Wastelands and will soon arrive..."Upon hearing this news, Ye Kaishan immediately went to Mei Mo and informed her of the situation."The people from the Heavenly Demon Palace are about to arrive?"Upon hearing this news, Mei Mo's eyes lit up instinctively, but she quickly realized that something was wrong and pretended to look worried."The Heavenly Demon Palace has many powerful experts. This time, they will probably send an even stronger Saint Child to come. You have to be careful."Mei Mo expressed her concern."There's also a Saint Child..." Ye Kaishan's eyes brightened slightly."What cultivation level is your strongest Saint Child?""The strongest one has probably already surpassed the Void Refining stage!" Mei Mo pondered for a moment before speaking.Upon hearing this, Ye Kaishan felt a hint of pressure.The Void Refining stage was no joke.However, if there was only one, perhaps she hadn't arrived yet. They couldn't possibly send all the Saint Children to deal with a mere seven countries."Let's go, you're coming with me this time." Ye Kaishan said, preparing to take Mei Mo along."Alright." Mei Mo wasn't very willing, but under Ye Kaishan's coercion, she couldn't refuse.So, she could only endure her pregnant belly and rush to the frontlines.Shortly after, Ye Kaishan piloted the Moon Gazing Flying Boat and first went to the four major immortal sects to pick up people.After gathering everyone, they set off straight for the Daughter Country.The Daughter Country was backed by the Heavenly Net Wastelands. The plan for this operation was to wait for the Heavenly Demon Palace on the outskirts of the wilderness.Upon receiving the news, the royal families and immortal sects of several countries mobilized their strongest members and rushed to the Daughter Country.Fortunately, there was the support of the Yinyue Dynasty this time, which gave them some confidence. Otherwise, they would have fled long ago.In fact, some cultivators, under the pressure of the Heavenly Demon Palace, were risking their lives to cross the Heavenly Net Wastelands and leave the seven countries.A few days later, Ye Kaishan piloted the Moon Gazing Flying Boat and entered the territory of the Daughter Country."Truly the Daughter Country, there are so many female cultivators..." Passing through a city, Ye Kaishan saw streaks of light shuttling through the sky, all female cultivators flying on their swords.The ratio of men to women in the entire city was probably 2:8, not like the mythical Daughter Country where there was truly no man."Wow! Such a big flying boat, whose Law Weapon is this?" In the city, a large group of female cultivators stopped and looked up at the Moon Gazing Flying Boat in awe."I see! Such a handsome man, I want to have his child!" A Foundation Building Stage female cultivator couldn't help but exclaim when she saw Ye Kaishan standing at the front of the flying boat.In the Daughter Country, when women reach a certain age, they are allowed to have children with men.Every once in a while, they would hold gatherings like this, and if they found someone they liked, they could have a casual relationship and bring them back to their own Cave Mansion.The female cultivator in the city took a liking to Ye Kaishan and wanted to discuss the continuation of the human race with him."You want to have his child? I'm afraid your wish will come true. This man is an expert at fathering children." An older female cultivator teased."Do you know him?""Of course! This is Patriarch Ye of the Ye Family. If you don't even know his Law Weapon, it seems like you've been foolishly infatuated with men!""Patriarch Ye!?" The Foundation Building female cultivator gasped in shock.How could she not have heard of Ye Kaishan's name, the most powerful man in the seven countries and the most fertile man?It was said that he had tens of thousands of descendants spread throughout the seven countries."I didn't expect Patriarch Ye to be so handsome. I thought he was an old man!""I heard that Patriarch Ye has countless concubines and never refuses any female cultivator who comes to him...""Really? Then I want to marry him!"The Foundation Building Stage female cultivator was overjoyed and as soon as she finished speaking, she flew towards the flying boat on her sword."Patriarch Ye, can you give me a ride..." Ye Kaishan looked at the approaching woman, who had a beautiful appearance, a full figure, and was at the Foundation Building stage.So, he raised his hand and welcomed the woman into the flying boat."Thank you..." The female cultivator was excited.In this way, as Ye Kaishan flew towards the royal city of the Daughter Country, he didn't forget to flirt with the female cultivator.