
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

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Hurry Up And Invite The Thirteenth Princess, Big Dipper Battle Qi

Nascent Soul perfection?Ye Kaishan's expression changed, this is indeed quite impressive.However, according to the information from the witch, the old demon has not come out of seclusion yet. It's possible that he will be in seclusion for several decades.After the old demon comes out, he will break through to the Soul Formation stage. By then, it will be easy for him to handle it.No need to panic, there's no need to panic for now.Next, Ye Kaishan took Yao Xing back to Qingyun City.He sealed Yao Xing's cultivation and placed a restriction on her. He put her in a secret room and didn't plan to pay attention to her for now."Stand here and wait for your instructions," Ye Kaishan said before leaving the secret room, leaving Yao Xing confused.What instructions?Did you ask?She couldn't move and stood there, doubting her life.In fact, Ye Kaishan didn't ask anything at all, he punished first and then asked.He went to the other two secret rooms and treated the snake woman She Qianrao and Miao Huan, who were sent by Li Fengxian, in the same way.Without asking anything, he first displayed his artistic skills.The poses he struck were more exaggerated than any sculpture that could be remembered in history.Especially the two demon women, the snake and the cat, their bodies were known to be flexible, as if they had no bones.Putting their legs on their shoulders was the most basic.After doing all this, Ye Kaishan still didn't ask anything, he just wanted them to explain.The two confused women were instantly even more confused.After returning, Ye Kaishan, as always, didn't forget his original intention. He watered what needed to be watered and sowed what needed to be sown.He was busy and enjoyed it. Whenever he had free time, he watched his efforts grow day by day.The joy of a bountiful harvest made him ecstatic.At the same time, news of the battle in Zhenbei City spread completely.The Heavenly Wolf Kingdom's army retreated, and the high-ranking leaders were either dead or captured.Even the Nascent Soul stage experts from the Demon Fiend Sect were not spared and were captured by Ye Kaishan.When this news reached the capital, Li Fengtian, the Lord of the Fire Country, was immediately frightened."Has this person's combat power already reached the level of the Nascent Soul stage?"Li Fengtian muttered to himself, his eyes filled with deep astonishment.He couldn't accept it. This guy could have concubines and children, but he's also so strong in fighting?How does he manage his time? How does he manage to cultivate while having children?At this moment, Li Fengtian couldn't help but want to ask Ye Kaishan for some advice.Teach me, I also want to learn.However, now is not the time to learn. He was more worried that if things continued like this, the Fire Country would change hands.According to reason, when capturing prisoners, one should at least ask for the opinion of the ruler and seek approval.But from beginning to end, Ye Kaishan didn't pay any attention to him and brought the captives back directly.From this, it can be seen that this person not only has gone crazy with taking concubines, but also doesn't regard him, the ruler, highly."No, I must stabilize him!"Li Fengtian gritted his teeth. Only by letting Ye Kaishan know the benefits of the Fire Country can he be kept in check.So, he ordered the guards who brought the news to tell every detail without missing a word.When he heard about the Thirteenth Princess, Li Fengtian's expression changed and he had an idea.Ye Kaishan's preferences were well known to everyone. To stabilize him, one must cater to his interests."Summon the Thirteenth Princess," Li Fengtian immediately ordered. If promising the Ninth Princess wasn't enough, then he would add another one.In this way, even if Ye Kaishan had ambitions in the future, he would have to consider this relationship....After hearing the news of the battle in Zhenbei City, the major aristocratic families in Fire Country were directly shocked."So this is the terrifying Gold Core Ancestor?""To capture a Nascent Soul stage cultivator at the Core Formation stage, Ye Family Ancestor is truly extraordinary!""I have foreseen that the rise of Ye Family is unstoppable."Such evaluations from various powerful figures indicate that the Core Formation stage is already considered top-tier in Fire Country.As for the Nascent Soul stage, it is even rarer, like a phoenix feather or a unicorn horn."Hurry, bring all the unmarried women in the clan."Immediately, a clan leader had the idea that if they could establish a relationship with Ye Family, they would surely rise along with them.They quickly made arrangements.It wasn't just one person who thought this way; many cultivation sects had already started to set off and rush to Qingyun City.They were afraid that if they were late, Ye Family Ancestor wouldn't be able to accommodate them.Those without daughters were jumping around in anger, filled with regret....Hundred Flowers Sect, Mi Yao also realized that it was important to establish a good relationship with Ye Kaishan from the beginning.Otherwise, she wouldn't have arranged for Ling Qiao'er to marry Ye Kaishan.Later, she also got involved with Jiang Hongdou."It seems that two golden flowers are not enough..."She started thinking about further solidifying the relationship with Ye Family.So, she called for Leng Aoxue and Yin Niyun....[Ding! Congratulations, host. The number of spiritual root descendants has exceeded 100, and the size of the family has increased. Rewards: "Big Dipper Battle Qi," "Soul Refining Technique," 20 years of cultivation experience, 20 years of refining experience, and 2000 middle-grade spirit stones.]On this day, with the arrival of a spiritual root descendant, Ye Kaishan, who had a spiritual root child, finally exceeded 100."Still too few..."Ye Kaishan evaluated it this way. Many of the children born at the beginning did not have spiritual roots, but they gradually caught up later on.However, as the cultivation level of his concubines with spiritual roots improved, the probability of giving birth to spiritual root descendants would also greatly increase.He felt that 100 was too few, but compared to other cultivation sects, it was already an astronomical number.In Fire Country, the vast majority of cultivation sects, all counted, only had a few with spiritual roots.Even in the Fire Country royal family, many princesses and princes did not possess spiritual roots.That's just how things are; it's difficult to have everything perfect.Ye Kaishan checked the rewards and found that he was familiar with "Big Dipper Battle Qi."When he chose among the three martial arts techniques, he didn't choose this one and instead chose the "Sky-Cutting Sword Art."He didn't expect it to come back around.This was a Profound Grade high-quality martial art technique. Although its grade wasn't too high, its effect made Ye Kaishan's eyes light up.After cultivating the Big Dipper Battle Qi, once he made a move, a destructive Qi would form around his body during battles.Not only did it have astonishing destructive power, but it could also withstand attacks.Most importantly, this martial art technique could also enhance combat power, with a maximum increase of three times.Unlike the Crimson Flame Blood Burning Art, which required burning lifespan to increase combat power."Big Dipper Battle Qi can replace the Crimson Flame Blood Burning Art..."Ye Kaishan thought in his heart that once his realm was higher, the Crimson Flame Blood Burning Art would fall behind.After reaching a higher cultivation level, one couldn't rely solely on burning lifespan to become invincible.Of course, these two martial art techniques could also be used together, finding a balance.As for the other rewarded martial art technique, "Soul Refining Technique," it was an enhanced version of the Nurturing Spirit Technique.This secret technique could increase spiritual awareness up to five times and also had many spiritual awareness attack methods.The spiritual awareness at the perfect Core Formation stage was 40, but with this secret technique, it could be increased to 200.