
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

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139 Chs

Come To My Room At Night, I'll Help You Core Formation

Mu Wanqing saw Ye Kaishan approaching and immediately struggled to sit up."Don't move, just lie down properly."Ye Kaishan stopped her actions. These days, he had been busy taking concubines, so he had shown less care for his daughter-in-law.It was also because of the Youth-Retaining Pill that she always looked youthful and vibrant, like someone who had no worries, but in reality, she was decaying inside.Mu Wanqing smiled bitterly and obediently lay back down. She never dared to defy Ye Kaishan's words.Looking at his eighteen or nineteen-year-old face, his straight posture, and the undeniable air of elegance, the woman couldn't help but sigh."Father, I am getting old, but you are getting younger. In the future, I may not be able to serve by your side."She said with a regretful expression, her eyes filled with melancholy."Don't talk nonsense, I won't let you die."Ye Kaishan immediately took out many longevity elixirs and fed them to Mu Wanqing.Ordinary pills and herbs had no effect, but as long as they reached a certain quality, many elixirs could bring someone back from the brink of death.They were still effective for extending the lifespan of mortals.Ye Kaishan gave Mu Wanqing all the Profound Grade elixirs that could extend her lifespan.Slowly, her body began to radiate vitality, exuding a sense of vigor from within.Her lifespan had been extended, allowing her to continue accompanying her father.However, Ye Kaishan still worried. Although Mu Wanqing's lifespan had increased, it was still limited.Without spiritual roots, she couldn't cultivate, and sooner or later, she would reach the end of her life. At that time, no elixir would have any effect.Therefore, if they wanted Mu Wanqing to live longer, they had to give her a cultivation foundation.Ye Kaishan was troubled, thinking of a solution.Fortunately, his daughter-in-law's lifespan had been extended by several decades, so there was no need to rush.After sitting for a while, Ye Kaishan got up and went to Miao Cha, the cat woman."Why...why are you here?"Miao Cha lazily basked in the sun, her tail swaying like a spirit snake.When she saw Ye Kaishan approaching, she suddenly sat up."This is my home, why can't I come?"Ye Kaishan chuckled lightly and then proceeded to apply restrictions on the cat woman, manipulating her at will."Now that you have reached the Foundation Building stage, tell me, do you want to achieve Core Formation?"He tempted her, gesturing a few times, and the cat woman uncontrollably struck a pose like a white crane spreading its wings."I...of course I want to!" The cat woman was very honest, her face showing a mixture of brilliance and anticipation.Next, Ye Kaishan subjected her to a series of interrogations, obtaining some information from her.In short, the lord of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom had long been planning to join forces with the Martial Kingdom and the Demon Fiend Sect to attack the Fire Country.Under the lord of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom, there were thirteen tribes, and the cat tribe was one of them.As the most outstanding warrior in the tribe, the cat woman had been sent to infiltrate the Fire Country and carry out assassination missions.However, she was intercepted by Ye Kaishan by chance."I didn't expect the Martial Kingdom to be involved as well..."Hearing this, Ye Kaishan slowly realized that the situation had become even more complicated.As one of the seven kingdoms, the Martial Kingdom was not inferior to the Fire Country in strength and was a human-dominated nation.Throughout history, the Martial Kingdom had maintained a good relationship with the Fire Country, and there had even been marriages in previous years.Unexpectedly, the seemingly friendly Martial Kingdom now wanted to join forces with the wild Heavenly Wolf Kingdom to deal with the Fire Country.There must be some hidden agenda behind this, or there was a condition that the Martial Kingdom couldn't refuse."I've said everything I know. Can you let me go now?"The cat woman asked tentatively, looking pitiful, weak, and helpless.Ye Kaishan snapped his fingers, releasing her, but before leaving, he left a sentence."Come to my room tonight, I will help you achieve Core Formation."At night, the cat woman mustered up the courage and went to his room.With the help of Ye Kaishan, she broke through to the Core Formation Stage.However, Ye Kaishan did not touch her, he just disciplined her briefly.Even if he were to touch her, it would only be after taking her as a concubine.Ye Kaishan was not in a hurry and was still diligently watering his other concubines.Heaven helps those who work hard.Under his efforts, Jiang Hongdou's belly finally grew bigger.In just a few days, Ji Yin also became pregnant, which surprised her greatly.She didn't expect it to be so easy to get pregnant.After all, she was a mid-Core Formation stage powerhouse."Could it be that I have a fertile body..."Ji Yin was speechless, and the plan for a hundred children finally began.After giving birth to the one in her belly, there were still ninety-nine more....At the same time, Ye Kaishan received news from the Cloud Billow Sect."The Heavenly Wolf Kingdom is attacking the North City, and the Giant Mammoth Gate has encountered an ambush by disciples of the Demon Sect, resulting in heavy casualties, including the loss of a Core Formation Stage elder and a third-stage spiritual beast!"The Fire Country instantly entered a state of emergency, and the Pill Cauldron Sect, Hundred Flowers Sect, and Cloud Billow Sect summoned their disciples to rush to the north to support the Giant Mammoth Gate.Many of Ye Kaishan's concubines were from the Hundred Flowers Sect and also received the news at the same time.As an elder of the Cloud Billow Sect, Yan Shuitian was no exception."Husband, if the Giant Mammoth Gate and the North City fall, the entire Fire Country will suffer. I have decided to go back and support..."Yan Shuitian said seriously."You can go, but you are still pregnant..." Ye Kaishan looked at her belly and said helplessly.Coincidentally, Yan Shuitian had just become pregnant not long ago and encountered such a situation.Not only her, but Jiang Hongdou was also pregnant.In the end, for the safety of all the women, Ye Kaishan decided to go with them.As Yan Shuitian said, if the north of the Fire Country is breached, the army of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom will surely advance.At that time, the Ye family will inevitably be involved in the conflict.To ensure the safety of his wives and children, he must keep danger at bay.So, Ye Kaishan settled things at home and hurried to the Cloud Billow Sect with Yan Shuitian.Jiang Hongdou and the other female cultivators first set off to return to the Hundred Flowers Sect....Cloud Billow Sect's main peak."The Demon Fiend Sect is coming aggressively, and there have already been Core Formation Stage casualties. Be careful when you go to support, especially you, Junior Sister, take care of the child in your belly..."Yang Menghua earnestly reminded.Apart from Ye Kaishan and Yan Shuitian, there were nine other elders of the Cloud Billow Sect.Eight of them were in the Core Formation Stage, with cultivation levels ranging from the early to late stages, and most of them were female cultivators.After some discussion, they split into two groups.Ye Kaishan, Yan Shuitian, and five other elders went to support the Giant Mammoth Gate.The rest went to support the North City.Yang Menghua stayed behind to guard the sect, to prevent the Demon Sect from taking advantage.Before they left, the sect master particularly reminded Ye Kaishan to be extremely careful."Although you are a Gold Core Ancestor, your cultivation level is still weak. If you encounter danger, you must escape and not fight to the death."Yang Menghua said so. Gold Core Ancestors have great potential, as long as they don't die, they have unlimited possibilities.She was afraid that Ye Kaishan would act recklessly and make unnecessary sacrifices.Yang Menghua still didn't know that Li Huayuan died at the hands of Ye Kaishan.For the happiness of her junior sister Yan Shuitian, she could only give such advice."Sect Master, you can rest assured, if there is danger, I will be the first to run."Ye Kaishan smiled.