

this world is full of pain only the strong reign and the weak suffer. those known as halflings are hated by man and gods and are seen as the sins and plagues of the earth, halflings are made by two different races and most are killed before adulthood. in this world join a halfling named nic, as he aims to the goal of creating his own guild that would reign over the entire world hated for what he is, for he is seen as a sin to this world, but his sin shall be his strength. ..... words count have been upgraded from page 33 chapters are no less than 1000 words P.S cover page not mine, excellent work from the artists, if want the cover page changed let me know

blackghost · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Crazy Baboon

"thy loving messenger of the gods" violet said drawing attention to herself as she tried to calm the situation, she then licked her lips and continued.

"their was that of a spy that wanted to take your life, it was the quick thinking of general author and I that allowed us to save your life" violet said as her face showed no sign of lies, if they all did not know what happened in the room they would have believed.

'a lie so simple, no need to add no more flavor, or anymore words, the tongue of a serpent' Arthur thought as he looked at violet who smiled at him.

the baboon beastman still seemed unpleased as he looked around the room, 'if only my gift was that of a rank-A like that of the popes, I would have been able to tell if what she is saying is a lie'

the baboon beastman ignored seeing that no harm was done to him, he then walked up to author who was standing by nic's side.

"to even be this close to this beast is like being close to a bunch of swine playing in mud, you will get dirty general author" the baboon beastman said as he looked down on nic.

nic was raging inside but tried to keep a smile on the outside, because behind the beastman Charlotte was watching intently, any reaction from nic can force her to attack.

author seeing this draw the attention to himself, he made some massive groans as though he was clearing his throat.

"thy royal messenger of the gods, you have been giving instructions from the queen to come here for an awakening ceremony" author said, as he tried to make the beastman realize that he was in that of the territory of the queen, and being a beastman from her nation it would not be wise to oppose her.

the beastman smile fainted as he looked around the room, "who am I to awaken?" the baboon beastman said as he was confused, everyone in the room seemed as though they already had a gift and the other halfling seemed to young.

"me" nic said as he stood before the beastman, seeing this the baboon beastman was shocked, it could have sworn that it had seen nic use a gift.

but then the beastman face changed to that of disgust, "you expect me to touch this filth's hands, I may be under orders of the queen, but I still have my beliefs"

"why dont you use a glove then" nic suggested as he wanted this man to hurry up so that he wont have to stay in his presence for another minute.

"you trash!, how dare you speak in my presence" the robed beastman was angered, he then raised his hand to strike at nic.

seeing this Charlotte called out the wyvern out of her hair, its head peaked out of her hair, but as it opened its mouth to create a fireball it was stopped by its owner.

Charlotte stopped the wyvern because author was holding the hand of the beastman that was going to strike at nic, "may I remind you that this is my student, no one is to punish him without my permission, now do as the queen has asked of you" author said as he hid his rage under his mask.

seeing this the baboon pulled away his hand and stepped back, he then looked at nic detestfully, but general Arthur stepped infront of nic to block his view, 'what has our great people come to, to defend a halfling ain't he afraid that the gods would decline him the chance to resurrect in the afterlife, to believe this beast of sin has already tainted his heart, I got to get away from this thing before he taint me also, but I most follow the wishes of the queen'

seeing no other way out the beastman was left with one choice "am sorry general for the way I reacted" the baboon said as he held out his hand to nic, "give me your hands, this would only be a second"

nic wanting this to be over so he gave the baboon his hand, he had not experienced this kind of treatment in awhile that he had forgotten how the world saw him, the sins and crimes against their gods.

the baboon held nic hands, nic remembered this feeling as the first time his gift was unlocked, he closed his eyes and went into his gift space.

as nic was in his gift space he saw that of a giant eye looking down at all three of his gifts.

"my god" the baboon beastman mumbled as he looked down on the giant clock and the two lights, he then opened his hand and released nic.

cold sweat ran down the beastman face as he looked at nic infront of him with envy, rage and fear, "monster, MONSTER!" the baboon cried.

"a sin against the gods can not be blessed with not only one but 3 gifts, this most be the work of some evil entity, some entity that is working against the gods, he should not be allowed to live!!!" the beastman shouted as he ran towards nic and out of the book he carried with him a short assassin dagger was pulled out.

he then jumped towards nic, at the same time Charlotte wasted no second, two fireballs knocked the baboon forward while another burnt his hand that held the dagger forcing him to drop the dagger.

this draw the beastman attention away from nic and onto Charlotte, "how dare you try and stop me from committing to gods work" the beastman shouted in rage as it turned his focus to Charlotte.

"I bet you and this monster serve the same entity, is it that beast that rest on your shoulder, you bitch!, of all the things the gods have done for you, you dare commit to another been, you cannot deny it, I can see that you and that thing are connected, I most cleanse you!" the beastman lunged at Charlotte.

this whole thing just happened to fast for Arthur to react, he did not know what to do, hurting someone of the church would be a major problem.

but someone reacted the minute he opened his eyes and realized that the crazy baboon was going after Charlotte, he went into fairies peak, and in that of a second appeared infront of the beastman grabbing him by the throat.

"hey, what the hell are you trying to do to my friend" nic spoke with a slight bit of anger in his voice.

"you sins of the gods, let me down this instant, or..."

"or what!!!" a sudden soft and majestic voice was blown into the room, sending the heavy doors slamming open.

in came that of ten beastman all dressed in that of armor from the neck down, and between them was that of a little girl that seem no older than 10.

"Your Majesty!!!"