
Halfbloods in the Outpost

Talon meets a traveler on her way to the outpost and saves him from death. He then follows his savior to the outpost where he wants to test his strength against humanities enemies. This travelers' name is Xu Huang. Pairing: Xu Huang x Talon Dynasty Warriors inspired MC

Grimm48 · TV
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15 Chs

avenging the blackbloods

"Fuck! If she isn't dead already, I'll give her a piece of my mind." Xu groans waking up with his head and chest throbbing in pain and pushes himself off the ground with his hands, only to see Talon lying next to him unconscious with a pool of black blood beneath her.

"Oh, no. Oh no." He says freaking out and puts away his gloves, checking if she's breathing by holding his hand over her mouth and feels a faint breath. Xu quickly lifts her up and carries her out of the tunnel system, heading straight for the nightshade inn, remembering that she mentioned how Janzo saved her once already. Once he arrives at the tavern he opens the doors to the basement and eases her down before going into the basement himself and picks her up again, carrying her over to one of Janzo's tables, where he lies her down and undoes the bottom part of her shirt, enough so he can see her wound, which is oozing with black blood.

While this is going on Garret and most of the outpost hold a ceremony for a few of the dead soldiers, amongst them Garret's friend and the marshal uses the opportunity to look through Lady Calcusars possessions, finding a ring which proves that she is the princess instead of the commanders daughter but he and Danno get interrupted by her handmaiden, who threatens to inform the girl and when the marshal tries to knock her out he accidentally snaps her neck and tasks Danno with hiding her body.

"Talon? Xu?" Janzo asks shocked to see them down there.

"Help her. She's been stabbed." Xu orders the brewer, who gives Xu a cautious look before rushing to help the girl on his table.

"What happened?" Janzo asks while he collects a few items to treat the girl.

"I don't know out friend here knocked me out in the middle of a fight. And when I came to the opponent was gone. But I intend to find out." Xu explains, leaving out the demon information while he goes to fetch some water in a cup and throws it in the girls face, waking her with a jolt.

"What the fuck?" She says angrily, trying to sit up only for Xu to hold her down so she won't stress her wound.

"What happened after you decided to knock me out?" Xu asks her, glaring down at the girl, who winces, touching her wound.

"Where am I?" She asks until Janzo joins the two, carrying a few medicines.

"In the Inn's basement. You mentioned how Janzo saved you once I'm hoping he can do it again." Xu tells her.

"Yes, well give me some room please." Janzo tells Xu, pushing the giant away with some difficulty and takes his place in front of talon with Xu leaning against a wall, checking his head where Talon hit him.

"What happened? Who did this to you? What did he stab you with?" Janzo asks her.

"Doesn't matter." She grunts.

"Come on we need to inform the watch immediately, it's wrong that whoever he is he gets away with it." Janzo says, cleaning her wound.

"It. Not he, whatever it is you mean." She corrects him.

"I can't let it kill anymore innocents." She says feeling helpless while Janzo is grinding some ingredients.

"You keep saying it. What kind of it?" Janzo asks her unsettled.

"A demon and I could've stopped it if you didn't knock me out." Xu says, glaring at Talon while holding his head with her glancing towards him with a sorrowful expression.

"Don't kid yourself It'd have killed you. I saved your life." She tells him.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, you know if you didn't want my help you didn't have to accept my offer, I'd still be in the dark and none the wiser." Xu says pissed.

"Demon, you must be kidding." Janzo says shocked.

"No, we're not. It's even taller than me and has two long ass claws for finger." Xu tells him.

"Just fix me up, I'll handle it." She says, sounding close to tearing up.

"You know I would advise you to get some help." Janzo says.

"It would kill you." She tells him.

"Oh heavens no, I didn't mean me. I meant someone who'd be useful in a fight, someone like Garret." Janzo tells her.

"Oh fuck all of you. If you decide you can trust me enough to let me actually do something I'm not hard to find." Xu tells her through gritted teeth and leaves through the loading doors.

Shortly after Janzo's mother calls for him and stares at them.

"Do you think she saw me?" Talon asks.

"No, her eyesight is terrible." Janzo tells her and finishes treating her wound, telling her to rest up afterwards.

Janzo gets tasked to write the suppliers a message and the marshal confronts Gwynn, her father and Garret about what he found out, claiming to have paid off the handmaiden and sent her away. He then demands that the princess orders for Talon to be executed, for her true lineage to stay secret from the Prime Order, telling them that he also has a letter with a trusted person, who'll send it to the Prime Order if he meets an untimely end. The princess agrees reluctantly, betraying Talon's friendship.

After the princess's agreement Garret rushes to Janzo's basement where he finds Talon and warns her but his father followed him and arrests her. On the way to the cells Talon is lead through town with a sack over her head when the mercenaries, responsible for her family's death arrive in town.

"Hello, it's been a long time." The leader greets the marshal.

"You're not welcome Shax, I decide who can come through that gate, you and your band of thugs can turn right around." The marshal tells him.

"You don't want to cross me today. Because me and my esteemed colleagues are here on orders of the Prime Order." Shax tells him, handing him a parchment with the order.

"And what business requires your kind of twisted skills?" Wythers asks.

"Do you know who killed Toru Magmoor?" The mercenary asks.

"I have a few leads." Wythers says.

"Look, I'll make this easy for you, I'll be gone from your Outpost the moment you hand me a dead body with pointed ears and black blood running through its veins." Shax tells him.

"Pointed ears? Black blood? I'd say you're joking if I didn't think you to be incapable of humor. Well if I find one the Prime Order will be the first one to hear about it." Wythers promises him and leads away talon to the cells.

After his father brought Talon to the prison Garret thought it'd be right if he told Xu of the current situation. He finds the man on his post at the wall overlooking the greyskin territory.

"Xu. Come here, I have to tell you something." Garret says, calling him over.

"What is it captain?" He asks.

"Talon is to be executed, my father pushed Gwynn's hand and she had no choice but to agree. In addition to that some mercenaries just showed up who are demanding her head, saying they are looking for someone with pointy ears and black blood." Garret tells him quietly.

"Excuse me, I'm afraid I'm not feeling too well. Please get someone else to cover my post." Xu tells him through gritted teeth and leaves. As he walks away Garret sees the man's fingers turning white from gripping his axe with all his might.

"I just hope I just didn't make things worse." Garret says watching the man head for the prison.

"Why are you doing this? Protecting me from Shax so you can murder me yourself." Talon demands to know from the marshal while she's strapped into the guillotine.

"You should be grateful, my blade's quick, their way they'll torture you for years before they finish the job." The marshal tells her kneeling to her eye level.

"Just let me kill him, then you can have your way." Talon tells him furious.

"Interesting, what did Shax do to you?" Wythers asks.

"He and his men killed my family." Talon informs him.

"Tempting but Shax's death would leave so many lose ends. The Order would have its nose poking around here which isn't good for anyone." He tells her.

"They killed my family, my whole village!" She shouts angrily.

"What's done is done. Danno." The marshal says, telling the mute to get ready to drop the guillotine, when the door suddenly opens and Xu enters, his axe over his shoulder.

"How'd you get in here? I ordered not to let anyone other than the commanders family and my son to be let inside, even placed a dozen guards outside." Wythers asks, glaring at Xu.

"Oh you know, they were rude and needed to be taught some manners." Xu says, rubbing some blood of his gauntlet into his coat.

"Danno, finish it." The marshal says, only to have Xu's pointy fingertips wrapped around his throat.

"Danno, secure it and come over here, unless you want to find your marshal's blood all over this place." Xu tells the mute, glaring at him threateningly.

He quickly secures the line and steps away, despite the marshal protesting.

Xu pushes the marshal aside and makes his way to talon, putting his axe against the guillotine and grabs a chain, keeping her in the contraption and simply janks at it but it doesn't budge much so instead he simply tells Talon, "Look down." With a pissed of expression on his face. The marshal gets his hopes up that Xu wants to kill her himself but instead of killing her Xu kicks over her head, snapping the board holding her down in the contraption in two, making her chains come off as well.

The marshal gets angry and takes his sword, intending to finish what he started when suddenly the bars on the floor shoot up and the Lokiri climbs into the prison, shocking everyone but Xu, who instead grabs his axe and glares at the demon, intending to have a rematch now that he has his favorite weapon with him.

The demon grabs Wythers by his throat and lifts him up, choking him.

Talon then orders the demon to release the marshal in her blackblood tongue and the demon follows the order since Talon is no longer afraid with death having hung over her head seconds ago.

Garret enters the prison and the demon snarls at him.

"Stay back!" Talon orders both Garret and Xu.

She then orders the demon to leave and he jumps down to the sewers again.

"The fuck Talon?" Xu yells angrily, throwing his axe into a wall, leaving a huge gash in it.

"The hell was that? What the hell are you?" Garret shouts at her and sees her bleed black blood.

"Those murders, was that you? You and that thing?" Garret asks her accusingly.

"I can't control it, I'd have never let it kill those people." She tells him hurt at the implication.

"But it obeyed you just now." Garret says.

"That's the first time. I spoke in my ancestral language, maybe that's why." She tells them while Xu retrieves his axe with a sour expression.

"So what now?" Talon asks the marshal who is leaning on a table, clutching some booze while trying to catch his breath.

"The black blood, is that why you can control it?" The marshal asks her.

"Something like that." She answers.

"That's why the Prime Order wants you so badly." The marshal says.

"You have to let me go." She tells the two men, ignoring the fuming Xu for now.

"Why?" The marshal asks.

"Because I'm the only chance we have at ridding us of that thing." She informs them.

"One remains. Is that about you or that thing?" The marshal asks her, recalling Toru's last words.

"Me. There are many more Lokiri or what you call demons." She tells them.

"Oh good, that's a relief." The marshal says, still leaning on the table.

"I want you to fix this, all of it. Just make it go away. I want everything back the way it was and then you leave this place. Are we clear?" The marshal demands from her.

"Yes." She agrees, giving Garret a passing glace while he stares at her like she's a monster and leaves the prison with Xu following after her.

Talon heads for the smith after the Lokiri encounter in the prison with Xu following her with some distance.

Talon tries to get more answers from him before facing the Lokiri again and learns that the power of opening the portal was apparently handed down to her by her mother.

"smith. Leave!" Xu says, entering the smithy and putting his axe against a wall next to the door.

"What?" The smith asks stupefied.

"Now!" Xu almost snarls at the man, stepping closer to Talon and him.

"Just, give us a minute please." Talon requests and the smith complies, giving Xu a wary look on his way out.

"What is your problem?" Talon asks Xu, facing him head on, after the smith left.

"Oh, chose." He growls at her.

"What? Are you sad that you didn't get to show off your little axe?" She asks him tauntingly.

"Don't push your luck, just cause I care for you doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." He tells her.

"Oh really, I'd like to see that." She tells him challengingly and pushes him away.

"Alright, if that's what it takes to get you to listen for once." He grumbles, taking off his gauntlets and walks back over to her, while she gets in a low position, ready to fight him. She punches him in the face and kicks his side with him standing there.

"What? Afraid to hit a girl?" She taunts him with him only staring her down.

She then does a front kick and he slides to the side, making her miss and grabs her leg, pushing it upward while leaning in her direction, making the two land on the floor with him holding her down, taking her hands and holding them over her head, pinning those down with one of his larger hands and kneels down on her thighs, pinning her legs to the floor.

"Now listen. I can live with you fancying the captain, it's not my decision who you like but you have no right to continuously doubt me after I've saved your pretty little ass more times than I'd like to remember." He tells her, glaring down at the girl.

"pheh, I never needed your help." She tells him with a scoff.

"Right, well have it your way then. Don't order me around anymore and just so you know your lady friend, Gwynn she sold you out." Xu tells her, releasing his hold on her and leaving the smithy.

"What was that about?" The smith asks, having heard the fighting and sees Talon dusting off her clothes when he enters his home.

"Nothing you need to worry about, he's just angry at me." Talon says.

"Why?" The smith asks.

"He has his reasons and I can't say I disagree. I haven't treated him very well the last few days." She says.

That night at the nightshade inn Talon is sitting at a table, fumbling with some Octa cards and drinking her ale. When she sees Xu enter the tavern, fetch a drink and take a seat far away from her.

Just as he leaves Shax and his men enter the tavern along with Garret, who accepts a drink from Janzo and heads right for her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Garret asks.

"What?" She says.

"About what you are." He says.

"I'm still the same person, plus I told Xu and look how that turned out." She tells him, nodding over to Xu who's basically glaring at her from his table.

"Well I'm not him and you should've told me." Garret says.

"No, you're not and why should I have told you? So you'd know the real me disgusts you?" Talon asks him.

"I don't know what to think. I mean you control this creature that is killing people." He tells her.

"I do not control it. Did you tell Gwynn?" She says.

"Yeah, I told her that Wythers let you go but I didn't tell her how it happened." Garret says.

"Do you know why she turned on me?" Talon asks him.

"All I can tell you is that she didn't have much of a choice." Garret tells her.

Behind them the mercenaries are checking every woman's ears.

"What are they doing?" Garret asks her, glancing behind him at the sound of someone squealing slightly.

"Checking their ears." Talon informs him.

"They are the bones aren't they? The men who killed your family. So the plan is first the bones and then the creature?" Garret asks her disappointed.

"Why shouldn't getting rid of that creature take precedence over getting revenge?" Garret asks her.

"All my life I've searched for those men. I just feel like I can never fully control the Lokiri until I clear my mind of this, until I can put my past behind me. If it makes you feel any better I'm hoping to solve both problems at once." She tells him.

Across the room Xu is drinking his ale, his anger still burning strong inside him after Talon blew him off once again.

"Hey you, let us see that girl next to you." One of the mercenaries tells Xu demandingly and tries to reach for her, letting Xu see his tattoo.

"Does she want to get touched by your dirty hands?" Xu asks plainly, taking a sip of his ale.

"Listen here, I'm not going to tell you twice to leave." The man says threateningly.

"Then listen to me, I just want to drink here in peace for once so fuck off." Xu replies, only for the man to grab his shoulder.

Once he grabs Xu's shoulder however Xu takes his hand off him with his free hand and twists the wrist easily, making the mercenary scream out in pain and fall to his knee, holding his hurt hand, causing everyone to stare at the scene due to the scream.

"What is the ruckus here? You out!" The owner asks and shoos Xu outside after seeing that he offended the mercenaries, not wanting her establishment to be involved in the trouble.

"Hmpf." Xu grunts, leaving while giving Talon a glance. One of the other mercenaries however attacks him as he's leaving, intending to stab him in his stomach, Xu returns the favor, twisting the blade and ramming it through the man's throat.

"I'll take out your trash, don't worry." Xu tells the leader of the mercenary, who looks at Xu with interest, intending to offer him a job once they're done.

"Why are we letting him just walk away?" The man whose wrist Xu broke asks angrily.

"Because todays enemy is tomorrows ally." The leader only says before the group retires to their rooms while he and one other member head to the wolf to get revenge for him betraying them and Shax stabs him in his stomach, leaving the smith only a couple of hours to live.

"He certainly doesn't hold back." Garret says shaking his head at Xu.

"I don't know what happened between the two of you but if you want to stay in this outpost you better fix this because he may be even more dangerous than your Lokiri thingy." Garret warns her, with Talon looking after Xu, feeling a mixture of guilt and sadness.

After waiting a bit Talon heads upstairs to the mercenaries' room and slit the first one's throat while he was sleeping, saying "This is for the black bloods." The other one in the room shoots up and gets his sword while Talon gets out her own as well. She and the man clash blades pretty evenly and Talon gets kicked out of the room , through the window with the man alerting his two remaining comanions, and lands on a small wall, where she and the man who follows after her start to fight each other barehanded, both having dropped their weapons to the ground in the fight.

Talon holds herself pretty well against the more experienced man but he manages to get the upper hand and throws her to the ground with him jumping after her. While she's lying on the floor, holding her stomach, where he kicked her The man retrieves his sword in a matter of seconds and is about to stab her until he suddenly falls over dead, landing right beside her with a unique giant axe sticking out of his back and Xu walking over to her, still a few dozen meters away.

Back at the mercenaries' room Shax peers out of the window and sees Talon running away. He and his last soldier follow her while Xu realizes what she's doing and heads to the sewers from another direction.

Talon heads to the sewer tunnels, leading the mercenaries straight into the Lokiri's home so to speak.

Talon heads to the wide room where the Lokiri encountered her last time and waits for the mercenaries to show up. Shax runs into the room after hearing his fellow mercenaries scream once they split up and he releases some chains holding up a gate, blocking the Lokiri from getting to him.

"What the gods are you?" Shax asks fearfully, seeing the demon stare at him from behind the bars.

Talon swings at the man while his back is still turned to her and he blocks the strike before attacking her with his own swings.

Talon and Shax clash blades for a while with him cutting her slightly a few times while taunting her with her dead race, to get her to make a mistake. Once he reveals that the wolf is the blacksmith, she's grown to trust Shax catches her off guard and slashes her across her stomach before she gets some space between them and refocuses herself. They clash blades again and Talon loses her, getting pressured into a corner only for her to grab her dagger and duck under his next swing, stabbing him in the stomach twice before finishing off by ramming her dagger into his neck.

After she's finished with the bones talon pulls up the gate, letting the Lokiri enter the room with her facing it head on. Once the Lokiri is face to face with her she tells him that she knows he wants to bring more of his kind and that she can't do that if she's dead while he pokes her with one of his long claws, not going deep but causing her pain.

When he retreats the arm she sees a wound on it and recalls how a Lokiri arm saved her when she was a little girl. Upon remembering this, the being inside her, left there by her mother activates, glowing light blue under her skin and opens a portal She orders it to go back where it comes from a final time and the Lokiri disappears into the portal.

The next thing Talon knows is she hears clapping.

"Who's there?" Talon asks on guard.

"Who do you think? As though there'd be anyone else worried enough about you to follow you down here." Xu tells her, entering the room from a passage he was watching the scene unfold from.

"True." She says.

"The smith, I need to see if he's still alive." Talon says remembering Shax saying he killed him.

When the two get to the smithy they see him leaning against his bed weakly.

"The Lokiri?" The smith asks.

"I sent him back." She answers and takes his hand, rolling up the sleeve to reveal the double cross.

"Why? You were one of the scums that killed my people." She asks him, feeling betrayed.

"Not my finest hour. But I'm not sorry I did it." He tells her.

"You son of a bitch!" She says angrily.

"If I hadn't done it I wouldn't have discovered you." He tells her.

"You're no better than the rest of them." She accuses him.

"You're right, I was no better. But when your Lokiri came between my arrow and you, I looked into your eyes and I was changed, since then I devoted my life to studying the prophecies and hoping I'd find you." He tells her.

"You should've told me." She says.

"If I had, would you have listened to me?" He asks.

"Promise me you'll fullfil the prophecy. For you, so you never forget." The smith tells her, handing her the sword he finished for her, with the blackblood prophecy engraved on it.

"Find the book of names, promise me. Find it before the Drachman finds you." The smith tells her with his dying breath.

"I promise." She says with tears falling out of her eyes, closing his eyes after he passed on.

"Will you be OK?" Xu asks her, ignoring his disappointment in her for the moment, since she just had one hell of a night.

"What do you think?" She asks wiping away her tears.

"Sorry for asking, I'll leave you alone." He says standing up from his crouched position beside her and heads to the door.

"Wait." Talon says, getting up herself after lying the smith down so he's lying on the floor.

"What is it now?" Xu asks with a heavy sigh, not bothering to face her.

"Turn around." She tells him once she's right behind him.

"If you want to kill me just do it." He says but instead of attacking him like he assumed she jumps up at him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him feverishly while he holds her up by her thighs.

"What's brought this on?" He asks in between kisses.

"I guess you were right, I wasn't ready to start something real until I was finished with my past." She tells him, running one hand over the side of his face and leans back so he lets her to the ground, complying with the wordless request he sets her down. She picks up his axe, which he dropped when she jumped on him and leans it against a wall in the smithy.

"What are you doing?" He asks her when she opens the door and pulls him after her.

"I'm taking you to my room." She tells him with a sensual smile gracing her lips.

"How about we go to my room instead? Less corpses and all." He suggests with a smirk.

"Alright, lead the way." She agrees, following after him hand in hand.

|Xu's room - lemon|

When the two enter the room, Talon looks around the sparsely filled room which only consists of a bed, a table, a chair and a shelf.

Xu leads her over to the bed, where she sits down and he takes off her shirt as well as both their boots, throwing them down next to the bed. He grabs a bucket with water he has in the room and a cloth, wetting it before he kneels down in front of her, wiping away the black smears she has on her stomach from the shallow cut she received in the fight against Shax. The wound is already starting to fade.

"I think you heal even faster than me." He tells her with a grin, cleaning the wound on her shoulder from when the Lokiri struck her carefully.

Once he finished this he puts the bucket away and notices that the room is pitch dark, since it's the middle of the night right now.

"Wait here a second." Xu tells Talon, taking his candle and entering the hallway to light it with a torch. When he comes back in the room shortly afterwards, he Talon missing and looks around confused, seeing the clothes still on the floor with some new additions.

At the sound of the door being closed and locked behind him he swerves around, seeing a completely nude Talon smile at him mischievously as she takes his free hand and pulls him after her back to the bed with Xu placing the candle on the table in the room, providing them with at least some light.

Talon turns towards him, giving him a kiss and takes hold of his shirt, starting to pull it upwards until he stops her, taking her hands gently and putting them at her sides while giving her an insecure look which confuses her for a moment before he drops his pants and underpants to the floor and picks her up with ease, lying her down in the middle of the bed.

"Someone is eager." She says with a sultry smile, licking her lips at seeing his manhood.

Seconds later Xu joins her on the bed with a chuckle, hovering over her and kisses her passionately while she reaches down and runs a hand over his member, stroking it until it's fully erect. After breaking their kiss Xu takes a moment to behold the sight of the alluring woman beneath him before he pushes into her with a grunt, making her release the breath she didn't even know she was holding with content. Xu then starts to rock his hips against hers, holding back his strength so he doesn't accidentally hurt her. The two continue to fuck like this for a couple minutes, both breathing heavily with Talon squealing every now and then when he hits an especially pleasurable spot inside her. She then tries to remove his shirt, wanting to feel their skin pressed against each other instead of being separated by the baggy shirt hanging from his torso. When she starts to tug at his shirt however he grabs her hand with one of his, holding him up with the other and sees her looking at him with love.

"What's wrong?" She asks him surprised, when he stops her hand and stops pumping his hips in her.

"My back, I don't want you turn away from me in disgust or run away out of fear." He says sounding scared.

She releases her hold on his shirt and reaches up with the hand, cupping his face while her other hand fumbles around in their pile of clothes until she finds her dagger and cuts one of her finger slightly. She runs the appendage dripping with her black blood over the top of her breasts and under her eyes telling him reassuringly, "I accept you, just as you've accepted me.".

She then turns her head to her right and takes her long black hair in her hands, pulling it over her head and reveals one of her ears, with their scarred top from when she cut off the tips to him, closing her eyes with shame.

He gently brushes over the ear, noticing her flinch at the contact. Turning her head back so she's looking up he reaches over to her other side, pulling the hair over her head on that side as well, revealing her other ear to him while a few braids fall back in place, framing her face. He kisses her ear a few times and whispers "You're absolutely gorgeous." in the ear before he rights himself again, taking hold of both of her hands. He sits up while pulling her with him, his member now slipping out of her folds while she's sitting in his lap and he crosses his legs. He then leads her hands to the edge of his shirt and finally lets her pull it over his head, removing the last of his clothing. She then lets her hands carefully roam over his back, noticing how he shivers when she leans into his chest, pressing her breasts against him when she reaches around him to see how far down the back the grey skin reaches. Once she's explored all of his grey skin she hugs herself close to him, wrapping her arms around his back with him holding her up at her waist. She then runs her tongue over his left shoulder, where the two skin types meet, eliciting a moan from her lover.

"Like that?" She asks with a triumphant smirk, leaning back slightly so she's facing him. Xu only nods quietly, looking deep into her eyes.

"Good." She says grinning devilishly and leans back into him, biting and nibbling at his shoulder, surprised that the border of the skins is actually very sensitive. When she starts to pay attention to his shoulder Xu slides his hands further down her hips until he grasps her ass in his hands, lifting her up slightly, so she's further up his body and holds her to himself with one hand while the other grasps his member and guides it back to her dripping wet entrance, sheathing himself in her and making her rake her hand over his back in surprise.

Xu then pushes against her shoulder with one hand until she's facing him again and starts to bounce her up and down on his stiff member making her laugh in pleasure the first few times.

They continue this for a while before Xu lifts her off his leg, lying her on her back again and is over her seconds after, looking deep in her eyes and says "You probably know this already but I love you Talon." He says, kissing her on her neck, sucking on a spot and gives her a hickey.

"I feel the same." She tells him, holding him close to herself.

"Shall we continue?" Xu whispers teasingly in her ear after kissing her neck a few more times and lets his hands roam over her breasts, groping them softly, eliciting a couple of squeals from the girl underneath him.

"If you're up to it." She replies, giving him a challenging grin.

"Oh, you're in for one long night." He says and enters her again and they continue to fuck like rabbits for half a dozen rounds until they agree to call it a draw and collapse next to each other.