
Half Human’s Sanctuary

A story about a girl who has lived many lives but finally gets to live the life she wants. Fall in love? Check. Have crazy magic? Check. Create your own kingdom? check. Become a living god? Eh well maybe some day.

AmnesiacJedi · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Am I a Parasite?

Emerson didn't move a muscle as the men left the girl in the clearing. Muscle? Consciousness? Who knows, but either way she was too stunned to move. Finally she did move towards the dead girl who was now on her back arrow in her chest looking up at the sky.

'I'm sorry this happened to you,' Emerson thought.

'But don't worry, death is just the beginning I'm sure you'll be okay.' She felt sorry for this girl who was killed by, as far as Emerson could tell, the only man she trusted. She almost wanted to give the poor girl a hug. 'Why not?' She thought and started moving herself over to the girl wrapped her form around the dead body in a show of comfort. Right when Emerson enveloped the girl, she felt something resonate in her core. Like a string being pulled taught. And suddenly she was sucked into the body much like she was through the rift. And then Emerson was returned to blackness.






The three misfit gods appeared around the dead girl moments after Emerson was sucked into the physical form.

"FUUUUCCCCKKKK!" Screamed Aphrodite. The damn soul had bonded to this dead half-human. And now it was out of her reach. Hermès snickered at the god of beauty's rage filled face. It was his favorite face of hers. She was usually a calm and collected goddess but as everyone know where there is love, there is potential for burning hatred.

"Calm down Ahpy. It's no one's fault, it's just fate at work once again. This child is now bound to this body and world and we have no right to interfere." Hermès and Tyr waited around for the soul- no the newly born girl to regain consciousness, as Aphrodite stomped and cursed around the clearing. "Actually I'm going to go find that dead girls soul and have a chat. I'll be right back guys!" Hermès said cheerfully, and then disappeared.






Emerson slowly opened her eyes to a bright blue sky and giant flower tops poking in at the end of her vision. 'Wait? Eyes? Since when did I have eyes?'

"Oh good the bitch is up" said a voice, melodious but with an obvious trance of anger.

"Who are you calling a bitch? Bitch." She said groggily as she tried to sit up but fell back down.

"Whoa there sweetie, take it slow, you've been a formless soul for a while now a physical body will be strange especially this one." Another voice said. It sounded like a young boys voice. Strange.

"Wait she can hear us?!" Said a third voice. Rough and raspy like an old mans.

"Of course she can! She's on the same path as us after all!" Said the child's voice.

Emerson was able to sit up and saw three people standing around her. The one on the left was a young blond boy, maybe 12 or 13. He had blue eyes and a super cute face. He was wearing a probably little too revealing Greek toga and sandals with little flapping wings. The woman in the middle was beautiful. There was no other way to describe her. Luscious green hair that flowed almost down to the ground with a flower crown on her head. Her face seemed to shift between looks. Sometimes she have a sharp jawline a nose a piercing eyes but other times her face was softer and more innocent but the constant look of anger took away from her beauty. The third guy was an old dude with a long grey beard. A strange looking helmet with horns on each side. He was wearing leather armor and Emerson could tell he was missing a hand and instead hat a metallic prosthetic.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" Emerson asked.

"Why we are gods silly!" The little boy said while chuckling slightly. Emerson was about to laugh in their faces but then she thought about the weird stuff she had done since dying and it didn't sound too insane then. There was also the faint glowing light that surrounded these three. "My name is Hermès! This angry lady here is Aphrodite, but you can call her Ahpy! And this old man is Tyr! Nice to meet you!" Emerson stared at the gods. She was definitely not calling that woman Aphy based on the glare she sent Hermès way.

"Uh what's going on?" Emerson asked.

"You died." Replied Tyr. "You died and during your trek through the void where you were supposed to reincarnate you left your path and came here. It's certainly a strange development. I've never heard of this happening before. We were planning on finding you and putting you back on your path but you bonded with this body. It is now yours. Your life to live and we cannot interfere."

"Congrats! You get another chance at life!" The ever cheerful Hermès said. Emerson just stared at them, Aphrodite angrily stared back so she averted her gaze to the forest floor. 'So I bonded to that poor girl and stole her body' Emerson thought. 'Wait am I a parasite?!'