
Half-Finished Game: It's a Masterpiece

Lin Xiu found himself in a world where the game industry was in dire straits and became a struggling game designer. However, with the help of a game development system, Lin Xiu put all his effort into creating a horizontal 2D game called Dungeon and Warriors. In this version, the character has a maximum level of 60, and the character cannot be transferred, nor can he learn awakening, and the painting style makes players complain wildly. But such an inconspicuous little game has just been released, and players all over the country are crazy about it! "Wow! Ghost Swordsman's skills are too cool, the big red bitch will always be amazing!" "Sharpshooter is the king, roaming is the eternal god! What? Will there be a female shooter?!" "Is there no one who likes fighters who fight hard?!" "I don't care, people from the Demon Realm are number one in the world!" ##################################################################### Beware I only got this in an Chinese MTL site: https://mtlnation.com/novel/half-finished-game-this-is-a-masterpiece so if you don't like the capiche. I just want to share it in this site.

Jay_Ping · Urban
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18 Chs

Ch 18: Steel Pipe Man!

The probability of dropping the Abyss Party Invitation Letter and Challenge Book after clearing the instance is as high as 80%.

As long as the face is not too dark, players can get an invitation letter and a challenge letter after clearing a copy.

A minimum of 8 Abyss Party Invitations is required to challenge the copy of Abyss Mode in Sky City.

Naturally, Gu Xixi wouldn't waste his fatigue brushing the dungeon. It would be a waste of time.

Since Celia's blessing can issue invitations to the abyss party, there is no need to do these meaningless things.

Just recharge, and you're done!

There are no game items that cannot be obtained by charging money. If there are any, it means that you have not charged enough!

Without batting an eyelid, Gu Xixi bought 5,000 Celia's blessings.

Then she turned on the mouse to click, and opening the box in front of Celia was like firing a cannon.

5,000 Celia's blessings, or 15,000 yuan, evaporated instantly in just a few minutes.

Gu Xixi opened the equipment bar expectantly.

Whether it is the material bar or the consumable bar, it has been filled with various potions, which look colorful.

These things are cherished, so naturally, I don't care.

She only cares about how many invitations she has received.

Turning to the bottom of the materials column, Gu Xixi found the invitation letter to the Abyss party that was still warm.

With 5,000 Celia's blessings, more than 2,000 Abyss Party invitations have been issued, and more than 1,000 tradable Abyss Party Challenges have been issued.

In other words, Gu Xixi issued over 3,000 invitations to the Abyss party for 15,000 yuan.

"Unexpectedly, the probability is quite high."

Gu Xixi sighed and quickly sent a voice invitation to Li Mengyao, intending to form a team with her to explore the abyss.

Since it is the only place where Epic equipment is produced, the abyss mode must be tough.

To be safe, Gu Xixi still thought it would be better to bring Li Mengyao with her.

After all, there is strength in numbers.

Moreover, how can it be more fun to scan dungeons with one person?

"Hello, sister Xi? Did you wake up so early?"

Today, Dungeon Fighters Online launched new activities and new weapons and equipment. Naturally, Li Mengyao would not let go of this good opportunity to increase its popularity.

Now that Dungeon Fighters Online has more and more peers, Li Mengyao's popularity has also been taken away by other anchors.

To maintain the heat, Li Mengyao, like most players, got up early and waited for the update of Dungeon Fighters Online in front of the computer.

"I didn't sleep at all. Did you broadcast live? Come and brush the abyss together."

"Don't worry, I just started the live broadcast, and I don't have an invitation to the abyss party yet. I'll open some boxes first."

"Don't waste time. Order me to trade."

Gu Xixi thought it was troublesome, so she directly traded all the Abyss Party challenge books to Li Mengyao.

"This can be exchanged for an invitation letter 1:1 at Galantis."

"Hey, thank you, sister Xi!"

The two had known each other for a long time. Li Mengyao was not so hypocritical and accepted these challenges decisively.

But such an act of cherishing such inhumanity made the audience in the live broadcast room envious.

"More than a thousand abyss party challenge books are sent directly? Are you so capricious?"

"Does anyone know how much a thousand challenge letters are worth?"

"Upstairs, I opened 1,000 boxes, and 300 challenge books came out. You do the math yourself."

"Then, how many boxes have Sister Xi opened... I'm envious. It's nice to have money!"

"The anchor can help me ask, is sister Xi still missing a pendant on her leg? If not, doesn't her family have a dog?"

Forming a team, the two came to the copy of [Hanging City] in Sky City.

Li Mengyao's mechanic is already level 56, and Gu Xixi's Asura has also been upgraded to level 57.

The two can definitely challenge the abyss dungeon of the same level.

However, neither of them knew how difficult the abyss dungeon was, so they had to try the abyss mode of Sky City.

Click on the abyss mode, and the two of them will enter the abyss mode of [Hanging City]!

[Strong ones, open the sealed door, destroy the monsters of the abyss, and join the party of the abyss! ]

As soon as they entered the dungeon, the scarlet Zhong Er copywriting appeared on the interface of both of them, which made the two of them, who were already a little nervous, become more serious.

"This should be the output point of Epic weapons, right?"

Gu Xixi found that on the map of the abyss mode, there was an extra pink bullhead.

"should be."

Li Mengyao nodded.

"It should be quite difficult."

Gu Xixi murmured as if facing an enemy.


Li Mengyao also nodded tacitly.

After all, it is the only place where Epic weapons are produced, and the difficulty must be much more serious than the Common copy.

However, since it has started, it must be finished!

After the two of them smoothly added buffs, they brushed up the dungeon skillfully.

Soon came to the room of a giant pink bullhead.

"Huh? Why is it a pillar?"

Gu Xixi wanted to laugh a little.

"Haha, I don't know either."

Li Mengyao also couldn't laugh or cry.

She thought that there was a wildly exaggerated monster in this room.

Who knew there was only one motionless pillar here.

"Haha, I thought it was so difficult, but it turned out to be just a pillar!"

"Upstairs, don't talk if you haven't hit a pillar. Monsters will appear when you hit a pillar!"

"That's right, there will be a lot of monsters when hitting the pillars, and the damage is ridiculously serious. I can't get past it with ten resurrection coins!"

"I've been knocked stupid by the guy with the steel pipe. Damn, the damage is serious and I can slow down!"

After the two cleaned up the other monsters, they stood before the abyss pillar.

"How did this thing blow up Epic?"

Gu Xixi was at a loss.

"Huh? The audience in my live broadcast room said this pillar could be hit? Then I will try."

Li Mengyao didn't overthink and tentatively attacked a pillar.

Sure enough, after the pillar was attacked, cracks began to appear on the surface, and several skeleton soldiers holding staffs drilled out.

"I'll go. I can really fight!"

Seeing a monster appear, the two immediately moved away and started to fight the monster.

The skeleton soldiers had no fighting power, and they were all defeated by the two of them in a few hits.

But before the two could react, the background of Sky City suddenly became dark.

A humanoid monster with shoulders against the steel pipe appeared between the two.

"Accept the baptism of chaos!"

The steel pipe man gave an order, and a steel pipe knocked Gu Xixi's Asura out.