
Half-Finished Game: It's a Masterpiece

Lin Xiu found himself in a world where the game industry was in dire straits and became a struggling game designer. However, with the help of a game development system, Lin Xiu put all his effort into creating a horizontal 2D game called Dungeon and Warriors. In this version, the character has a maximum level of 60, and the character cannot be transferred, nor can he learn awakening, and the painting style makes players complain wildly. But such an inconspicuous little game has just been released, and players all over the country are crazy about it! "Wow! Ghost Swordsman's skills are too cool, the big red bitch will always be amazing!" "Sharpshooter is the king, roaming is the eternal god! What? Will there be a female shooter?!" "Is there no one who likes fighters who fight hard?!" "I don't care, people from the Demon Realm are number one in the world!" ##################################################################### Beware I only got this in an Chinese MTL site: https://mtlnation.com/novel/half-finished-game-this-is-a-masterpiece so if you don't like the capiche. I just want to share it in this site.

Jay_Ping · Urban
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18 Chs

Ch 17: Epic Weapons!

Time flies, and more and more players know about the activities. Dungeon Fighters Online will update tomorrow.

New weapons and equipment will be released tomorrow!

You don't need to spend money to buy it. You just need to use the gold coins obtained by swiping the dungeon to open the jar.

Not only have a chance to get Rare equipment, but you can even get tradable heritage equipment with extremely high attributes.

On top of that, Epic-level weaponry is coming tomorrow.

No need to recharge. Clear the dungeon to get the invitation letter of the abyss party, clear the copy of the abyss party mode, and have a chance to get the Epic weapon.

For the warriors guarding the continent of Arad, it is simply a free benefit!

Lin Xiu's announcement did not mention that the Abyss Party event is permanent.

Players thought that this event also had a time limit. After the event period, Epic equipment could not be obtained.

Therefore, after the entire area was shut down for an update, the players had already started to wait in front of the computer one after another.

Major game exchange groups, game forums, game Weibo, and even some short video comment areas of other games.

Players are all chatting about the update content of Dungeon Fighters Online tomorrow. Everyone wants to be the first player with Epic equipment on the national server.

Not only are the players enthusiastic, but the anchors who have recently entered Dungeon Fighters Online are also very excited.

Once a popular game releases a new event or equipment, players naturally want to know about it as soon as possible.

After Lin Xiu launched the event yesterday, the anchors of Dungeon Fighters Online changed the title of the live broadcast room to be extremely eye-catching.

[Open the jar and learn my trick! It can greatly improve the weapon jars that open out your own profession! ]

[Recharge activity? Welfare activities! Teach you how to prostitute Rare equipment for nothing! ]

[Ghost Swordsman's Epic weapon exposure? It turned out to be...]

[How difficult is the abyss party? Enter the live broadcast room to tell you the answer! ]

The title of the live broadcast room is the way for the anchors to attract traffic.

They changed the title of the live broadcast room to be a gimmick, and they all claimed to know Dungeon Fighters Online like the back of their hands.

In fact, the anchors, like Common players, are ambiguous about the newly launched activities.

However, as long as they can attract the audience, then their goal will be achieved!


But because there are too many updated codes today, Lin Xiu is a bit too busy alone.

Until six o'clock sharp, the downtime update was not over yet.

Players who finally got up early and players who stayed up all night found that the game was still unable to log in, and they immediately became furious.

They collectively rushed into Lin Xiu's Weibo and the message boards of the Tianxia Game Platform and began to denounce Lin Xiu.

"I took the risk of getting a major demerit and jumped over the wall to come out all night. Why haven't I updated it yet!"

"Hurry up!! Designer, what are you doing!! Do you still want me to recharge?"

"Why can't we recruit a few more people? Now that the game is so popular, why update the code alone? I'm really convinced!"

"This is the slowest designer I have ever seen to update the code. It has not been updated in one night!!"

"You don't want to make money, do you? Don't you want to make money? Don't you want to make money?"

"Stop scolding. If you scold the designer away, you update the dungeon for me? Shut up, old lady!!"

Under the players' vigorous condemnation, the Dungeon Fighters Online update was not completed until 7:30 in the morning.

The notice of downtime maintenance in the whole area disappeared, and all 1-6 servers can log in normally!

At this moment, countless warriors poured into the server.

Lin Xiu's background data also started to soar wildly from 0 at an outrageously fast speed.

The player's online status is refreshed by four digits every second, and there is no downward trend at all.

"Hey, these guys are too enthusiastic."

Looking at the more than 100,000 unread messages on his Weibo, Lin Xiu complained dumbfoundingly.

For the sake of eyes, it is better not to read these messages.


"Finally updated!"

Gu Xixi, who was also anxiously waiting in front of the computer, also logged into Dungeon Fighters Online immediately.

When Gu Xixi was going to bed last night, she accidentally saw Lin Xiu's update event announcement on Weibo.

Knowing that there will be an event to open weapon cans and Epic equipment today, Gu Xixi is so excited that she hasn't slept since last night.

"Hello, my name is Celia~."

"Today is another day full of 70,000~."

After successfully logging in, Celia's familiar lines sounded, and Gu Xixi's ghost swordsman appeared in Celia's room.

As soon as the game screen was loaded, Gu Xixi quickly opened the equipment illustration book to see what kind of Epic weapons Ghost Swordsman had launched.

Moonlight (Tachi)

Light Flame Sword-Sun Judgment (Lightsaber)

Mingsha ghost sword (short sword)

Tianji Qiankun Sword (light saber)

Yilong Sword-Choice (Great Sword)

Burning Flame Brahma Sword (Great Sword)

Blood Dance Revolving Moon Knife (Tachi)

Shadowless Sword-Ai Leiluo (short sword)


Looking at Ghost Swordsman's assortment of Epic weapons, Gu Xixi's eyes flickered, and even her breathing became much louder.

After reading the attributes of all the Epic weapons of Ghost Swordsman, Gu Xixi took a deep breath.


The attributes of these Epic weapons are too strong. They are several times stronger than her current Rare weapons!

What's more, these Epic weapons can be viewed in advance.

Click on the Epic weapons in the illustrated book, and Gu Xixi can see how her Asura is holding these Epic weapons.

Simply handsome!!

Especially the Xuewu Xuanyue Knife, which is so handsome. It is simply a weapon tailor-made for her Asura!

In addition to Epic equipment, this time also launched a lot of artifact-level weapons that can be traded.

Meteor knife (Tai knife)

Kalia's Teachings - Split Wind (short sword)

Blade of the Heart

Xilan's Demon Sword (Tachi)

The attributes of these weapons are also powerful. Not only that, but the appearance is also very handsome, and the practicality can even crush some Epic weapons.

It is worth mentioning that artifact-level weapons can be traded with gold coins.

Once someone drops tradable artifact equipment from the abyss mode, especially artifact equipment with better attributes, it is not far from getting rich.