
Half-Finished Game: It's a Masterpiece

Lin Xiu found himself in a world where the game industry was in dire straits and became a struggling game designer. However, with the help of a game development system, Lin Xiu put all his effort into creating a horizontal 2D game called Dungeon and Warriors. In this version, the character has a maximum level of 60, and the character cannot be transferred, nor can he learn awakening, and the painting style makes players complain wildly. But such an inconspicuous little game has just been released, and players all over the country are crazy about it! "Wow! Ghost Swordsman's skills are too cool, the big red bitch will always be amazing!" "Sharpshooter is the king, roaming is the eternal god! What? Will there be a female shooter?!" "Is there no one who likes fighters who fight hard?!" "I don't care, people from the Demon Realm are number one in the world!" ##################################################################### Beware I only got this in an Chinese MTL site: https://mtlnation.com/novel/half-finished-game-this-is-a-masterpiece so if you don't like the capiche. I just want to share it in this site.

Jay_Ping · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Ch 14: Body Strengthening Fluid!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for making the game a hit and getting 200 coins."

"System, what can this game currency be exchanged for?"

Lin Xiu asked curiously.

"Back to the host, the game currency can be exchanged for various reward items in the system mall, as well as the game data memory that the host needs!"

"In addition to the exchange, the host can also use the game currency to draw a lottery, and each time it needs to consume 100 game currency."

The system sound fell, and the virtual interface that only Lin Xiu could see was projected in front of his eyes.

The interface of the system is divided into 4 parts.

The first two are interfaces that rely on game currency to exchange props and game data.

The latter two rely on the way of drawing prizes on the turntable to obtain game data and reward items.

As long as you input what you want on the exclusive interface, various props will pop up in the system mall for Lin Xiu to choose from.

The same is true for the game data interface. As long as you enter the name of the game software, the desired game data memory will pop up.

"Sure enough, there is such a thing!"

Lin Xiu only searched for the word "body" in the exchange mall, and a bottle of Green's potion popped up.

Body Booster!

After drinking, the host's body will significantly improve. All organs will be strengthened at the Epic level, like superman!

The only pity is that it takes exactly 200 game coins to redeem this item, and the 200 game coins that Lin Xiu just obtained are about to be handed over.

However, the body is the capital of the revolution.

Lin Xiu didn't think about it and directly used the 200 game coins he just got to exchange for the body-strengthening fluid!

Although there is also body-strengthening liquid in the lottery draw, it only costs 100 game coins for one spin.

But with only two chances, Lin Xiu can't guarantee he can get what he wants.

Soon, a bottle of ink-green liquid appeared on Lin Xiu's hand, which looked like Green's glucose.

Since it is something to strengthen the body, it should not have any side effects on your body.

So, Lin Xiu unscrewed the bottle cap and drank the body-strengthening liquid in one gulp.

The effects of the booster are immediate.

In just a moment, Lin Xiu felt a burning sensation all over his body, as if he was in a sauna.

The muscles all over the body were aching, with a slight sense of tearing. Solid and muscular muscles sprouted from the parts that felt like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Lin Xiu could feel that his body was gradually becoming lighter, and the lines of his body were being reshaped.

Muscle soreness and dark circles caused by staying up late disappeared.

This state lasted for a few minutes and ended.

"It stinks!"

The effect of the strengthening liquid disappeared, and Lin Xiu immediately smelled a stench coming from himself.

He hurriedly took a change of clothes and ran to the bathroom.

With the help of strengthening fluid. Lin Xiu's body became extremely healthy, and the lines of his limbs became exceptionally even.

There is no trace of excess fat from head to toe, and all strong muscles are as hard as a rock.

Dog male waist, shark line, armor chest, inverted triangle.

Like an ancient Greek statue, the endorsement words that belong to a man's strong body can be found in Lin Xiu's body.

In particular, the eight-pack abs that are neatly arranged like corn kernels look explosive!

The body has become strong, but Lin Xiu is not as big and greasy as those muscular men in the gym who eat protein powder.

Putting on clothes, Lin Xiu looked almost the same as usual, but on the contrary, he had a luxurious feeling.

After taking a shower, Lin Xiu looked at his completely different self in the mirror and smiled with relief.

It is not a loss to get such a healthy body after wasting the 200-game coins I just got.

After getting dressed, Lin Xiu returned to the computer and continued working.

Now that Dungeon Fighters Online is getting more and more popular, we must strike while the iron is hot and continue to produce subsequent activities and update content.

At this moment, Li Mengyao's live broadcast room.

Li Mengyao couldn't help spending money on the event launched by Dungeon Fighters Online yesterday.

Although it's not as good as Gu Xixi, a Krypton gold sow who spent 30,000 yuan in a few minutes.

But for the pet in the box, Li Mengyao also spent more than 10,000 yuan to open the box.

As for the contracts in the mall, Li Mengyao also bought them all.

If it was any other game, it would be impossible for Li Mengyao to charge so much money into one game.

However, Li Mengyao, who has recently become famous through live broadcasts of Dungeon Fighters Online, has almost doubled the popularity of the live broadcast room and the rewards.

Even the live-streaming platform's new contract with her clearly stated that she would raise her salary.

To further develop her live broadcasting business, Li Mengyao plans to broadcast Dungeon Fighters Online live in the future.

Anyway, the audience is willing to watch, and Li Mengyao is also willing to play.

Why not do it?

All day yesterday, Li Mengyao used up all the fatigue potions and finally successfully changed the job from Gunner to Mechanic!

It took another whole day to upgrade the dungeon today.

Li Mengyao's Mechanic has finally reached level 35. She can finally learn the skill that the audience wants to see: Air Combat Mechanics: Storm!

This skill can summon a robot that fights side by side with the player, which is quite powerful.

With more than ten points of fatigue left, Li Mengyao hurriedly found a simple dungeon, wanting to see how powerful this robot was.

Entering the dungeon, Li Mengyao skillfully added buffs and various skills of the Mechanic.

Soon, technologically modified mechanical ammunition circled around the Mechanic and dazzled the audience in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, Li Mengyao released the new skills she had just learned.

A high-tech hovering robot appeared above the Mechanic.

This is the 35th skill of Mechanic: Air Combat Mech: Storm!

The Stormbot hovers over the character's head, assisting the Mechanic in combat with auto-locking machine guns and homing missiles.

At the last moment of his life, the storm will say goodbye handsomely and then quickly fall towards the monster in front of him.

While detonating itself, it can also cause a lot of damage to monsters.

Such a cool and self-sacrificing robot immediately made the audience in the live broadcast room unnecessary.