
Half Demon Half Witch In The Human World

In the opulent corridors of Pinsoft, a tech empire helmed by the enigmatic CEO Alexander Pendragon, a tale of forbidden love and buried secrets unfolds. Alex, the influential head of the company, conceals a dual identity—half demon, half witch—struggling to reconcile his supernatural heritage with the demands of the corporate world. Amidst the polished façade of executive suites and cutting-edge innovation, Alex's heart becomes entangled with Anne Turner, his devoted personal assistant. Little do they realize that their connection is rooted in a tragic past; Alex, unbeknownst to Anne, was the perpetrator behind the death of her mother years ago. As their clandestine romance deepens, the revelation looms closer, threatening to shatter the fragile illusion of their happiness. Alex grapples with the haunting truth of his actions, while Anne unknowingly draws closer to the one who unwittingly orchestrated her family's demise.

Dungeon_Warrior · Urban
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28 Chs

Unveiling The Diagnosis

Dr. Hagan was on his way back to his ward, his stethoscope neatly wrapped around his neck and his white doctor's coat billowing behind him as he briskly walked through the hospital corridors. The busy day had taken its toll on him, but he found solace in the routine of his work, the familiar sights and sounds of the hospital becoming a second home over the years.

Lost in his thoughts, Hagan was jolted back to reality when he heard someone call his name from behind. He turned around, a smile forming on his face as he recognized the familiar voice. It was Lily, a patient he had known for a long time. They had developed a friendship that went beyond the doctor-patient relationship, and Hagan always looked forward to seeing her.

"Lily! What a pleasant surprise," Hagan exclaimed, his tiredness momentarily forgotten. Lily stood before him, her eyes filled with warmth and a hint of concern. She had come for her regular health checkup, a routine they had established to keep track of her well-being.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you, Hagan. I just thought I'd drop by for my checkup today," Lily said, a faint smile playing on her lips.

Hagan shook his head, dismissing any notion of inconvenience. "Not at all, Lily. I'm glad you came. Let's head to the ward and get you checked out."

As they walked together towards the hospital ward, Hagan couldn't help but reflect on the bond he shared with Lily. Over the years, he had seen her battle through various health challenges, always showing remarkable strength and resilience. Lily had become like a sister to him, and he genuinely cared for her well-being.

Once they reached the ward, Hagan guided Lily to an examination room and began the necessary tests and observations. As he checked her blood pressure, he noticed a significant drop from her previous readings. Concerned, he continued the examination, carefully assessing her symptoms.

After completing the checkup, Hagan came to a diagnosis. Lily was suffering from hypotension, a condition characterized by low blood pressure. While it wasn't a severe case, it still required attention and treatment.

"Lily, I'm afraid your blood pressure is quite low today. It might be causing some of the symptoms you've been experiencing," Hagan explained gently, his voice filled with empathy.

Lily's face contorted with worry, but Hagan quickly reassured her. "Don't worry, Lily. It's manageable. I'll prescribe a medication to help regulate your blood pressure. You'll need to take it as prescribed and come back for regular checkups so we can monitor your progress."

Relieved by Hagan's words, Lily nodded and expressed her gratitude for his care and support. Hagan smiled, his heart filled with the satisfaction that came from being able to help a friend.

Before Lily left, Hagan retrieved a box of cartons from his office. He knew she loved peanuts and always kept a stash in his office for when she visited. Handing her the cartons, he said, "Here, Lily, take these with you. I know how much you enjoy them."

Lily's face lit up with delight as she accepted the gift. She thanked Hagan profusely and assured him that the peanuts would be thoroughly enjoyed. Their friendship was built on these small gestures of kindness and thoughtfulness.

As Lily prepared to leave, Hagan couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards her. He had seen her face many challenges with courage, but he knew that life could be unpredictable. He cared deeply about her safety and well-being, always wanting the best for her.

"Take care, Lily. Remember, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. Your health is important, and I'm here to support you," Hagan said, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Lily nodded, her eyes reflecting the trust she had in him. "Thank you, Hagan. I appreciate everything you've done for me. I'll take good care of myself."

With a final farewell, Lily left the hospital that day, carrying the cartons of peanuts and a sense of reassurance in her heart. Hagan watched her go, his gaze lingering until she disappeared from sight. He knew their journey was far from over, but he was determined to be there for Lily every step of the way.

As the day drew to a close, Hagan found solace in the knowledge that he had made a positive impact on Lily's life. He looked forward to the days ahead, knowing that their friendship would continue to grow stronger, and that he would always be there to care for her, just like a brother would for his sister.

Later that day, Lily found herself on a crowded bus, her thoughts consumed by her recent checkup and her conversation with Hagan. She reached for her phone and dialed David's number, eager to share her news and request a meeting.

As David's phone rang, he glanced at the caller ID and smiled. He knew it was Lily, and he felt a surge of excitement. He answered the call, his voice filled with anticipation. "Hey, Lily! What's up?"

Lily's voice came through the phone, a hint of excitement in her tone. "David, we need to meet. I have something important to tell you."

David's curiosity piqued. "Sure, Lily. Where do you want to meet?"

Lily suggested a nearby café that they both loved. It was a cozy spot where they had spent many memorable moments together. David agreed, and they decided on a time to meet later that evening.

When they finally met at the café, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. They settled into a quiet corner, sipping their drinks as they caught up on each other's lives.

"Lily, you said you had something important to tell me. What is it?" David asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

Lily took a deep breath and looked into David's eyes, her voice filled with emotion. "David, I went for a checkup at the hospital today. But it wasn't just any hospital. It was your sister Annabelle's brother's hospital."

David's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's quite a coincidence. How did it go?"

Lily smiled and reached for David's hand. "It went well, David. The doctors confirmed that I have hypotension, but it's manageable. They gave me some prescriptions and advised regular checkups."

Relief washed over David's face as he squeezed Lily's hand. "I'm glad it's nothing serious. And it's comforting to know that Annabelle's brother is taking good care of you."

Lily nodded, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. "Yes, he's been really supportive. I'm thankful to have such a caring doctor looking after me."

They spent the rest of the evening engrossed in conversation, sharing their hopes, dreams, and fears. It felt like time had paused just for them, allowing them to bask in the warmth of their love.

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