
Half Demon Half Witch In The Human World

In the opulent corridors of Pinsoft, a tech empire helmed by the enigmatic CEO Alexander Pendragon, a tale of forbidden love and buried secrets unfolds. Alex, the influential head of the company, conceals a dual identity—half demon, half witch—struggling to reconcile his supernatural heritage with the demands of the corporate world. Amidst the polished façade of executive suites and cutting-edge innovation, Alex's heart becomes entangled with Anne Turner, his devoted personal assistant. Little do they realize that their connection is rooted in a tragic past; Alex, unbeknownst to Anne, was the perpetrator behind the death of her mother years ago. As their clandestine romance deepens, the revelation looms closer, threatening to shatter the fragile illusion of their happiness. Alex grapples with the haunting truth of his actions, while Anne unknowingly draws closer to the one who unwittingly orchestrated her family's demise.

Dungeon_Warrior · Urban
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28 Chs

Tangled Threads of Trust and Deception

In the magnificent mansion that stood like a regal sentinel against the skyline, Anne found herself in an unexpected and exhilarating situation. The afternoon sun painted warm golden hues across the sprawling estate, casting a serene light on the lush gardens and pristine walkways. But Anne's attention was diverted from the grandeur of her surroundings to a more pressing matter at hand.

She had found herself in the company of Alex's affable driver who had taken her into the mansion's parking lot. Rows upon rows of sleek, powerful supercars stretched out before her, an automotive symphony of roaring engines and gleaming metal. The scene was a striking contrast to the calm elegance of the mansion, a place where luxurious excess met modern marvels of engineering.

"Miss Anne, today you have a rare privilege," the driver's voice held a touch of excitement as he gestured towards the lineup of cars. "Chairman Alex has generously asked me to bring you here to learn how to drive, starting with these fine specimens." His smile was warm, inviting Anne to explore the array of vehicles that lay before her.

As if the sight of these high-performance vehicles wasn't enough to captivate her, the driver's next words sent a wave of astonishment crashing over her. "And here's the best part, Miss Anne," he continued with a glint of mischief in his eyes. "You get to pick any three of these cars, and they will be yours to own."

Anne blinked, her heart suddenly racing faster than a sports car on an open highway. The idea of choosing not just one, but three of these automotive marvels was almost too much to comprehend. It was as if she had been granted access to a dream she hadn't even dared to imagine. "Are... are you serious?" she stammered, a mixture of disbelief and excitement painting her words.

The driver chuckled warmly, confirming that he was indeed serious. "Absolutely, Miss Anne. Chairman Alex wanted to make sure you have the best incentive to learn the art of driving. So, go ahead and take your time to pick the ones that catch your eye."

Standing amidst these four-wheeled wonders, Anne's gaze flitted from one car to another, each representing a different embodiment of speed, luxury, and power. Her heart raced not just at the prospect of learning to drive, but at the thought of possessing these mechanical beasts. After a moment of internal deliberation, she pointed towards a sleek red sports car, a shining example of dynamic design.

"I... I think I'll start with that one," she said, her voice a blend of nervousness and excitement.

The driver's approving nod seemed to bolster her confidence. "Excellent choice, Miss Anne. That's a fine car to begin your journey with."

But the excitement that was coursing through her veins was soon tinged with trepidation. The driver's amiable demeanor had been nothing short of encouraging, yet the reality of sitting behind the wheel of such a powerful machine sent her heart into an erratic rhythm. She had never driven before, let alone navigated a supercar with the precision it demanded.

As if sensing her unease, the driver's tone softened. "Don't worry, Miss Anne. Today is about learning, about embracing something new. And I'm here to guide you every step of the way." His reassuring smile did little to quell the rapid beating of her heart, but it offered a lifeline of support that she was hesitant to turn away from.

With the driver by her side, Anne found herself seated in the driver's seat of the red sports car. She listened attentively as he explained the various parts of the vehicle—the accelerator, the brake, the clutch, and the myriad of controls that lay at her fingertips. It was a lot to take in, a symphony of information that was both thrilling and overwhelming.

"Let's start with the basics, Miss Anne," the driver's voice was patient, a soothing balm to her jangled nerves. "The accelerator is what propels the car forward, and the brake is what slows it down. I'll guide you through the process, and soon you'll find that it's not as daunting as it seems."

Her fingers gripped the steering wheel, knuckles white with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. She nodded, her voice a fragile whisper. "Okay, I'll give it a try."

"Perfect," the driver's approval was like a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Now, go ahead and start the engine."

Anne hesitated, her eyes fixed on the ignition. She had dreamed of this moment, of the power that lay dormant within the vehicle. But as she reached for the key, a surge of doubt gripped her. What if she wasn't cut out for this? What if she couldn't control the raw energy beneath her?

"Miss Anne," the driver's voice was filled with gentle encouragement, "take a deep breath. You've got this. Remember, everyone starts somewhere."

The depth of his belief in her, in her potential to conquer this challenge, gave her the resolve she needed. She turned the key, and the engine roared to life, a symphony of power that resonated through her bones. Anne couldn't help but smile, the rush of adrenaline momentarily overpowering her fears.

"Great job," the driver's applause was like a warm embrace. "Now, gently press the accelerator and feel the car's response."

As she applied pressure to the accelerator, the car began to move forward, a sensation that was both thrilling and unnerving. With the driver's guidance, she navigated the open space of the parking lot, each turn and acceleration a testament to her growing confidence. The initial jitters were gradually replaced by a burgeoning sense of accomplishment.

Yet, just as she was starting to find her rhythm, the driver's voice took on a note of caution. "Ease off the accelerator, Miss Anne. Remember, the brake is your friend."

Her heart raced again, but this time it wasn't just excitement—it was a surge of panic. She reached for what she thought was the brake, her foot pressing down with a sudden force. But instead of slowing down, the car surged forward, a wild beast that refused to be tamed.

"Brake, Miss Anne, brake!" the driver's urgent voice pierced through her fear.

Anne's mind was a whirlwind of confusion as she struggled to process the situation. The car was hurtling forward, her attempts to decelerate only seemed to exacerbate the speed. Her heart pounded in her chest, a primal rhythm of panic that drowned out everything else.

The impact was sudden, a jarring collision that rattled her to the core. The car's bumper met a rigid wall with a resounding thud, and the world seemed to explode in a haze of confusion. Smoke filled the air, and Anne's forehead connected with the steering wheel with a sickening thud. The pain was sharp, a searing sensation that left her momentarily dazed.

"Are you okay?" the driver's voice was laced with concern as he reached for the door, his movements swift and practiced.

Anne felt blood trickle down her forehead, and the edges of her vision began to blur. She struggled to find her voice, to reassure him that she was all right. But before she could utter a word, her body succumbed to the weight of her injuries, and she slipped into unconsciousness.

The world she had known was a distant echo as darkness enveloped her, a realm where pain and consciousness were fleeting fragments. In this surreal state, voices seemed distant, shadows danced at the edges of her perception, and a sense of time and space became warped. It was a realm that existed outside of her control, a liminal space where her body fought to mend itself.

Time flowed in disjointed fragments, and when Anne's senses began to slowly reawaken, she found herself in a room that was both foreign and oddly comforting. The soft lighting bathed the space in a gentle glow, and the scent of antiseptic lingered in the air. Blinking against the haze, she gradually became aware of a presence beside her.

"Anne," the voice was like a lifeline, a connection to the world she was struggling to rejoin. It was Alex's voice, a soothing balm to her fractured senses.

Her gaze focused on him, his concerned expression etched with a mixture of anger and relief. His strong hand held hers, his touch a grounding force that helped her bridge the gap between the realm of dreams and reality. The words formed in her mind, and she managed to utter his name, a whisper that carried a mix of emotions.


The relief that swept across his face was palpable, a testament to the fear that had gripped him during her unconsciousness. His fingers tightened gently around hers, a silent promise that he wouldn't let go. "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

Anne's lips curved into a faint smile, her voice a fragile thread woven with gratitude. "I've been better. But I'll survive."

Alex chuckled softly, the sound a soothing melody in the stillness of the room. "You've got quite the spirit, Anne."

The warmth of his presence was like a lifeline, anchoring her to the present moment. But her memories were a tapestry of fractured images, a collision of dreams and reality. "I had a dream," she murmured, her voice carrying a touch of uncertainty.

He leaned in closer, his eyes locked onto hers. "A dream? What was it about?"

"It was... strange," she confessed, her gaze flickering away for a moment. "I saw you, engulfed in flames. It was like a nightmare, but I was standing in front of you, laughing."

Alex's brow furrowed in concern, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of her hand. "Anne, dreams can be unsettling, but they're not reflections of reality. Don't let them shake you."

She met his gaze, her eyes searching his for reassurance. "You really believe that?"

"Absolutely," he affirmed, his voice unwavering. "Dreams are a canvas of our fears, hopes, and thoughts, but they don't dictate the future. They're a reflection of what we have within us, and it's up to us to shape that future."

He reached for a handkerchief, dampening it with cool water before gently pressing it against her forehead. The sensation was refreshing, a reminder that she was here, in this moment, and not lost in the tumultuous currents of her dream.

"Sometimes," he continued softly, "dreams reveal what we fear most. It's a way for our minds to process those fears, to confront them. But it doesn't mean they're bound to happen. It just means we need to put in more effort to prevent them."

She watched his hand move with a gentleness that seemed to echo his words. "Effort... to prevent them?"

He nodded, his expression kind but firm. "Exactly. If something scares you enough to appear in your dreams, then that's a sign that you're deeply invested in avoiding it. So, make that effort, Anne. Use that fear as fuel to keep those things from happening."

His words resonated with her, a calming presence in the midst of her turmoil. "And what if the thing I fear involves someone else?"

Alex's smile was gentle, a reflection of understanding. "Then let them know you're there for them, that you'll do whatever it takes to protect them. Sometimes, that's enough to change the course of things."

He took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering as he met her eyes. "In fact, let's make a promise, Anne. A promise that we'll protect each other, no matter what."

She felt a flutter in her chest, a mixture of emotions that seemed to dance to the rhythm of his words. "A promise?"

He extended his pinky finger towards her, a gesture that felt both childish and sincere. "A pinky promise. It's a pact between friends. We'll be each other's guardians, Anne."

Her lips curved into a smile, the gesture reflecting the warmth that was blooming in her heart. She linked her pinky with his, the connection a symbol of trust and understanding. "A promise then."

As they locked their fingers, sealing their promise with a simple gesture, Anne felt a sense of calm settle over her. It was as if the weight of her dreams had been lifted, replaced by a determination to face the challenges ahead.

Alex smiled, his eyes holding a mix of fondness and reassurance. "Now, how about you rest? You've been through quite an ordeal."

Anne nodded, her eyelids growing heavy with the weight of exhaustion. "Okay, I'll rest."

He gently tucked the blanket around her, a gesture that felt both caring and protective. "I'll have the maids bring your things. You'll be spending the night here, in the mansion."

Her voice was tinged with uncertainty as she spoke. "I didn't inform my family about staying over."

Alex's smile was warm, a soothing presence that washed away her doubts. "It's not too late to let them know. And trust me, they'll understand."

As he turned to leave, his steps were deliberate and measured. Anne watched him, her heart still carrying the echo of their promise. But just as he was about to step out of the room, his phone vibrated with an incoming call. He glanced at the screen, his brows furrowing slightly before he answered.
