
Half Demon Half Witch In The Human World

In the opulent corridors of Pinsoft, a tech empire helmed by the enigmatic CEO Alexander Pendragon, a tale of forbidden love and buried secrets unfolds. Alex, the influential head of the company, conceals a dual identity—half demon, half witch—struggling to reconcile his supernatural heritage with the demands of the corporate world. Amidst the polished façade of executive suites and cutting-edge innovation, Alex's heart becomes entangled with Anne Turner, his devoted personal assistant. Little do they realize that their connection is rooted in a tragic past; Alex, unbeknownst to Anne, was the perpetrator behind the death of her mother years ago. As their clandestine romance deepens, the revelation looms closer, threatening to shatter the fragile illusion of their happiness. Alex grapples with the haunting truth of his actions, while Anne unknowingly draws closer to the one who unwittingly orchestrated her family's demise.

Dungeon_Warrior · Urban
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28 Chs

Meeting Someone You Never Wanted To

The sun had just begun to set as the delivery man, clad in a navy-blue uniform, briskly walked up the path to Annabelle's house. He held a small, unassuming package in his hands. With a confident knock on the door, he patiently waited for a response.

Annabelle, with chestnut hair and curious hazel eyes, opened the door with a puzzled expression. "Yes, can I help you?" she asked, not expecting any deliveries at this hour.

"Someone told me to deliver this package to this address," the delivery man explained, holding out the parcel. "I wasn't given any further details, so I'm not sure who it's for. Are you perhaps Miss Annabelle ?"

Annabelle's eyes widened in surprise. "I am Annabelle," she replied, reaching for the package, still puzzled about who could have sent it. As she collected the package, the delivery man nodded and turned to leave.

Just as he walked away, Annabelle's phone buzzed, indicating an incoming call. She checked the caller ID and saw it was Eugene, the cold-hearted guy whom she had a rather unusual contract.

"Hello?" Annabelle answered the call.

"Did you get the package?" Eugene's voice crackled through the phone.

"Yes, I did," Annabelle replied, a mix of curiosity and excitement in her voice. "But what is it for?"

"Disguise like my girlfriend," he said in a cold tone, " at the Red Mansion anniversary party. The contract we agreed on, you remember?

Annabelle nodded,"Alright, I'll do it," she agreed, eager to see what kind of adventure awaited her.

Meanwhile, in Alex's spacious office, Anne had dozed off at her desk. Alex was comfortably swaying back and forth in his chair, enjoying the warmth of the office's soft glow.

Concerned for Anne's well-being, Alex got up from his chair and approached her desk. As he reached to switch off her laptop, he couldn't help but catch a glimpse of what was on the screen — Anne was searching for something related to an undercover red-robed guy. A perplexed expression crossed his face, and his eyeballs involuntarily shook at the sight.

Despite the strange finding, Alex smirked and gently put the laptop to sleep, not wanting to disturb her further. Before he could return to his seat, Anne woke up with a start.

"Why did you switch off my laptop?" she asked, sounding more annoyed than grateful.

Alex turned back, surprised by her reaction. "I saw what you were looking at on the internet," he replied casually. "What's with the interest in a red-robed guy?"

Anne hesitated for a moment, then decided to confide in him. "He saved me last night from a life-threatening situation," she revealed. "My leg was wounded, but he seemed to heal it psychically while I was unconscious."

Unfazed, Alex dismissed her story. "That doesn't amaze me," he said with a nonchalant shrug. "You should stop searching for him. There's no point; you won't ever find him."

Determined, Anne restarted her laptop, refusing to give up. "I can't stop searching," she retorted. "He saved my life, and I need to find out more about him."

Alex had no time to further discuss the matter, so he told Anne to meet him at the hallway leading to the parking lot later in the day. "I'll take you home again today," he said, then left his office.

Anne watched him leave, feeling perplexed by his sudden interest in taking her home each day. She couldn't help but wonder why he acted as if they were more than just employee and employer.

As she made her way to the hallway later, she crossed paths with Isabella. Isabella smiled playfully at Alex, expressing her desire to spend time together.

"I have nothing else to take me home," Isabella purred, implying she wanted to leave with Alex.

Just then, one of Alex's bodyguards appeared, informing him it was time to go home. Alex quickly dismissed the bodyguard, stating he wanted to take someone home himself. Isabella laughed, assuming she was the one Alex was referring to.

However, to Isabella's astonishment, Alex clarified, "It's Anne, my P.A." Isabella exploded in anger, insulted by Alex's choice.

"Fine, go ahead and take your lowlife P.A home!" Isabella exclaimed, clearly hurt and frustrated.

As Isabella stormed off, Anne watched the scene from afar. She felt a strange frown on her face, almost as if she saw Alex and Isabella kissing, even though she knew it was not the case.

Isabella noticed Anne from a distance and walked up to her with a mix of arrogance and disdain. "Alex chose a lowlife like you over me," she mocked. "But go ahead and attend the Red Mansion anniversary if you dare. Let's see how you'll fit in there."

Without responding, Anne watched Isabella leave, wondering why she felt such animosity from her. She then proceeded to the hallway, where Alex was waiting for her.

Inside the car, Anne couldn't help but question Alex's decision not to take Isabella home.

"Why didn't you just leave me behind and take Lady Isabella home?" Anne asked, addressing Alex formally as Mr. Reynolds.

Alex smirked, amused by her question. "I'm glad I was able to avoid being with Isabella for too long," he replied. "Using you as an excuse to leave was a lifesaver."

Confused, Anne asked about the Red Mansion anniversary that Isabella mentioned earlier.

"It's the twenty-year anniversary of the mansion co-owned by myself and a friend named Eugene," Alex explained. "Isabella told you about it, right?"

"Yes, she did," Anne replied. "And you want me to attend as your P.A?"

"Exactly," Alex confirmed. "I'll buy you a dress as the boss. You'll fit in perfectly."

As they continued their conversation, Anne couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the Red Mansion anniversary than met the eye. She couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious red-robed guy she was desperately searching for, and how all these events might be connected.

Little did she know that the Red Mansion anniversary would bring about revelations that would change everything she thought she knew about Alex, Isabella, and even herself.