
Half Demon Half Witch In The Human World

In the opulent corridors of Pinsoft, a tech empire helmed by the enigmatic CEO Alexander Pendragon, a tale of forbidden love and buried secrets unfolds. Alex, the influential head of the company, conceals a dual identity—half demon, half witch—struggling to reconcile his supernatural heritage with the demands of the corporate world. Amidst the polished façade of executive suites and cutting-edge innovation, Alex's heart becomes entangled with Anne Turner, his devoted personal assistant. Little do they realize that their connection is rooted in a tragic past; Alex, unbeknownst to Anne, was the perpetrator behind the death of her mother years ago. As their clandestine romance deepens, the revelation looms closer, threatening to shatter the fragile illusion of their happiness. Alex grapples with the haunting truth of his actions, while Anne unknowingly draws closer to the one who unwittingly orchestrated her family's demise.

Dungeon_Warrior · Urban
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28 Chs

Lucky Bastard

After Annabelle gave him her number, he left the cafe very quickly. She wondered what kind of a man he was judging from his cold appearance and how paranormal she perceived him to be ---- it was his silver eyes that made her think so. It was absolutely clear that no normal person would have had such eye colour and also, being by the side of a human won't exhibit danger signs.

As she thought that through did she remembered that she didn't know his name. But it was too late to ask when he had gone so she would have to wait till the anniversary day where they would meet.

"I saw him leave just now," David sat in the chair in front of her where Eugene sat earlier. Annabelle gazed at him trying to see if he felt strange thing sitting in that kind of position, but he looked okay. David caught her doing so then he asked, "What is it you are looking for?"

Then she feigned innocence and nodded her head, "It's nothing. Let's go home quickly because I believe Anne is seriously craving for the snacks." David agreed and they went back home.

Tendrils of dark power formed a barrier at the entrance of a dark tunnel situated deep inside a mountain along the countryside. The tunnel seemed quiet which explained how the people in there were hiding from the outside world, however, no one would have known that powerful mages reside in it following the other of a great reserved lord.

In the arid weather of the night, a black clothed assassin appeared in front of the barrier and immediately, he casted a spell in his hand and then, sharpened icy magical arrows splatted in front of his arms with each arrows accompanied by black tendrils, preparing to ascend on to the barrier. The Assassin's face was covered but he uncovered it while he was casting the spell ---- since he was part of the dark hole servants. Then his eyes burned with blue black magic and the arrows struck the barrier; without stopping the spell casting and continuing harder, the assassin succeeded in destroying the barrier. And he entered the tunnel. Meanwhile, another barrier formed at the entrance immediately.

One of the guards announced the arrival of the servant and then, the door leading to the top of the tunnel was opened. A gleaming fluorescent light casted on a standing figure with clenched fist wrapped behind, that torrent of magic was reflected through the veins of the enigmatic being. This was Dark Hole, a demon with a vast desire for power and revenge. He had an assassin sent to investigate the man who he wanted to take revenge on --- the person who put him to a great pain since decades ago through a blood-sucking and dark hole in the centre of his chest. He won't stop until he get the revenge he wanted.

The assassin knelt behind him," My lord!"

"Tell me, is he now a beggar on the street and is he misusing his power to get something to eat?"

"That's totally different from who he is my lord. He has been able to be the richest and the wealthiest man in his country, and I found nothing about how he uses his power. So I am sure he has used magic in a while."

"His companion is still by his side?"

"Yes my lord."

A bit of smile appeared on his face which was a smile of anger and yearn for revenge. He didn't believe his enemy had succeeded over him now.

"Just like he was at the demon realm, no one is the best else than him," the assassin said to his lord not realizing the gravity of what he just uttered.

"Really???" Dark Hole scoffed. "So you are mocking me now? Oh, seriously!" He guffawed

"No, my lord. I was only trying to tell you what I found. Please have mercy on me!"

The assassin bowed to the ground, placing his palms on the floor.

"At ease," he said and the assassin stood up. Dark hole breathed in and out, recalling the day when he had the hole. Then he raised his brows, " I have waited many years to take my revenge, and most importantly, kill the person that made this hole so that the hole could disappear and I would be set free of the uncontrollable pain. I can only stop this enigma. Alexander....." His corneas reddened,"he won't believe I survived his sacred sword ten thousand years ago. I could only make it, but I didn't get rid of this no matter how I tried." He barely uncovered his chest and the hole was shown ----- it was a small hollow shape that its crack spread all over his chest, and it was bleeding blood at the moment.

The assassin gazed at it with a smile on his face, "Wow. I never thought I could set my eyes on it. How beautiful!"

"Is it?"

"Yes, my lord. I think you trust me so much now to have let me see this."

Dark Hole covered it and scoffed, walking gently towards him."I didn't show it because I wanted to. But because it is bleeding. "

The assassin shivered, starting to be sensitive about his plight. He stuttered, "S-s-so , my...m-my lord? I can see it bleeding.. too!" He stepped backwards.

"Haven't no one told you it needs human soul when bleeding? I guess you didn't ask. How foolish!"

The assassin flashed to the door to escape, but raising a finger was enough for Dark Hole to lock the door. And the assassin knelt, pleading to spare his life.

"Please, spare my life. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"You are an assassin who used to kill mercilessly so you are supposed to muster up the courage in you in a situation like this. Or are you scared?"

"Please, i....."

Before he could continue, his soul had started to be absorbed by Dark Hole. The magic travelled from his hand to the forehead of the victim and in return, the soul was passed directly in to the hole in his chest.

"Just die! So that I can live"

The body of the assassin petrified and fell into the ground. Accurately, Winston, the man's ever loyal right-hand, entered and met the dead body on the ground. He asked,

"What should I do, Dark Hole?"

"Dispose him. He is useless now. And instill other guards to cultivate harder, very soon, they will all end up like him because they would not have anything to do for me," he said.

"Yes," Winston bowed. "How about shifting souls too?"


"Yeah, Alex is a businessman so to meet straight with him, one must go as a businessman too. So I was thinking, if you may shift souls with a wealthy man in Asia."

He thought about it and agreed that was an original great idea.

"Alright. Make disposal of the waste first."


Anne had been waiting for David and Annabelle to return with the snacks for long, so she decided to look for them outside.

"What is taking them so long?"

The wind blew across her nose and she could have sworn she smelt a gross and filthy smell. It was near the river and its smell was utterly awful. She covered her nose,

"Gosh, that's so awful. Gish...." She went to the source of it and she saw some men disposing a dead body in the river. Her heart accelerated in fears, heating the entire body system.

She checked her pocket for a phone to take pictures of them but then she remembered she left it at home.

"Shit, I should have taken my phone along," she whimpered. Her whimper pierced into the ears one of the men, dressed in black robes, who was Winston; and he saw her immediately. Their eyes met and Anne's heart accelerated harder in tension and fear of being killed. She was shocked that she couldn't easily get a hold of her legs to run, but they were trembling.

"Catch her. She saw us!" Winston ordered the others and they chased after Anne.

There on the run she was, shaking and in her heart, shouting for.help.

"Mom! Dad! Help me! I don't want to die! Help me!" She cried.

One of the guys held out his knife and threw it at her leg. She fell and she started bleeding, crying out, "Help me! Help me!"

She stood again and limped in pain.

All of a sudden, the leaves appeared to stop waving and the wind seemed to have made a stop, and the moon seemed to have stopped gleaming in the evening. Was this the afterlife? Had she died to be feeling this? When she glimpsed behind, she saw the men being surprised also but differently, they started ascending over to her with knives in their hands. She thought that was the end of her.

But unexpectedly, a warm hand grabbed her shoulder and enveloped her against the men. Was this the hand of an angel from heaven? She left everything in the hands of her protector and she passed out.

"Who are you?" Winston shouted. But the person didn't answer and laid Anne on the ground first. His face was covered and he wore red robe unlike them. Winston ordered, "Attack!"

At a go, the assassins' bellies were slashed by the unknown man without a weapon in his hand. This struck Winston like a space rock and he was flabbergasted to have seen such a wonderful move. Nevertheless, he sheathed his sword, blazing with neon magic, and he attacked him. Every sword strike he made were dodged, and in return, he was kicked off to the river bed that his bones twisted.

The man just stood for a while looking at how Winston moaned in pain. And lastly, he perished the dead bodies of the assassins; so he carried Anne off the ground looking at her got hurt. He seemed angry seeing her in that state.

Winston stood up, limping in pains, and he vanished into the thin air.

"Lucky bastard!"