
Half Demon Half Witch In The Human World

In the opulent corridors of Pinsoft, a tech empire helmed by the enigmatic CEO Alexander Pendragon, a tale of forbidden love and buried secrets unfolds. Alex, the influential head of the company, conceals a dual identity—half demon, half witch—struggling to reconcile his supernatural heritage with the demands of the corporate world. Amidst the polished façade of executive suites and cutting-edge innovation, Alex's heart becomes entangled with Anne Turner, his devoted personal assistant. Little do they realize that their connection is rooted in a tragic past; Alex, unbeknownst to Anne, was the perpetrator behind the death of her mother years ago. As their clandestine romance deepens, the revelation looms closer, threatening to shatter the fragile illusion of their happiness. Alex grapples with the haunting truth of his actions, while Anne unknowingly draws closer to the one who unwittingly orchestrated her family's demise.

Dungeon_Warrior · Urban
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28 Chs

Hidden Secret Unravels

Anne was a vision of nearly unparalleled beauty as she stepped out of the car, accompanied by Alex's driver, on her way to the anniversary party.

Adorned in a stunning red gown, which was undoubtedly the epitome of elegance and extravagance, she exuded an aura of radiant confidence. The dress clung to her curves in all right ways, accentuating her graceful silhouette and commanding attention from anyone who laid eyes on her.

The gown, undoubtedly one of the most expensive pieces of attire in the room, draped her figure in a way that seemed almost surreal. Its rich deep red hue contrasted perfectly against her flawless skin, while intricate details and delicate embellishments added an air of sophistication that was simply breathtaking. Anne's ensemble was completed by a pair of high heels that elevated her poise, although it was clear she was somewhat out of her comfort zone in them.

As she entered the party, her presence caused heads to turn and conversations to momentarily halt. Whispers of admiration filled the air as guests were captivated by her flashing beauty and magnetic charm. Despite her shy and somewhat uncomfortable demeanor in the lavish ensemble, her natural allure shone through, and her genuine smile further endeared her to those who caught glimpses of her.

Throughout the moment, Anne's appearance continued to draw glances of appreciation and adoration from the attendees. She was like a gem that had been unearthed, a rare and exquisite sight that left a lasting impression on everyone fortunate enough to cross her path.

Even though the elegant dress and high heels were not her usual attire, Anne's inner grace and undeniable allure of her flashing beauty made her the star of the evening, and her discomfort only added to her endearing charm.

"Don't you think you should choose her as your dance partner?" Eugene joked but instinct of seriousness shone on Alex's face which made him curious.

" Since when have you being able to see through me?"he grinned and left, on his way to Anne, leaving a flabbergasted mark on Eugene. He looked at her showing her he was impressed.

Their presence together made conversations to halt harder and Isabella was displeased. But she assumed she need not to be irritated since Anne was only attending the party as Alex's personal assistant.

"You are looking good. Nice," Alex complimented her.

"Ahh.." she mumbled in discomfort, "...do i?"

"Don't be scared. Your presence here caused you much adoration and respect."

Anne was accompanied to a couch by the driver, soon after the coordinator announced that the party had started. Alex must make an opening speech for the celebration to commence.

At the parking lot, a black Pagani parked in the park at the mansion and inside was a guy having an undercut haircut with tinted top. The side of his face was smooth with a defined jaw. It was Winston, and he put on a wristband called the EternaPass Band — which has a timeless and powerful ability to gain access to restricted areas. It was the legacy ensemble of the Lee's family.

He dashed out of the car, on his way to the entrance in a tuxedo coat. The security guards at the entrance asked him to show a pass to gain access into the mansion, and he unleashed the band to their sights.

Winston was considered important since he had a precious pass with him.

"Are you also a family member of the Lee?" one of the guards asked but he nodded.

"Nope. The wristband was given to me as a compensation," he replied after which he dashed inside before he could be questioned further. As he set his eyes on Alex as he was making a speech on the stage, his expression darkens, fists clenching, as memories of his master's torment surge. Amid the speech's cadence, a silent vow forms, justice radiating from his gaze. The stage transforms into a battlefield of simmering vengeance. As he conceived the vengeance in him, a butler approached him and he took a glass of wine from the tray. "Thanks."

When Winston walked forward, he became closer to Isabella and so she saw their family's wristband on him.

She was surprised, "What? How come he has that?"

She asked her bodyguard to bring him to her couch and after he saw her, he sat beside her on the couch.

"Who are you?"

"Who I am is not as important as why I am here," he answered her unrelated to her question. "You are the daughter of the Lee family?"


He smirked then shrugged. "Nothing. It's just gonna be interesting."

He faced the stage and made her furious.

Alex's speech, "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, friends, and colleagues,

I am deeply humbled to stand before you tonight as the owner of the most opulent mansion in all of Asia. This grand anniversary celebration is not just about the majestic structure you see before you; it's a testament to the power of vision, determination, and hard work. The journey to this moment has been one of countless challenges and sleepless nights, but here we are, united in celebration.

As I look out at this gathering of faces, I am reminded of the incredible diversity and talent that exists within our region. Our world is interconnected, and it's our collective efforts that have brought us to this pinnacle of success. It's not just about the wealth that adorns these walls, but about the possibilities that open up when we channel our resources towards innovation, philanthropy, and the betterment of society.

Tonight, we not only commemorate the achievement of owning a magnificent mansion but also renew our commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Through sustainable initiatives, charitable endeavors, and collaborations with leading minds, we are poised to influence the trajectory of our world for the better. Our responsibility as stewards of great wealth is to ensure that it is used wisely, compassionately, and for the greater good.

This mansion stands as a beacon of elegance, innovation, and inspiration. Each room tells a story, each corridor whispers secrets of our journey. But as much as I'm proud of this architectural marvel, I'm even prouder of the bonds we've forged, the ideas we've nurtured, and the lives we've touched. Let this mansion not just be a symbol of opulence, but a testament to our shared aspirations and our commitment to excellence.

As we continue to make history together, let us remember that our accomplishments are not measured solely by financial worth, but by the impact we have on the lives of others. Let us strive for greatness, not just for ourselves, but for the generations that will come after us. Let us remember that true success is not just defined by the size of our bank accounts, but by the love, compassion, and positive change we bring to the world.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Thank you for believing in our vision and for celebrating with us tonight. Together, we will continue to push boundaries, break records, and create a legacy that transcends time. Here's to the future, to our dreams, and to the difference we will make together.

Thank you. "


After Alex's inspiring speech, the applause resonated through the hall, a symphony of appreciation for his words and accomplishments. He gracefully stepped down from the stage, his heart swelling with gratitude for the support he had received from his peers and friends.

As the celebration continued and people reveled in the joy of the evening, a figure emerged in the hallway, unseen by all. Dark Hole, his intent veiled by shadows, fixed his gaze on Alex. Hatred burned within him, his clenched fists trembling as he nursed thoughts of revenge. He knew that this was the day he would finally fulfill his vendetta, a malevolent energy pulsating through his every fiber.

Suddenly, the scene shifted, and the atmosphere transformed into one of elegance and charm as the dance segment commenced. Couples graced the stage, their presence commanding the attention of everyone in the hall. Eugene, displaying confidence, led Annabelle onto the stage, momentarily capturing the gaze of the attendees. Their dance began, and Eugene, in a surprising gesture, apologized for their earlier disagreement. Annabelle, taken aback by his unexpected sincerity, hid her surprise and humorously attributed her inability to hear him to the music's volume. Despite the initial awkwardness, they shared a laugh, and the dance flowed smoothly.

The spotlight then turned to Alex, who was to take the stage with his dance partner. All eyes were fixated on him, eagerly anticipating the reveal of his girlfriend's identity. Isabella, brimming with anticipation, believed that this moment would finally confirm her place by his side, despite his previous coldness. The revelation of Alex's companion was the most sought-after piece of information at the event.

In a grand and dramatic move, Alex approached Anne, capturing the collective curiosity of the room. Anne's mind raced as she contemplated his intentions, prepared to resist any advances he might make. However, what transpired was beyond anyone's expectations. Without pause, Alex locked lips with Anne, a shocking display that left everyone in stunned silence. Even Anne, the most surprised of all, struggled to process the swift and unexpected kiss. The room held its breath as Alex withdrew, linking his fingers with Anne's and declaring her as his girlfriend, the one he wished to spend his life with. The abruptness of his announcement mirrored Anne's astonishment, overshadowing even Isabella's indignation. Isabella confronted Alex and slapped him, the impact reverberating through the room. Without hesitation, Alex instructed Isabella's bodyguard to escort her home, a command promptly obeyed.

Alex's gaze shifted to Anne, his wink conveying a sense of shared understanding, before he moved away, leaving all eyes on her. Whispers of her beauty filled the air, and even Winston, ever the observer, acknowledged the unexpected twist as a boon to their plans.

The ambiance shifted again, and the attendees were informed of a forthcoming video presentation showcasing the future of the Red Mansion. As anticipation settled, the screen displayed a mesmerizing vision of architectural grandeur. Yet, the awe was shattered by an abrupt interruption—an unsettling video depicting the brutal stabbing of an elderly woman. Gasps of horror and shock echoed through the hall as the ghastly scene unfolded. Coordinators swiftly intervened, urging everyone to evacuate due to a disturbance and intrusion. Amidst the chaos, one truth remained—the public had witnessed a murder within the mansion's walls.

Anne's tears flowed freely as she whispered a heartbreaking word: "mom." The attendees rushed to exit, Winston slipping away unnoticed, and Dark Hole concealed among them. Guards approached Anne, leading her away from the scene, yet her grief-laden whispers resonated with Eugene, who knew the woman in the video was her mother.

As the chaos unfolded, Alex sought refuge in a secret passage to evade the press, while Eugene utilized another escape route. In the dimly lit corridor, just as Alex emerged from the elevator, a figure confronted him, brandishing daggers with deadly intent. Unfamiliar with his assailant, Alex engaged in combat with Dark Hole, the two skilled combatants clashing in an intense battle. Guards arrived, prompting Dark Hole's retreat, but not before a fierce struggle.

Alex's anger and regret were palpable as he realized that Dark Hole was the orchestrator of the earlier threat, and his muttered exclamation reflected his frustration: "Perpetual jerk!"