
Half-Demon's Legacy: The Journey of Fenris

Fenris Tonelico was destined for greatness from birth, or so it seemed. Born into the prestigious Tonelico clan of mages, he should've had every advantage. But fate had other plans. Fenris was born with black hair and eyes, unlike any other member of his clan. Even worse, he was the son of a mistress. Fenris was seen as an outcast from a young age. Only his adopted father and younger sister accepted him as family. The rest of his family outcasted him. Fenris struggled to find his place. Without the help his brothers were given, he educated himself in secret. Then, he made a discovery that would change everything - within him lay immense, untapped magical power. Fenris saw a new purpose. If he could master his magic, he could prove himself worthy of the Tonelico name. He set his sights on the most prestigious magical academy in the land: Lodonea. But gaining entrance to Lodonea requires more than passing the written exam - applicants must also prove the depth of their magical abilities. Fenris' journey has only just begun. But if he can harness his power and overcome the obstacles on his path, he has a chance at reclaiming his destiny and making a name for himself that transcends his illegitimate birth. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Genre: Fantasy Tags: Male MC, Isekai, Romance, Harem, Mystery, Drama, Academy, Magic, Action, Adventure, Dark Fantasy Schedule: TBA Novel Type: Light Novel ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to get into contact with me, my Discord is Manatin#2225. My messages are open for the time being, but that may or may not change in the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cover of Hanyou no Tabi is derived from Seiken Gakuin. Please note that the use of it has no commercial purposes whatsoever and is purely meant to represent the novel. Credit goes to the artist who drew it.

Madamaru · Fantasy
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23 Chs

008 Unbreakable Bonds: Family Ties and Magical Moments (2)

A few weeks have passed since Lilianna began receiving instruction in magic under Fenris' direction. She had come a long way in learning her craft under his guidance, but there were still some things she struggled with. She had mastered several spells, including a potent water-based healing spell, and had also learned to cast spells silently, which improved the accuracy and effectiveness of her casting.

She learned through experimentation that water was her strongest element. Water was primarily associated with healing but could also be used for offensive attacks because it was a component of Ice magic, a combination element between fire and water.

Lilianna would spend most of her days studying spells and honing her magic. She cherished playing games and imparting fundamental magic to the servant kids during her free time.

Fenris once passed her while she was having fun with the kids and couldn't help but smile. Due to his intense focus on his training, he missed out on a lot of childhood activities. Observing Lilianna having fun in this way made him realize what he had missed.

As he approached Lilianna, Fenris said, "Hey, Lilianna." "You look like you're having fun."

Lilianna looked up and smiled at him. "Yes, I am. I find it rewarding to teach the children about magic, and it's also a good way for me to practice my own skills."

Fenris nodded in agreement. "That's a good point. I'm glad you're making progress in your training."

Lilianna responded, looking appreciative, "I feel like I am making progress thanks to your guidance." "Although I've been concentrating on learning healing spells, I still have trouble with some of the more difficult spells."

Fenris nodded in understanding. "I believe in you, but learning magic takes time and effort. And always remember that if you need anything, I'm here for you."

Lilianna smiled and nodded in agreement with Fenris. "Thank you, big brother. I appreciate you helping me."

Fenris continued to make his way to his room, and Lilianna shifted her attention back to the children who were now asking her to teach them a new spell. She was happy to share her knowledge with them and readily agreed.

Fenris entered his room and sat down for a protracted period of study. He was aware that the Lodonea entrance exam was approaching and that he needed to be well-prepared if he wanted to pass. He had a stack of books and notes from his earlier coursework, and he was determined to be successful.

He heard a knock on his door as he was doing his homework. He got up to answer it out of curiosity and was shocked to see Favian standing there.

"Favian! How did you get here? Fenris queried, perplexed.

Favian smiled and said, "I heard you're studying for the entrance exam, and I thought I'd offer my help.

Fenris experienced a wave of gratitude for his elder brother. "You are so kind, thank you. I need all the assistance I can get.

Favian couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer quantity of books and tomes that Fenris had gathered as the two friends settled into Fenris's room to study. He looked at the stack of books with a mixture of admiration and astonishment and said, "Wow, Fenris, you've really been hitting the books, haven't you?"

Fenris chuckled, settling into his chair. "Yes, I have been doing my best to study. You do realize that the entrance exam is no joke," he retorted as he opened one of the books and looked through the contents.

As his eyes scanned the book titles, Favian nodded. "Yes, I see that. Of course, studying involves more than just reading textbooks. His tone was thoughtful as he said, "Sometimes it helps to have someone explain things to you in a different way.

Fenris cast an enquiring gaze his way. The question "What do you mean?"

"Well, let's say, for instance, that you're attempting to comprehend a historical event. Even if you read about it in a textbook, you might not fully understand its significance unless someone explains it to you in a more intimate setting. Favian said, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "Perhaps they tell you a story about someone who was there, or they use metaphors to make it easier to understand." Favian explained, his eyes bright with enthusiasm.

When Fenris realized where Favian was going with this, he nodded. "I can see your point. A different viewpoint can at times be the deciding factor."

"Exactly!" Leaning forward in his seat, Favian yelled. So please let me know if you ever need any assistance with your academics. I'm willing to assist however I can.

Fenris grinned at his brother and expressed his appreciation for the offer. Thank you, Favian. I'm grateful for it.

As they continued their study session, the two brothers turned pages and made notes in the margins. As they worked, Favian would occasionally pause to clarify an idea or present an alternative viewpoint. Fenris discovered that he was constantly learning new things and that his knowledge was growing.

Favian stretched his arms and stood up as the sun started to set. "Well, I think that's enough studying for today. What about taking a break and taking a stroll?

A little stiff from sitting for so long, Fenris nodded. "That sounds good to me."

The two brothers were relieved to get out of Fenris' room and into the cool evening air after a long day of studying. They made their way down the hallway while amicably conversing on a range of subjects. They shared tales of their mishaps and good times as they reminisced about their earlier years. They also talked about their aspirations for the future, including the goals they wanted to achieve and the locations they hoped to visit.

Suddenly, they heard a commotion up ahead. Curious, they quickened their pace, coming upon a group of servant children gathered around something. As they drew closer, they saw Lilianna sitting in the center of the group, her hands glowing with an ethereal light.

Fenris and Favian exchanged a surprised look. "What's going on?" Fenris asked, approaching the group.

One of the servant children turned to him, excitement in her eyes. "Lady Lilianna's healing us! Look!" she exclaimed, pointing to a small cut on her arm that had vanished.

Fenris and Favian watched in amazement as Lilianna continued to heal the children's minor injuries, her skills as a Water mage on full display. Fenris felt a surge of pride for his friend, knowing how hard she had worked to hone her skills.

After a few more minutes, Lilianna finished healing the last of the children's injuries, her hands glowing softly. She looked up at Fenris and Favian, a shy smile on her face. "Hi, guys. Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you," she said, her voice soft.

Fenris walked over to her, feeling a sense of awe. "Lily, that was amazing. I had no idea you were skilled at healing magic," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

Lilianna blushed, looking down at her hands. "It's nothing, really. I've just been practicing a lot," she replied, her voice self-deprecating.

Favian shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. "Don't be so modest, Lilianna. That was some truly impressive magic," he said, his tone teasing but also sincere.

Lilianna laughed, feeling a sense of warmth in her chest. She was grateful for her friends' support and encouragement, knowing that she still had much to learn. But for now, she was content to bask in the glow of her accomplishments, surrounded by the people she cared about most.

As the three of them walked back to their quarters, Lilianna couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability creeping up on her. She had always been self-conscious about her abilities as a mage and worried that she wasn't good enough compared to others around her.

Fenris noticed the change in Lilianna's demeanor and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Lilianna sighed, feeling grateful for Fenris's support. "I don't know... I just worry sometimes that I'm not as good at magic as everyone else," she admitted, looking down at her feet.

Favian chimed in with an encouraging tone. "Lilianna, you have nothing to be ashamed of! You're one of the most talented mages we've seen in years!"

Fenris nodded agreement with Favian's words before adding his own thoughts. "And more than that Lily; your kindness shines through every time you use your magic - like when you were healing those children earlier."

Lilianna smiled weakly at Fenris and Favian's kind words; it was clear she believed what they said but part of Liliana still felt unsure about herself.

The walk continued until they reached their respective rooms where each went off into deep thought reflecting on what had happened today. For Lilianna, it was another chance to ponder if there was something wrong with how she approached magic or if perhaps it was something deeper within herself?

Regardless of how much practice or effort she put into learning new spells or honing old ones there would always be room for improvement – such is life especially when dealing with difficult subjects like magical arts!

Maybe these thoughts were only signs pointing towards growing pains associated with getting older? It certainly wouldn't hurt to speak openly about her concerns sometime soon...

Greetings, it's Magnus!

I am thrilled to present my latest piece of work to you all. It has been a joy to create this story, and I hope that it has brought you as much pleasure to read as it did for me to write.

I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to all of you who have taken the time to read my work. Your support and encouragement mean the world to me and inspire me to keep writing and creating.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope to continue to bring you more stories in the future.

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