
13.)Touch of an angel.

Chase is waiting for Charlie outside their house coz they're going to school but Charlie suddenly have an erands so Chase decided to walk by herself.. alone on the road. Devin is riding his new car when he saw Chase on the side of the road walking. He stopped and he stepped out in his car to approach Chase. "Hi Ms.Chase? I'm Devin your new classmate can I give you a ride if its okay with you?"

"uhm...yeah its okay sure thanks!" -Chase smiling to him. Devin open the door for chase then drive along with her going to school.

"by the way I wanna say thank you for yesterday I mean for saving my face from the ball" -Chase smiling at him.

"You're welcome"-Devin is smiling too.

Chase is looking at him... thinking...

He looks so familiar and it seems like I've known him for so long but he sound totally stranger... But I really feel there's a connection between us. Weird...

"Is there something on my face?"

Devin asked curiously.

"No uhm sorry its just you look familiar like I've known you before... don't mind me. " -Chase

They became quiet after that.


Everyone's staring at Devin's new car..

"So we're here..." Chase was about to open the door but Devin stopped her.

"No, let me be the one doing that please...?"

"Oh okay , Thank you!"-Chase answered curiously.

Devin stepped out in his car and go to Chase, he opened the door and took Chase hand, suddenly He saw some scenes in his head, Chase smiling at him Chase inside the room, Chase wearing a red dress... its like a flashback so he suddenly let go of her hand they're both shocked."I'm sorry Ms.Chase its my head it suddenly hurts." -Devin

"Its ok thank you for the ride"

Devin looks so pale and his headache looks really bad... Chase looking at him touched his forehead then touch his face she was so worried about him. Devin suddenly feel comfortable and he looks at Chase. "Thank you" he said smiling. " I'm sorry I touched you I was so worried about you coz you look so pale..." -Chase

"Actually I'm in great pain but the moment you touched me I begin to feel comfortable and the pain is gone, that's why I'm thanking you. "-Devin smiling at her. He is so gorgeous he's so different from other guys...

All students looking at them are getting curious asking if they have something.

Girls are getting jealous of seeing Chase with Devin.

Devin's friends are just looking at them too...but Rome is acting different ,he looks at them with disgust he looks like a jealous boyfriend and he seems like getting mad. But why?...

Rome's point of view

"That girl! She's making me feel weird and worse but why? why do i feel this? why am I getting hurt of what I saw. Her smile is making me soft, her eyes making me feel weak wth is happening to me?! I hate you Chase!"

Rome left that scene and go to the classroom with Lex and Lori.

Jared is getting jealous of what he saw.

He loves Chase and never try to pursue other girls aside from her.But they were friends and he respect Chase so much. He loved Chase but who is this guy Devin?

Rhyme and Nel go to Chase as a protective brothers as they always do.

"Chase where's Charlie? - Nel asked

"Hey Devin "-Rhyme smiling at him

"He just gave me a ride , Charlie was still in the house." -Chase feeling nervous because she knows how Nel would react as her protective best friend.

"Yes I just saw her walking and gave her a ride" -Devin smiling, he knows what's going on of course.

"Thank you"- Nel

Chase waved to Devin and smile.

She held Nel's arm and walked with him Rhyme on her other side she loved these two guys, her forever friends.

The bell rings and they all go to their rooms.