
Chapter 22

The door slid shut just as the world outside dissolved into fire and intense heat. A blast of hot air and embers managed to sneak in the narrow gap right before the door sealed.

“We made it,” Mari said and panted, hands on her knees and head hanging low.

Kaede gasped. “Barely.”

They remained silent for a moment, just breathing in the cool air of the ventilated elevator and waiting to arrive at the right level where they could board Hakusan

The moment of rest didn’t last long, and soon they were racing down the empty, white, curved halls to the docking bay. Kaede jammed her hand on the entry button and leapt forward as the door leading into Hakusanwhirred open.

But just as Kaede began to hurtle forward, Mari wrapped a desperate arm around her waist, suddenly glad the woman was so small, and threw her weight backwards. They tumbled to the ground in a heap.

“What the hell?” Kaede asked in confusion.