
Haklaran Hunter

Sharen--fuelled by thirst for vengeance--is blessed with a magical system that grants him an anomalic magical affinity. with it, he sets out to hunt and destroy the Haklarans--creatures spawned by an ancient artefact called Khlatus. However, no one has a clue about the artefact's locations. As Sharen begins to uncover secrets regarding the artefact, he is thrown into a chaotic war, left to struggle for the spawning artefact bears semblence to him and destroying it would lead to a catastrophe. Will he overcome his fears and fight to save the world? Saviour Ibok is a Nigerian writer of science fiction and fantasy, who has written many titles including Haklaran Hunter trilogy, The Last Soldiers, Elixir of Love and The Tenth Victim.

Saviour_Ibok_4011 · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Offerings To A God

{It was then that I had the idea to awaken Khlatus.}


The sun shone down, entering the window that was left open but partitioned with thick glass. The sunlight was weak and the warmth almost absent. Sharen shuddered slightly as the cold breeze blew over him. Despite wearing the thick fur coat of the islanders, he still felt a chill.

Probably the chill wasn't from the chilly breeze as much as it was from the knowledge that he was the host of an ancient artefact that had been deemed unstable and had a potential for madness. Sharen shuddered again, finding it hard to keep his racing heart still.

He sighed, putting the stacks of book in his hands down on the table. Urta had allowed him take the books that he found relevant to his study back to the house the islanders had prepared for them. They weren't much he could learn, Sharen was sure but the books contained historical facts about Khlatus and Kratamarhl—whom he now was the host.