
Haki in School of Wizardry and Witchcraft

I am where?

Sage_Paragon · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Snapping Snape Snapped!

Sonic realized that this world where he thought magic was simply casting spells and changing objects into animals like Hermione was chattering on about. They were spells, of course, basic of all magic, but there were divinations, herbology, and many other things he was not allowed to yet -- later year stuff. Divination was one of the later-year stuff but they did do some sky studying as reading the star paths or planet paths or whatever it was called and Sonic was not the one made for it simply.

Since he was not able to use magic school allowed him to be surprisingly free to join the classes or not but he was still required to study for the magic theory tests which were nightmare. For some reason, Sonic found out that he was quite... stupid. He could barely understand anything about magic at all. The spells -- no he could chant them but the problem lay in remembering them and their effects.

It was not as though there were no classes he could fit in, herbology and reading stars didn't require him any wand waving well there was -- here and there -- not mandatory. Transfiguration class by Professor McGonagall was in his experience the most horrible one. Seeing everyone fail miserably was quite a relief but not long as McGonagall called out for him and started throwing a barrage of questions crucifying him. For the first time, he really hated Hermione like Ron. While he was suffering in misery her raised hand made it even more insufferably miserable for him.

In the class where they had to fly on a broom, Sonic had tried to use a walk but thought better of it. There were already rumors going around all over the school -- Boy with no magic, and Sonic felt he was not ready to get any more famous. Don't they say -- a predator hides its fangs only to be shown when sure. The class didn't last long with Neville's stunt and Harry and Draco being kids, they were. Sonic was getting used to this new world and his fear of strange and new things was slowly fading away since he was no longer surprised to see how Professor Snape looked up close.

"Thinking something, I presume, Mr Boombam?" Snape said in nothing more than a whisper which Sonic felt was a special slytherin tongue.

The class laughed, especially Draco and his little team while Ron nudged Sonic who was still in the thought of how Snape could look the way he was, wet oily hair, really.

"Oh, yeah -- nothing happened?"

The class laughed again at his dumbfounded expression. Snape raised his hand and there was pin-drop silence again. It seemed that he was just as terrifying as McGonagall but in a dark way.

"Nothing happened surely," Snape said with his eyebrow slightly going into a frown, "but ten points from Gryffindor for you not paying attention in the class."

Sonic had his mouth widened and eyes agape, "I, I don't think I am in any house though?"

"Yes, he's a guest to all houses," Hermione chipped in, "Professor Dumbledore said so and you can't--"

"Then negative points from Gryffindor," Snape looked at Hermione, "for Miss Hermione Granger's somewhat meddlesome behavior in the class."

Snape flicked his hand and the cauldron on the table started to shake, "Now what would you get if you mix powdered root of asphodel into an infusion of wormwood? Potter?" he said ignoring Hermione's protest and Sonic's shocked face.

Harry looked around and Ron fiddled, too scared, for fear of questioned.

Determined to win the points back for the house Hermione raised her hand again and Sonic sighed. He wondered if she'd never learn why Snape changed the reason for subtracting points from the house.

"I don't know," Harry shuttered, "Sir."

"Clearly," Snape smiled, "Being too famous does not help -- does it?" he glanced over at Sonic.

Sonic felt enraged but did not dare to bark. He knew that he was not strong enough yet and the magic of this world was twice as effective on him. One curse from this droopy guy and he was done.

"Let's try again Potter," Snape ignored Hermione again, "Where would you get bezoar if I told you to find me one?"

Harry shook his head again and Ron, hidden behind his book. Draco and his gang chuckled while Sonic wondered if Hermione's hand never going to get tired.

"Obviously," said Snape, softly, "Never thought of seeing a word before coming here, did you? Potter?"

Sonic shook his head seeing Harry's eyes. He had already told them how it was back at home in the muggle world for him and Snape was surely aware of it to some extent.

"Potter, What's the difference between a wolfsbane and a monkshood?"

Seamus chuckled at Harry who looked at Snape, "I don't know," he said glaring at Seamus who was now winking at him, "Though Hermione might know everything you wish to ask Sir."

Sonic chuckled and Snape chided Hermione.

"Put your hand down!"

He then lectured Harry on what the difference was between the two and Sonic, being stupid as he could not remember anything at all other than that both were the same things.

"Why would you ask for differences when they are the same?" He asked. "Should've asked why they have different names, no?"

"Really," Snape took out a small bottle, "then you can, clearly, tell me what this is right -- Mr Boombam?"

It was a small glass bottle the size of an onion filled with a black substance. It was quite see-through as he could make out what was behind the bottle.

"Your hair dye?" said Sonic, "No, that's not what I meant!"

Everyone gasped. Sonic panicked, he cursed his sudden stroke of courage. Now Snape looked like an angry mongoose ready to bite him.

"I... I was talking to myself earlier," Sonic explained, "thinking, yeah I was daydreaming."

Draco was now smiling from ear to ear while Harry and others were worried for Sonic. Snape was not saying anything but kept looking at Sonic with clenched eyes.

Nothing much happened after that and Snape only rebuked Harry from time to time, blaming him for the mistakes of others and taking a few points from Gryffindor here and there. Of course, Harry was not happy about it, and not Gryffindor, neither but Ron stopped them from saying anything.

"Snape can be really nasty," he told them, "he takes points from Fred and George, always."

At five Sonic followed after Ron and Harry invited him to visit Hagrid. Unknowingly three of them felt quite close to each other after suffering under Snape and since Harry and Sonic were quite the special cases in the school.

Three of them exited the castle and through the grounds, they arrived at the edge of the forbidden forest where Hagrid lived. Sonic really liked how his shabby little place looked, if only it was not at the edge of the forbidden forest but a beautiful lake near the lush mountains with no danger around and was a bit more good-looking.

"That was good," Ron laughed, "Snape snapped at the snapping Snape."

"Yeah, I like it," said Harry giggling.

Sonic somehow came up with 'snapping Snape snapped' to cheer up Harry who still had the bitter taste in his mouth from before.

"Now, now why don't yer make yerselves at home," Hagrid smiled, "here have tea."


"Oh Harry how was yer first day at lectures, Sonic?" asked Hagrid looking at him, who told him everything that happened. How Snape treated him and how everything happened, how Draco almost got him in trouble, and how Sonic made a joke about Snape's name which was not at all funny but it was funny enough.

"Rubbish," said Hagrid, "Snape's like that but a good person, he is."

"How?" asked Sonic. To him, it looked like other than Draco and Slytherin's snake-lings hardly anyone met Snape's eyes.

"Tell me if yer need mer of that," said Hagrid pointing at Sonic's plate with rocky cake. Hagrid was surprisingly ignoring him and looked at Ron too busy to figure out how to chew on the Rocky Cakes.

"How's Charlie?" asked Hagrid, "Great with animals -- real nice boy."

Sonic's eyes fell on Harry eyeing the Daily Prophet. He seemed to be looking at the news about Gringotts break-in.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Oh, this -- nothing, nothing really." Harry looked at Hagrid again, "It happened during my birthday right, Hagrid?"

Sonic noticed Hagrid ignoring Harry again and was surprised. It seemed like he was definitely hiding something and now Sonic was getting interested in whatever it was and it seemed that Harry knew something about it. He was not going to let this chance for adventure pass by but a few things were worrying him.

It was obvious to Sonic by now seeing how everything was happening around Harry. Harry was the protagonist of whatever world he was in and there would be danger if Sonic decided to board the train but there was no guarantee that he'd be safe if he didn't since the world was going to somehow force his existence since he had come here and with some out of the world powers.

They returned that evening deadlifting their pockets filled with rocky cakes from Hagrid. Harry did not want to throw them away since Hagrid had served them so much appreciation while Ron was simply running his gear at maximum to figure out a method for eating the cake. Sonic too was too tired to say anything since everything that had happened was too much to take in for him because of his poor memory which seemed poor only when it came to studying, and dived in their beddings. Not worried about anything as they knew when their eyes were open again, the sun would be there not allowing them to close them again, along with the tension of classes and schedules.