

Love between a young man and a young woman in stages of life that passes through sadness, romance, and interesting events

Aboabod_Alzobaydy · Urban
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16 Chs

Days ensure wound healing

The days passed quickly, and the two lovers met from afar only, perhaps signaling peace, and Haytham did not get tired of going and waiting, and likewise Lama, if Haitham was late, she tried to delay herself just to look at her lover from afar, and everything had an end to Haitham, and Lama wanted to continue their love, and today, after more From the month of Haitham, he waits while he insists on speaking to her, regardless of the results. Haitham told his friend Laith that today he wants him to be late with him because he wants to meet his beloved, and Laith agreed.

Haitham: Would you not (Lama looks a little and stands confused! And with her is her close friend, and finally she decides to speak to Haitham, and her friend did not prevent her, but she was satisfied with standing at a distance from them, as Laith did)

Lama: Hi Haitham, how are you?

Haitham: He answered it with a passage from a poem by the great poet Ahmed Shawqi

Do not ask me about my condition, for my condition is from the condition of my heart, and the condition of my heart is from your condition.

Lama: She replies with sadness, and how am I without my beloved, and you can do what is in your hands. We are still under the wing of our family, and we do not have the right to decide. I am a girl, what should I do?

Haitham: Yes, my love, I definitely don't blame you, but longing made me sleepy

Lama's friend: Lama's meeting ended. Come on, your mother will ask why we are late?

Lama: Yes, we have to go. The important thing is that you are fine, my love.

Laith: Come on Haitham, let's go, don't embarrass Lama

Haitham: May God not help you, and may peace accompany you (addressing Lama and her friend)

Haitham decided to tell his mother about what happened with Lama, and although the decision was difficult, he found that Laith's words were no longer enough, and he only wanted more motivation to be patient!

Haitham: My beloved mother, how are you? I want to talk to you about an important topic after lunch!

Mother: Yes, my love, I am present and lunch is present.

After completing lunch, Haitham went to his room, waiting for his mother, thinking how to start talking about the matter.

Haitham: Do not worry, my beloved mother, and I want you to hear my words to the end (Haitham's decision not to communicate words of love to his mother and these things, but he wanted to make his mother understand that he has feelings for the girl and he cannot dispense with what you suggest he do) My beloved mother got to know a girl when I helped her and she was very sick, and after a long time had passed, I still met her in separate periods, and I considered her a close friend of mine. However, when days pass, I feel annoyed at not seeing her, but not like the annoyance I experience when I do not see my close friend Laith!

Do you have an explanation for this, dear mother?

Mother: My love, my son, you are my dearest, and I know that you are at a stage in your life where it is difficult to convince you, and no matter how much I try to explain to you, I do not think it will work, and we have all had almost similar days.

A person goes through a stage of his life in which many things change, even in his thoughts, and these changes are without the will of the person, and more clearly it is called adolescence, and it is a period in which thoughts are scattered and we are moody and we make decisions without thinking sometimes and we do not hear anyone's words except our mind. This aspect is that you are only friends, and for sure at a stage in your life you will know this temporary feeling that will pass after the image is integrated in your mind. Finally, you should know that the reputation of the girl is very important, and even more important than the reputation of the boy in a relative way. Therefore, in every step you should think about your friend Lama, because we are an eastern society Friendship between a male and a female is not easily accepted, and I want to thank you, my love, because you trusted me and spoke to me with your feelings.

Haitham: My beloved mother, thank you for your advice, and I promise you that I will think about every word you said to me, especially since our society does not favor a friendship between me and a girl, whatever the reasons. Thank you, my mother, I love you.

The mother kisses her son and goes to the kitchen while she is busy with joy and many thoughts and says to herself that it seems that my son has grown up and I did not defame him, because in my opinion my dear husband should be closer to hear from him and be a close friend. What does my poor husband do when he returns late from his work seeking to earn a living She thanked God and prayed for peace and security for all of her family.

Indeed, the mother spoke to the father and explained what their son is going through, and he must allocate time for his son and be his friend: the father told her that it was adolescence, and I will talk to him later!!

(The mother speaks to herself, saying: Parents must lend time to their children before it is too late

Haitham was not comforted by talking to his mother, rather his anxiety increased even more because he expected that she would encourage him or arrange his scattered time. He thought carefully about the mother's words and found them although they were logical, but it did not solve the situation he is in.

He took a blank piece of paper and a pen and decided to write a new letter, because the time he watches Lama is not enough for him to come to terms with her about these turning points in their lives.

the message

Dear Beloved Lama

I hope that you are reading the letter and that you are well and well

I thought a lot about the embarrassment that I caused you, and how things accelerated and our relationship went through difficult days after we used to talk daily. Therefore, I decided to write letters to you in order to communicate properly, since our meeting for a few minutes is not enough to satisfy my longing for you.

Dear beloved, you are not my friend, you are not my colleague, you are not a fleeting relationship, you are my sure love as my heart tells me, and I will try in every way to preserve this love, and you have nothing to do but be patient and wait so as not to cause you more embarrassment and pain

I want us to be patient for the days without meeting and to complete our love by exchanging messages, because whenever I miss you, I take out the messages and reflect on them, so you will comfort me psychologically.

The summary is yours for life / Haitham

(He revised the letter a lot, corrected, added, and crossed out before reaching the final version, and decided to deliver it the next day)

He completed his day, and now he is waiting for Lama to come. Finally, after a while, she appears in front of him, and he signals her to approach him. As usual, she does not resist the longing for her lover and responds to his request.

Haitham: Hello, my love, I do not want to embarrass you. Take the letter and go back to your friend

Lama: Thank you, my love, because you appreciate my situation. Honestly, my mother still watches me and presses for time whenever I'm late

Haitham: Well, bye, my love

Lama enters and greets her mother and completes her daily work between helping to prepare lunch or washing the dishes, and then she goes eagerly to her room to read what the beloved wrote. A safe and confidential place

the message

Dear Haitham

You don't know how happy I am when I read your beautiful message like you. Yes, this is the best way to communicate because I miss you more than you expect. I read your words as if you are in front of me, so I feel very comfortable.

My love, I will be patient and support you until our dream comes true and we are together until the end


I will give you this verse expressing my love and affection for you

….. I will be a smile drawn by your lips …..

I will be a candle that melts and lights your life....

If I, my life, had the languages of speech…..

And the lovers' expressions were written out of my love.....

The epic of love and its gifts to you…..

Without you I have no life...

. What have you been up to…. I feel like I'm alive...

Your words.. my heartbeat... and your looks.. the light of my life... and your touches are a soul that lives again. I adore you.

Yours faithfully, whatever happens (Lama)

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