

Love between a young man and a young woman in stages of life that passes through sadness, romance, and interesting events

Aboabod_Alzobaydy · Urban
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16 Chs

A new day and positions with Haitham

Haitham got up early, as he was accustomed to the alarming voice of his mother, who never tired of arranging the affairs of her children and her husband, and preparing everything necessary to start a new day. Here he ate his breakfast, carried his bag, and walked as he used to to his school, but he felt that the road was shorter! For no reason other than that he was thinking about what happened yesterday and not He knows why yesterday's events are so frequent in his memory.

He was more optimistic and cheerful than the rest of his days, and he was more enjoying the conversations of his friends, with whom adolescence began early before Haitham, and they talked about friendships and love.

The bell for the last lesson rang, and Haitham went out to bid farewell to his friends. Unusually, he did not practice his beloved sport. Unusually, he sat watching middle school girls as they returned to their homes, trying to concentrate because he did not remember exactly what the sick girl looked like.

Time passed quickly, and he did not find what he needed, and he returned home early.

Umm Haitham: Hi Haitham, today is early, thank God.

Haitham has something new that he thinks about every day and plans to be a part of his life. She is a beautiful girl who appeared in front of him by an unexpected coincidence and entered his life more when he saw the beauty that stems from innocence and attractive features. He became more open with his colleagues, especially his very close friend (Laith), who began to explain to him what he was going through, given that Laith had experiences in this matter, even though he was in love with a girl from his relatives, and he told him that this girl entered his heart and it is the beginning of admiration that It might make him fall in love. Here Haitham was very happy, as if he loved hearing these words, and asked Laith to teach him what to do today if he saw her, because he was completely confused in front of her and did not know how to act, and he asked to accompany him because she was coming with her friends.

Laith: I don't mind, but you know that I read in a book that it might be love at first sight, and I also read that love at first sight is not a myth or an illusion, but rather a real thing, and most people believe that love at first sight is falling in love A stranger he sees for the first time or the attraction to a certain person he has not met before, as scientists say that the mind makes the decision within a tenth of a second to be attracted to a stranger who is beautiful in appearance and appearance.

Haitham: Oh, you are an artist, even with words (because Haitham calls Laith the word artist because he is creative in a way that cannot be described by drawing).

Laith: Not only that, but I also read that the reason for love at first sight is due to the fact that the brain associates beauty, goodness, and beautiful qualities, and it is one of the main reasons why the most attractive people are more likely to fall in love at first sight, but specialists They describe it in more ways. Complex, as research indicates that romantic love is most often based on idealization and positive fantasies about a partner, and this is true in the case of love that lasts for many years. People can fall in love at first sight if the person looks like they have loved them before, or someone is a positive influence on their life.

Haitham: Stop, my dear colleague, and do not mix my thoughts with the words of articles and sciences, and let me think about what I am going through quietly and calmly.

Laith: Well, Haitham

Friends went out after work, and Haitham did not tire of asking questions and inquiries about what he was doing and how he was doing it. Laith's friend did not hesitate to follow him and give him advice until he reached the garden that Haitham loved so much.

Haitham stood at his peak looking, smiling and wondering. Do I dream that Lama comes directly to me when she is alone.

Haitham: Laith, Laith, get away from me quickly, please, when she came and I want to be alone with her (Laith, hurry away from him)

Lama: Hi Haitham, how are you?

Haitham: Hello Lama, thank God, and how are you?

Lama: Fine, but a question? what are you doing here? Do you usually sit here? Or what?

Haitham was not weak in nature, nor confused today. Laith's words gave him back the confidence and courage he had sought.

Haitham: Honestly, I adore this park, and I used to play volleyball every day when I came back from school with some colleagues and fans of the game before I went home.

Why: But there is no volleyball court here?

Haitham: Yes, but we play it as amateurs, standing opposite each other and imagining that there is a net separating us, and so on (Haitham laughed and Lama laughed).

Lama: But in the past two days, I find you sitting in this place, so when do you play?

Haitham talks to himself. She is smart and talkative and wants to embarrass me, but I know how to deal with her because of her beauty.

Lama: Did I bother you with my question and find that you did not answer me?

Haitham: On the contrary (he repeated it more than once and was afraid that he would not be asked about it again) I wish you would ask me every day.

Lama smiled while looking at him and waiting for his answer.

Haitham: Honestly, something happened to me that started to change my life, and I do not know the reason (he looks at Lama while he is talking and sees her face turn red and become more beautiful)

Haitham: With Alf Salama (as if every step you take steals his joy and he wants to talk to her more and more.

Laith: What happened to Haitham (after he came running) why did you leave her? Go talk to her

Haitham did not respond to Laith, but rather shook his head in a state of rejection and confusion

The two friends got back together, and here Haitham took Laith's friend to his house near Haitham's house.

A beautiful day of Haitham's days ended after he slept unusually late, thinking about what happened to him today.

Haitham: Yes, my mother, thank God, I heard your words. I did not play volleyball.

Mother: Well done my love, may God grant you success

Like the previous day, it ended with Haitham going to sleep, wishing more than before to see the girl.

After the end of the school day for the next day, as the previous day, he sat waiting and waiting for the girl to come.

Pleasant surprise: Hello Haitham (a voice calling him) as if he had heard it before.

Haitham: Hello, hello (confused), how are you? Honestly, I forgot your name, excuse me

Girl: When I wanted to thank you again, your attitude was respectful, and I told my colleagues about your magnanimity, so they insisted that I thank you in front of them.

Haitham turned around to find two girls from Lama's friends who saluted him and thanked him for his noble stance (Haitham was very confused and the word pardon them - this is my duty - came out of his mouth with difficulty, despite their standing a distance away from their colleague Lama.

Lama: I saw you sitting yesterday and I wanted to say hello to you, but frankly I was ashamed and ashamed of that.

Haitham: Thank you, the important thing is that you are fine (Haitham looked at Lama while talking to himself (look at her to know her and know her features well) and here he was stunned in front of this beauty. She is a very, very beautiful girl, and he did not see such green eyes and a smiling face.

Lama: Why don't you look at me like that (with a smile)?

Haitham: Honestly, I wanted to make sure that you are okay by looking at your face.

Lama: What did you find?

Haitham: He said while smiling, more beautiful than imagination.

Lama was ashamed of his words, greeted him, and thanked him once again, bidding farewell, and Haytham continued to look at her, forgetting his usual shyness.

He returned home in an inexplicable, overwhelming happiness that he had never felt before.

Haitham: My mother, my mother, my mother, I am back, thank God.

Mother: Hello, my love. It seems that as you prepared, you got an excellent score in the exam, so you are so happy?

Haitham smiled and did not respond to his mother, but only looked at her.

He completed his day optimistic and cheerful, and slept quietly and peacefully, hoping to repeat this meeting the next day.The words of the poet Imru' al-Qais resonate in his imagination (O night, wake up in the morning, and the morning is not better than you).

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