

Hailey spent a few minutes sitting in the garden. By the time, she got to the house, Jeremy had already left for work. The thought of what he said still baffled her. The thought of what Jeremy had already left for work. Nevertheless, she became more will full to love him and hope for him to love her back.

She entered the house and met that everywhere was tidy. She sat on the sofa in the living room. She switched on the television but she found nothing interesting to watch. As she sat there, a thought crossed her mind.

She decided to navigate the house. The house was a large one. She hadn't seen any part of the house except for the downstairs and their bedroom. Hailey began her survey from the second floor. There were four large doors on the second floor.

She opened the first door and found it empty. It was neat but there was nothing in it. Hailey wondered why it was empty. She tried to figure out what could fit in the room but she was out of ideas. She let out a sigh and closed the door to leave.

She went to the next door and opened it. To her surprise, it wasn't an empty room. It was a room full of books. Infact it was a library. The books were neatly arranged in sections with different genres tagged on them.

"I never knew Jeremy had a library as big as this!" She said to herself surprised. Who would have thought Jeremy was a book lover.

She walked deeper into the library and found a reading table and chair. Hailey picked up a book to read. The title was 'The prince's curse'. She read it out loud.

Once upon a time, there lived a young prince who lived without feelings for humanity. He didn't care about how others felt because he never knew what it means to love. Despite the love he got from his parents, he didn't seem to care or reciprocate love to anyone.

A day came and the prince was heading towards the castle on his horse when he came across an old lady who was struggling to cross to the other end of the road. The prince didn't care to halt. His horse hit the old lady and she groaned in pain. The prince slowed his horse down and walked up to the old lady.

"Didn't you see my horse coming? You nearly killed me .If wasn't so skilled, I would have fallen and my horse would have trampled on me!" He said in a harsh tone.

"Young prince, I should be the one saying that. You saw me coming and you should have waited for me to cross. Your horse hit me hard and my waist is in pain.”

"Serves you right! You should have halted when you saw me. All the damages are on you!"

"That's not how to speak to an old lady especially one you've put through so much pain.” The old lady said to him.