
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Video Games
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58 Chs

Ch 276 - Ch 280

Chapter 276

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Inside the central tent.

Angela and Emma were comforting the eight terrified girls.

The girl who got whipped hard by the cavalier was completely healed by Fei's [Prayer] skill under Paladin Mode. In addition, the girls who got bruises on their bodies from kneeling and begging also got healed by the auras of the Paladin. The two noble-like girls who didn't speak the language of Zenit still couldn't hide the fear in their eyes, but they trusted Angela and Fei more; they no longer only stuck around Lampard.

"Keep them in the camp for now, and they can keep you guys company. You can let them do things that a man can't do." Fei felt pity and wanted to keep the girls safe. He laughed as he said to Angela: "After we return to Chambord, we can help them to settle down at Chambord and get registered as Chambord citizens if they want to!"

Registered residents. It was a new term.

In order to manage all the people at Chambord, Fei used the policy that people used on Earth. Although this policy was controversial on Earth, it was effective for Chambord's situation. The officials at Chambord was able to utilize this policy and got everyone at Chambord registered. Only the ones who were registered were the official citizens of Chambord.

Angela and Emma led the eight girls away and tried to settle their issues once for all.

After that, the key leaders of Chambord's Expedition Force such as Lampard and Cech came into the tent after the guards notified Fei.

"Your Majesty, aren't you afraid of the Imperial Knight Palace coming back to bite us in the ass? After all, we gave all the evidence to the [Godly Knight]." After they all sat down, Lampard asked the question that was on a lot of people's mind.

The warriors of Chambord felt great after teaching the arrogant cavaliers a lesson.

After the investigation, it was found that the cavaliers brought in the "evidence" to Chambord's campsite in order to frame Chambord. The [Divy Crystal] recorded all of these proofs and they are crucial to proving Chambord's innocence. However, Fei gave all of these key artifacts to the [Godly Knight], and the warriors of Chambord were worried.

"Under the current situation, we couldn't really fight against the Imperial Knight Palace." Fei lightly shook his head as he said: "There is no use in keeping the evidence. In addition, we can't really do anything with the evidence. After all, we used some degree of torture when questioning them, and they could say that they were forced to say what we wanted to hear. Remember, all the conspiracies and dirty tricks are like jokes in front of brutal strength. I wasn't planning to get to the truth by questioning those cavaliers, and I'm sure that the [Godly Knight] knows about it. I just wanted you guys to vent off your anger, and I wanted to warn the people who are planning to put their hands into Chambord; they are dreaming if they think they could touch us using these dirty tricks!"

The warriors of Chambord felt a pressing confidence as the king explained everything to them.

Not long ago, Chambord was the adjective that represented weakness and shame; the people of Chambord were bullied and treated like garbage by others. But now, even the level 1 affiliated kingdoms and the high-level nobles had to treat Chambord with respect... All of these changes took place because of the young man in front of them.

"Could it be that Your Majesty already know who is behind this?" Cech's eyes lit up.

"Not entirely sure, but it is not hard to trace it. Only a few forces got a piece of Blood-Edge's treasure. As long as I ask Paris or Elder Princess to trace where these treasures went, we should be able to see who is behind this."

Fei rubbed his chin and continued: "However, dirty tricks like this aren't effective and not damaging to us. What you guys need to focus on is to improve your strength. After all, these tricks are nothing in front of pure strength. In this aspect, our Mr. Warden did a great job!"

This made everyone laugh out loud.

They all knew what the king meant.

About twenty days ago when Oleg questioned the northern slave capturer team of Blood-Edge, he wasn't able to extract any useful information from them. That made everyone doubt this warden's questioning techniques that himself was proud of. But today, Oleg showed everyone what he was capable of. His techniques were not the cruelest, but they were the most suitable and effective. After the process, all the tough men of the Imperial Knight Palace had to spit everything they knew. If the fatty wanted, he could probably get information on the color of the cavaliers' underwears.

After receiving the king's appraise, a bright smile appeared on the flatterer's face. He bowed habitually and flattered: "Your Majesty! It is you who taught me everything!"

This was technically correct. A lot of the techniques that the fatty used today were the techniques that Fei described to him. Fei had seen a lot of movies that contained a lot of torture scenes, and he told Oleg about them after making some adjustments.

"If I'm not wrong, the Imperial Knight Palace won't come after us anymore. Of course, we have to have our guards up. From now on, everyone has to be more aware. If anything happens, just follow the plan that we set up!"

"As you wish, your majesty!"

After the key leaders left the central tent, Fei thought for a while and made sure that he didn't forget anything. He recorded some ideas and thoughts on the notepad he had for reflections, and he then used the skill [Summon], created the teleport portal, and entered the Diablo World.

"Hey, where are you taking us?" Priestess Akara asked impatiently.

Three minutes ago, Fei arrived at [Rogue Encampment] in a hurry. He disrupted Akara's and Cain's work and took them to a remote location in the camp mysteriously. He then opened up a portal and invited them in.

"Yeah, my time is precious. Didn't you always say that wasting others time is like killing them slowly? I tell you what, I made another discovery today! Hahaha, remember that you wanted me to crack open that teleport portal? I have cracked open about a hundred out the three hundred sixty-five magic pathings. I'm busy..." Oldman Cain was also very impatient.

"You guys will know after passing through this portal. It is a good place."

Fei didn't spoil it for them. He waved his hands at the two elderly and walked into the portal in front of him.


After a light buzz, Fei felt like he had passed through a temporal and spatial tunnel.

In the next second, Fei appeared in the dim room that had the silver energy on the walls. A thick black book was floating in the air, and the most eye-catching thing was the golden skeleton that felt like a huge mountain that no one can get over.

This was the secret room that Fei found in the underground hall of Blood-Edge.

Fei had destroyed the teleport portal that was in the underground hall and left spatial coordinates using magic in this room. Using the coordinates, Fei was able to use the skill [Summon] that was leveled up to teleport himself into the room.

Now, Fei was the only person who could come to this room!

Buzz! Buzz!

After some more buzzing noises, Akara and Cain both appeared in the room through the teleport portal.

"God, where on earth is this? I had never been here, but I sense something familiar..." Akara who was always calm and collected all the time gasped. She stared at the light yellow walls and the [Demon King's Wisdom] that was floating in the air in astonishment.

"Oh god….. This... This..."

Cain immediately focused his attention on the golden skeleton that was in the middle of the room. His eyes shone as he stared at it. Like a hungry man in front of a fancy dinner, he drooled a lot. If the sensation coming off of the skeleton wasn't that powerful, Cain would have grabbed the golden skeleton and kissed it.

"Tell me, Fei, where is this?" The two "scientists" finally calmed themselves down as they asked Fei in unison.

"Weren't you guys unwilling to come here?" Fei slowly told the two people about this mysterious room.

"Eh... you told us nothing useful!" The two of them weren't satisfied with Fei's explanation at all.

"To be honest, I don't know where this is. However, it is obvious that there are a lot of secrets hidden in this room. I want to see if you guys can discover them. Also, that book is called [Demon King's Wisdom]. I think you two would be very interested in it!" Fei shrugged his shoulder as he said.

To put it in simple terms, the king wanted two free labors who could help him unveil the secrets of this place.

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Chapter 277

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"This... Ah, the legendary Seal Runes and Spatial Imprisonment! I didn't expect to see these things that were talked about in legends in my lifetime."

Cain was so excited that he started to pull on his white beard. He shivered as he rubbed the yellow walls with his wrinkled hands. He then turned around and explained everything to Fei. The silver energies that were floating on the walls were ancient characters; they were known as the runes of gods, and they had unbelievable powers that could fix something in space and time. This secret room was probably somewhere in the void, and it only existed in the void because of the power of the silver runes.

Fei nodded.

Although he didn't know about this unimaginable power, it wasn't far from his estimations. All of the walls that flashed the yellow light weren't real structures made of soil or natural material; they were an energy that was transformed into the shape of walls.

"Too bad, the application of these techniques are just too complex. In addition, the runes are floating on the wall and don't show their complete form."

Oldman Cain sighed. From his current skill level, he wasn't able to completely copy them. By just looking at the flashing silver runes, he was still not able to replicate the core and essence of the Seal Runes and Spatial Imprisonment. Only time would help him with the study.

If one could understand and grasp the godly runes, then opening up some space in the void and creating a castle would be no longer unthinkable.

Didn't matter if it was Diablo World or Azeroth Continent, there were legends and stories where gods created space and lives. Those things really wasn't imaginable for the average person.

"We can slowly study these silver runes. This secret room won't disappear."

Fei found it funny seeing the Oldman Cain acting like a kid who wanted his favorite toys. He laughed as he set up teleport portals for both Akara and Cain to get here from Rogue Encampment.

This way, they were able to come to this secret room every day for a certain amount of time. Just like how they taught classes at the university in the [City of Heroes] at the back mountain of Chambord, they could come here to study. With Fe's current spiritual power, the two of them could only stay in places other than Diablo World for four hours and twenty minutes every day. This upper limit couldn't be changed, so they needed to allocate their time efficiently.

Akara was still staring at the book [Demon King's Wisdom] that was floating in the air.

"God, this is an unbelievable book. This is like a cyclopedia for all warrior and mages. There is so much knowledge recorded in the book; vast like the ocean. Also, there are a lot of impressive methods on record.... Wisdom, this book is really worthy enough to be called the wisdom. I don't know why it would be called the [Demon King's Wisdom]; I think it should be called [God's Wisdom]!"

In a short time, the priestess had gone through 80% of the content in the book.

She wasn't like Fei who just picked up the ancient language. As someone who mastered the ancient text of Diablo World, she really loved studying these ancient matters. In addition, there was a bit of connection between Diablo World and Azeroth Continent. Other than the theories behind the magic spells and warrior techniques, there were connections between ancient texts. Therefore, the priestess could roughly understand most of the content in the book.

Finally, Cain also moved his eyes off of the yellow walls.

However, the old man wasn't too interested in subjects such as architecture, mechanisms, weapon and armor creation, metal mining. Instead. He focused on the stone lanterns and the stone chains that locked [Demon King's Wisdom] in place.

"Oh god, It is a miracle..." Cain caressed the rough stone chains as he stared at the runes that were flashing on the surface of the stone lanterns. His body shivered as he said: "Ahhhh, these are Micro Imprisonment Runes. Ahaha, these runes actually exist? The legends are real..."

Since the old man acted as if he had gone mad, Fei knew he won't be able to get any detailed information from Cain.

Every time Cain fell into that state of mind, his speech would be confusing and irrational. Except for his brain that was able to work under this workaholic condition, his communication skills would fell to the level of an infant.

After thinking of this, Fei took out the gate to the underground hall as well as the nine mysterious symbols that he stole. He placed them in this room for the two people to study, and he turned around and left.

"Ah, god..."

"Aha, such things are real!"

Before Fei got teleported out, he was still hearing the gasps and shouts of the two "mad scientists"'.

After Fei got back into Diablo World, he thought for a while and summoned Elena. They entered the Third Map [Kurast Docks] to level up.

Before this, Fei had already finished the first quest [The Golden Bird] of the third map.

The reward for completing that quest was a magic potion that could permanently increase the health by 20 points. Fei didn't use it immediately; he kept it in his storage space.

His Barbarian Character, Assassin Character, Sorceress Character, Paladin Character, Druid Character, Necromancer Character, and Amazon Character were now level 45, 39, 41, 39, 39, 37, and 40, respectively. Except for the Necromancer and Amazon Characters, all other five character had completed all quests at [Lut Gholein]. After these two last characters pass the second map, all seven of Fei's characters would have cleared the second stage.

However, since the situation at Zenit was chaotic and dangerous, and powerful opponents appeared one after another, Fei needed to improve his strength quick. He had changed his level-up strategy; he ditched the plan of balancing the power levels of all of his characters and going for that uncertain reward for clearing the second stage. Instead, he focused his time on advancing his Barbarian Character and becoming a Moon-Class Elite Warrior.

After completing the second quest in [Kurast Docks], the Barbarian was now level 46.

Elena also got stronger. She was level 40 and mastered all four elemental magic arrows. In addition, the coordination between her and Fei got smoother. As they fought with the demons and monsters, they would know what each other was thinking of as long as they saw each other's eyes or initial movements. With this level of connection, it felt like they were being controlled by the same person.

The feelings between them were also transforming.

Since the stone room incident in Chambord, their relationship didn't progress. However, Fei was able to sense that the [Flower of Rogue] that was beautiful and valiant was no longer positioning herself as Fei's unimportant servant. Fei could feel the passion and love inside Elena's heart. Their relationship now was intimate and lovely.

During breaks from fighting, Fei would hold onto Elena's soft and smooth hands. Although it wasn't like long walks on the beach, it was very similar as they walked on the road of blood with corpses of monsters on the sides.

The time limit for the day was up, and both of them left Diablo World.


"Everything is normal. Nothing is irregular, and the cavaliers of the Imperial Knight Palace didn't reappear as well."

When Fei returned, his personal guard Torres walked up and reported on what happened in the last four hours. Everything was just like Fei predicted. After the event that took place in the morning, the Imperial Knight Palace quieted down and didn't proceed with a revenge.

After that, Fei took a walk in the camp area. Because the searching for the assassins of Spartax Empire finished, the members of the affiliated kingdoms were allowed to walk within the camp area normally. At the same time, Emperor Yassin ordered all affiliated kingdoms to get ready; the Imperial Military Practice was going to start in two days.

Finally, everyone's attention was placed back onto the competition.

Fei sent away his guards and wandered around in the camp area. He soon walked near the Byzantine Kingdom. The campsite of this kingdom that was quiet in the past was now crowded and noisy. Everyone knew that the young king of Byzantine was supported by the King of Chambord, and a lot of the emissaries and ministers of other forces and kingdoms tried to establish a good relationship with Byzantine since they were afraid of going to Chambord directly; they all wanted to get some benefits in the upcoming competition.

Seeing this from afar, Fei smiled as he knew this young king had grasped the opportunity. The young king of Byzantine was definitely the center of the crowd. He was confident and chatting with all the visitors friendly; he was no longer timid and afraid.

However, Fei didn't walk up; he turned around and left instead.

For the last hour, he felt strange; he felt like someone was following him and observing him. But didn't matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find this person.

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Chapter 278

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Chapter 278: Lonely and Above-all Presence

The Barbarian was really sensitive to danger, and Fei was never wrong on this. Although he couldn't really spot the person, he knew he was being followed.

The person who was following him was really powerful.

Fei's level 46 Barbarian Character was equivalent to a seven-star warrior, and the skills in Diablo World had their own amazing effects. But after Fei changed his pathing several times in secrecy, he still couldn't get away from that person.

Fei thought he had lost that person several times, but he would soon feel like he was being followed again.

Fei didn't think he was just hallucinating.

There was only one explanation: The person who was following him was just way to powerful. Fei felt like that person was way out of his league.

Fei felt like he was an ant that was trying to get away, and that person was a god who was looking down at him from the heaven... they were just in two completely different worlds.

Could it be that this person was the mysterious assassin who tried to kill him before?

Fei was a little scared when he thought of that.

Ever since Fei got the purple scroll book from the ancestors of [Rogue Encampment], he was able to temporality hide the spiritual seal that assassin left in his body. In addition, since that assassin was severely injured by someone else during the battle that occurred in Moro Mountains, Fei wasn't too concerned with that assassin getting back at him. However...

One thing that calmed Fei down a little was the fact that this person didn't initiate an attack; he was just following Fei.

Fei then walked around the entire camp area that was at least a hundred square kilometers big slowly and quietly. When he did that, he secretly passed the message that he won't be back for the night to Chambordians in case Angela and others got worried. When the night arrived, Fei quickly switched to Assassin Mode; his body turned into a cloud of smoke as he soon merged into the darkness.

Fei didn't decide to go back to Chambord's campsite. If the powerful warrior who was following him suddenly decided to attack, the Chambordians especially Angela and the girls who didn't have any warrior energy would be affected. The battle between him and this unknown master warrior would send out energy waves, and the people who didn't have the ability to protect themselves would be in a very dangerous situation.

Therefore, he chose Moro Mountains.

Fei who was under Assassin Mode was so fast that he was like a dash of shadow. Soon, he reached the place in Moro Mountains where the two master warriors battled.

Fe switched back to Barbarian Mode and stood there quietly.

With numerous techniques and trump cards he had, Fei was 100% confident in his ability to escape from the assassin who was after him the other day. That was the reason why he came to the Moro Mountains; he wanted this secret person to show himself or herself.

As his Barbarian Character got more powerful, Fei gradually reached a higher level; not just in terms of ranks, but also in terms of forms of power.

It was still quite vague to Fei, and Fei wanted to use the pressure from a life-and-death battle to stimulate his potential.

After waiting for a while, Fei frowned.

He realized that the person who was following him disappeared; it felt like that person was never there.

"The sensitivity of the Barbarian shouldn't be wrong... Could it be that I really lost him or her?"

Fei waited for another half an hour and nothing occurred. He was sure that the feeling of being followed and monitored disappeared.

That made Fei a little disappointed.

He was hoping for that mysterious assassin to appear and attack him; he really wanted that life-and-death battle. After these days he spent on improving his strength, Fei knew that he won't be that defenseless in front that assassin anymore.

"Whatever! Since that stalker is now gone, I should focus on improving my strength!"

Fei dashed forward and stood in front of the huge battlefield.

The huge terrifying magic arrays that the royal mages set up were still running. Fei used his special footwork to get through the magic array. With the strange pathing and special rhythm, Fei slowly got through the ice-elemental magic array without triggering anything.

Inside the huge pit, warrior energies were still flashing and flying around; they were like the fancy fireworks in a nightly sky.

They were Fist Spiritual Spatial Seals.

When the two mysterious warriors battled each other, their techniques and powers were just too strong. Although they didn't mean to, their energies were still sealed into the space. If a five-star warrior got hit by a seal, the triggered warrior energy would turn him or her into a pile of meat paste.

About twenty days had passed since the battle. Some of the power had dispersed, but the remaining forces were still strong.

These warrior energy seals that were floating around in the air gave Fei a lot of inspiration, and it opened a door for Fei in terms of motivation. The reason why he was able to leave the transparent crystal sword energy in front of the gate of Chambord was that he copy the energy forms here. What he used wasn't Fist Spiritual Spatial Seal; it looked similar, but it didn't mean Fei was now a Moon-Class Elite Warrior.

After Fei got through the magic array, he immediately sat down and used the methods in the purple scroll book to train his spiritual power.

After half an hour, he gradually opened his eyes and exhaled. After days of hard work, Fei's spiritual power finally reached level 300. It was a little breakthrough.

As his spiritual power increased, he would be able to stay in Diablo World longer.

This meant that Fei would be able to spend more time on leveling up, and his strength would increase a lot faster.

Fei nodded his head out of satisfaction. He then stood up and got ready to dash through the warrior energy seals that the two mysterious warriors left in the air; that was the method that he always used to improve his strength in the last while. But when he stood up and look forward, his eyes opened big and wide; it felt like he was frozen in place.

Not sure when, but there was a person standing not too far away.

The person was thin.

The person also wasn't that tall. However, he was standing straight like a spear, and he was facing away from Fei. Fei couldn't see the man's face, but he could see the brown robe and cloth belt that the person was wearing. The man's long hair was like a waterfall that was fluttering in the air, and the man's presence was lonely and above-all.

What surprised Fei the most was this man's strength – Fei couldn't see through him at all.

Fei was completely sure that this man wasn't here when he started the training of his spiritual power. In less than thirty minutes, this man quietly got into the huge pit. Moreover, this man got within ten meters of Fei without Fei knowing. This hadn't happened in a long time.

Without triggering the magic arrays as well.... How powerful was this man?

Fei was getting more and more surprised.

The man was standing within the region of warrior power seals, and it didn't feel like he had any warrior energies. However, the seals that could easily tear five-star warriors into pieces had no effect on this man. The man's robe didn't even move as it touched the seals.

Fei's pupil contracted.

He finally discovered something. The terrifying warrior energy seals dissolved like snow on a hot summer day as the man got close to them.

As a chilly breeze blew by, Fei woke up from his shock.

"Who are you?"

The king asked as he unleashed the power of the Barbarian. He also summoned all of his equipment. Although this man didn't unveil his power, Fei felt an insane amount of danger from him. This sensation was far stronger than what the mysterious assassin gave him.

"King of Chambord?" An emotionless voice sounded.


"Great. If you can last more than ten strikes from me, I won't kill you!"

Before the man finished talking, Fei saw the man move. Instantly, the man unleashed some of his power, and it formed a green sword that was more than ten meters long. As if it was being pulled out of nowhere, it slowly unveiled itself. It lightly shook as it dashed forward, and it was already ten centimeters away from Fei.


Too fast!

Unbelievably fast!

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Chapter 279

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Chapter 279: Aggressive Collision (Part One)


The king swore habitually as he crossed his dual blades in front of him. The power of the level 46 Barbarian was fully unleashed, and a huge fire cross appeared in the air after it was buffed by the level 7 Green Items from Diablo World. However, this huge fire cross was barely able to defend against the huge green sword.

This suddenly battle put Fei at a disadvantage.

In addition, his opponent was a lot stronger than him.


A huge amount of energy broke through Fei's defense and poured into his arms through the dual blades.

At the same time, the huge green sword lightly shook and destroyed the fire cross. It dashed at Fei's head and targeted the location between Fei's eyebrows. Just the energy surrounding the sharp blade created a deep scar on Fei's forehead before the blade touched him.

This sudden release of energy also knocked the dual blades out of Fei's hands.

However, the momentary blockage bought Fei a second of reaction time.

He used [Leap] and got himself into mid-air.

The huge green sword that was more than ten meters long with mysterious symbols on it dashed through under Fei's feet, and the sharp energy around it almost made Fei's legs numb; he almost lost his balance and fell down.

After it dashed by Fei, the sword went straight at the magic arrays protecting the battlefield.

"Shiz!" Fei shouted.

This sword energy was destructive. If it hit any of the magic arrays, it would trigger them and create a series of explosions. It was possible that the mountains and forests within a ten-kilometer radius would be destroyed.

However, just the second before the sword collided with the magic array, it disappeared.

Terrifying control!

Fei, who just landed on a piece of rock, was shocked by what he saw.

The thin figure in front of him had unbelievable control of his energy. Fei knew that he was able to create a strike on the same level as this sword energy if he gave his all, but he couldn't control it to this degree.


The chilly breeze blew by, and Fei's helmet shattered. The pieces fell to the ground.

This helmet was a level 6 Orange Crafted Item from Diablo World; it was one of the best items in the same category. Fei just bought it for 50,000 gold coins from the NPC Ormus in [Kurast Docks]; who knew it would be destroyed by this man in front of him so easily.


Absolutely terrifying!

Blood slowly slid down Fei's head and covered his left eye.

"Second Strike ... [Strike of Blade]!"

The emotionless voice sounded again.

Then, a dashed of green energy slowly formed behind the man. It was almost identical to the previous attack, but this time, the energy formed a green blade. As if this blade traveled through the void to get here, it slowly moved forward out of the green energy until it completely revealed itself including the handle. It was also ten meters long.

On this blade made from warrior energy, there were also a ton of mysterious symbols and runes. Fei was able to clearly see every part of the blade as the blade was frozen in the air.


The blade dashed forward and tore through the air.

The green blade dashed at Fei through a strange trajectory. It was so fast that it looked like bean of light. However, despite its speed, it somehow looked slow.


Fei was too triggered.

Another mysterious yet devastating attack.

The [Strike of Blade] was even more terrifying than the [Strike of Sword]. It had less lightness but more domination. The determination and domination in this strike even shocked Fei who was a Barbarian.

"Sky Frost Fist..."

Fei punched out continuously, and the transparent crystal fist marks formed in the air one after another. All of them were targeting this blade energy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Chapter 279: Aggressive Collision (Part Two)

The energies spilled all over, and the crystal fist marks got chopped apart one after another as well. The energy waves moved the space, and all the rocks in the way of the blade got turned into clouds of dust.

Finally, the blade showed itself on top of Fei's head. After a short moment of pause, it chopped down and completely enveloped Fei in it. It made Fei feel like it was doomsday.

"Covering the Sky!!!"

Fei roared as numerous crystal transparent fist mark consolidated into a huge hand that was ten meters tall and ten meters wide. The hand was so clear that every line on the palm could be seen. As Fei roared, the hand slowly closed its palm and formed into a fist; the fingers left a series of afterimages in the air, and it looked like a crystal flower that slowly closed its petals.


The huge crystal transparent fist mark collided with the huge green blade. At that moment, time froze. That short moment was as long as a century.

Then, like an erupting volcano, energies splashed in all directions. The battlefield was now a complete mess. The splashing energies triggered more than a dozen magic arrays, and the erupting colorful magic elements looked like beautiful fireworks as they lit up the nightly sky.

Fei didn't have the luxury of enjoying the scenery.

The huge repulsion force pushed half of his body into the ground, and he puked up a mouthful of blood. Although the green blade got weakened by the crystal fist mark, it wasn't shattered. The green light around it dimmed as some cracks formed on its body. It chopped down again and didn't leave Fei a moment to breathe.


At the critical moment, Fei's body suddenly blurred and disappeared.


The green blade chopped down and left a huge deep void in the ground.

Fei already appeared on top of the man's head.

Fei teleported himself there using [Telekinesis] after he switched to Sorceress Mode.

He then switched back to Barbarian Mode; he had no choice.

Currently, the barbarian was his most powerful character, and he was most comfortable with it. He pulled out a pair of swords made from [Demon's Remains] and [Black Stone Essences] from his storage space. With momentum, he pierced down at the man's head.


It was a part of Fei's plan.

The best defense is a good offense. If he just stood there and took it, he might not be able to withstand the third strike from this man. Therefore, he had to use [Telekinesis] and initiate the attack.

"[Strike of Palm]"

Although Fei seized the perfect opportunity to counterattack, the man wasn't moved by it.

The emotionless voice sounded again. The man stood still, but a huge green hand appeared on top of his head. This hand was similar to Fei's [Sky Frost Fist], but it was more unpretentious; it only had the shape but not the details. However, it still easily blocked Fei's attack.


Both the green hand and the blades cracked.

Fei was shocked.

It was the first time that he saw weapons made from [Demon's Remains] crack. The weapons made from [Demon's Remains] naturally could counter warrior energy. It was obvious that the green hand was made from warrior energy, and it still didn't shatter under the attack. The quality and the thickness of the green warrior energy was impressive.

"Who is he?"

"Who is he?"

"Who the fu*k is he?"

Fei shouted in his mind, but he didn't dare to slow down. Using the repulsive force from the collision, his body shot up the sky and disappeared.

Fei switched to Assassin Mode and disappeared into the nightly sky using the stealth techniques.

After assessing the situation, he knew he couldn't win directly. He carefully observed the man's body and presence as he tried to find a weakness.

Fei carefully changed his locations continuously as he kept on observing.

Finally, he got to the front of the man and had the chance to see his face.

It was a very common face with soft edges and thin lips. The man still had his eyes closed, but his eyebrows were sharp like knives. There was a vague powerful sensation circulating around his body.

Fei had never seen this man before.

Also, he didn't sense any murderous intent.

He was also sure that this man wasn't the assassin who tried to kill him in the past. What was more surprising was that somehow he felt like he had seen this man before.

"[Strike of Arrows]!"

As Fei was trying to find a weakness, the voice sounded again. The green warrior energy covered the man's body, and numerous green arrows appeared around him.

Fei's face changed color. He knew he couldn't hide anymore.

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Chapter 280

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Chapter 280: Top-Tier Warrior (Part One)

In the next moment, all of the green arrows floated down and covered this mysterious man's body. Each of the arrows was a meter long, and the symbols and runes also made the arrows look like they were real objects.

With the heads pointing outward, the arrows made the man looked like a huge hedgehog from afar.

As the mysterious man waved his hand, destructive power exploded. The arrows shot in all directions mercilessly, and the air-piercing noises also tore Fei's eardrums.

Fei couldn't hide anymore under this target-less AoE attack.

Faced with sharp and powerful arrows, Fei who was under Assassin Mode concentrated his Zen Energy onto his fists and punched out. With fire on his fists and the roar of a tiger, he used [Fists of Fire] and [Tiger Strike].

This dealt a huge amount of damage.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

More than a dozen arrows were smashed into pieces.

Because this [Strike of Arrows] was an AoE technique, the power contained within each arrow was a lot weaker than the previous strikes. This was the reason why Fei was able to deal with it.

However, this AoE attack forced Fei out of the stealth.

"[Strike of Finger]!"

The cold voice sounded again as a ton of dust floated in the air.

This time, the man finally moved. He changed his pose and pointed at Fei with one finger.

Boop! Boop! Boop! Boop!

It sounded like a series of bubbles getting popped.

Fei felt like he was locked inside an invisible prison; he felt like he couldn't dodge this attack at all.

As the mysterious man moved, a huge finger that was more than four meters long appeared on top of Fei's head. It was so detailed that even the fingernail and fingerprints could be seen. As if the man's finger got magnified, it pressed down at Fei like a giant pressing down on an ant.

Fei's face changed color. He instantly switched back to Barbarian Mode. Numerous crystal fist marks appeared again.

This time, he chose to use [Sky Frost Fist – One Strike to Kill]

Mixed with barbarian's skill [Bash], this strike could double Fei's strength in a few seconds. If judging based on the power, this was Fei's most powerful strike!

However –

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Fei's most powerful strike only broke a small portion of the green finger. The rest of the green finger was still pressing down at Fei.



After twenty minutes.


The mysterious man put his hands back to his back after ten strikes.

His knife-like eyebrows relaxed. He looked at Fei with a calm yet emotionless expression. No one could tell what he was thinking about, and no one could tell that he almost killed the damn king a few minutes ago.

Fei who was standing about twenty meters away from the man was shocked to a great degree.

The battle he just experienced was the most dangerous and tough battle he partook since he arrived at Azeroth Continent.

Didn't matter if it was power, experience, or attack angle, the man in front of Fei was far better than him. Close to the end of the battle, Fei had used all seven of his characters and planned numerous counterattacks and traps. However, everything he did was easily countered by this man.

In fact, this mysterious man didn't even move his feet, but Fei got chased around like a monkey with its ass on fire.

There was a huge gap between their power levels.

In front of pure power, any sort of fancy techniques and plans would be useless.

Fei was in a very bad situation.

All of his level 6 and level 7 equipment from Diablo World got completely broken. Their durabilities were below zero, and they could no longer be repaired. These items at least cost Fei more than 200,000 gold coins, and they were now ragged.

Except for these ragged items, the tough body of the barbarian was no match for the powerful strikes of the mysterious man. There were numerous wounds on Fei's arms, and the blood that continuously flowed out of the wounds stained Fei's hands. In fact, except for the vital spots and Fei's face, there were wounds everywhere else.

Chapter 280: Top-Tier Warrior (Part Two)

What was more devastating than the wounds on the surface were the green warrior energies that entered Fei's body. These warrior energies rushed around and were continuously damaging Fei's muscles and organs.

Was Fei able to do any damage to the opponent?

No! Fei didn't even get close to the opponent! The closest he got was five meters away from the mysterious man.

However, despite the injuries, Fei's eyes were brighter than ever.

Fei finally knew who this man was.

After the ten strikes, Fei suddenly realized something and knew who this man was. The reason why this man was familiar to Fei was that this man was the person who chased after that mysterious assassin! This battlefield was the masterpiece of his.

Fei had been observing and sensing the residual energies A.K.A Fist Spiritual Spatial Seals of the two master warriors for a while now, and he was very familiar with this man's sensation. He wasn't able to identify it because this mysterious warrior hid some of his power sensations. But as this man used more and more powerful strikes, Fei recognized it.

For some reason, Fei felt a sense of safety and intimacy after identifying this man.

It wasn't just because this man injured the assassin who tried to kill him; his level 46 Barbarian's sixth sense told him that this man was a friend and not an enemy.

"You recognized me?"

The man's emotionless voice sounded again as the moonlight landed on the man's face, shoulder, and fluttering hair and robe.

"Yeah... elder!" Fei thought about it and chose the word "elder".

"Eh, you are pretty good!" The mysterious man said as he waved his hand. Like a whale that was sucking in water, streams of green warrior energies flowed out of Fei's body and flew back into the man's hand.

Fei was stunned.

He knew that the man was taking back the warrior energy that was in his body.

However, he didn't expect this mysterious man to be able to control the green warrior energy that was in his body. In a sense, this mysterious man could easily command the warrior energy in Fei's body to self-explode. If this didn't kill the king, it would at least severely injured him.

Such a terrifying control!

Fei suddenly recalled the scene where this man took back his warrior energy when his [Strike of Sword] was about to trigger the magic arrays... Compared with all of Fei's previous opponents, this mysterious man had godly control of his own power!

"Ten strikes had passed. Come again tomorrow!"

The cold voice sounded again. Fei wanted to ask something, but he felt like his vision blurred. After a blink, the thin figure was nowhere to be seen in the moonlight. With the power of the level 46 barbarian, Fei couldn't tell how the man left.

One can only see the head of the dragon but not the tail! (An old Chinese saying describing how a person is mysterious and hard to track)

Since Fei wasn't able to react that fast, he already opened his mouth and raised his arms trying to stop the man from leaving.

After a while, the king slowly lowered his arms and rubbed his chin. He felt like what happened today was still too strange.

This mysterious man must be a big character in Zenit; he was too powerful. However, a man like this appeared here for no reason, and he asked Fei to endure ten strikes. After that, the man disappeared without giving an explanation.

"Could it be that this super powerful warrior is just bored and wants to beat me for fun?"

Fei thought: "Or..."

Fei suddenly recalled what the man said before he left. "Come again tomorrow!"

"Come again tomorrow? So he wants to come here and beat me again? Does he hate me that much?"

Fei giggled. He seemed to understand what this man was trying to do. However, only time can prove if his guess was correct or not. At least for now, he was sure that this man didn't have any malicious intent.

After thinking about this, Fei signed and relaxed. The fatigue and soreness hit him hard after the tension was gone, and Fei had no strength left in him anymore. As the chilly breeze blew by, Fei collapsed onto the ground as his legs gave out. He didn't want to move at all.