
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Video Games
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58 Chs

Ch 186 - Ch 190

Chapter 186: Before the Rain Storm the Wind is already here

The trial result discouraged the originally confident warden Oleg, He felt ashamed. After the discouragement, he started working hard and dug deep into torturing methods so that he could better serve the King.

However, to the King, it didn't matter anymore.

Before the team set out, the Soros Caravan manager – Redknapp told Shirley to send a small booklet listing all the records of the spheres of influence that the Blood-Edge Mercenary Group had, including the number of masters, names, and level of power, etc…To the Soros Caravan, they could get this kind of information very easily. Also, this wasn't any classified documentation. Anyone could inquire about it so Redknapp took it as an advantage to do a favor to Fei!

Finally, Chambord's expeditionary army left the territory of the Black Stone Kingdom in the afternoon.

"Your Majesty, we are entering the border of Thrace Kingdom. We heard you and Thrace didn't quite get along!" Redknapp whipped the horse, but the giant dog was too aggressive, and he was too afraid to stay close and said.

"Haha, it is far more than unpleasant. The King of Thrace chose the Black Stone King's side, an enemy of our Chambord. During the day of my enthronement, they sent Prince Okocha and the master Hershzen to attack me on the mountain during the ceremony. All of them were killed by my sword. We are enemies for life!" Fei laughed.

"With that being said, Your Majesty will have to be careful when we enter Thrace!"

"Why? I was hoping the King of Thrace was as courageous as the King of Blackstone, leading the military and showing up by himself. It would save me so much work!" They finally entered the mountains in the afternoon. Fei had a broader-minded while looking at the level land, and bragging excessively.

Redknapp smiled, not saying a word.

Since this morning, he had been observing Fei's every action and behavior. The description of the King of Chambord was very brief in their intelligence reports. Since he convinced the upper management about the execution of the plan, he had to observe whether the Chambord King was worth it to invest in. From the observation, he could not come to a decision. The young King was sometimes polite like an old noble, sometimes too arrogant, sometimes mature, and sometimes like a little kid. Redknapp had read a lot of people in his life, but this time, he couldn't understand this Chambord King.

"This young King seems like he is covered by a layer of cloth, very hard to read." Redknapp became more shocked the more he thought about it.


More surprisingly, the King of Thrace knew the Chambord Expeditionary Force was coming, but he hadn't taken any actions. Not even like the Black Stone King that sent someone to observe. It seemed like he was going to let nothing happen, allowing the Chambord Expeditionary Force cross his territories.

In the evening, the Expeditionary Force and the Caravan stationed next to a waterfall.

"This place is well-known for the beasts hunting around. It is said a group of level three magic beasts Fierce Wind Wolves are always hunting here…" Old Zolasc suggested Fei to change the campsite, but from the report, this was the best place to settle. The only thing they could do was to be more alert, preventing attack from the beasts.

And the fact has proven, Old Zolasc really is a jinx.

During midnight, they heard wolves growling around the site.

"Damn, it is the group of Fierce Wind Wolves…"Redknapp heard something, quickly dressed up and ran out of the tent, jumping on a big stone and looking around. Redknapp got nervous and said, "Damn it, it is the wolves. I'm afraid there are at least six to seven hundred of them … How come there are so many of them?"

In Zenit, level three magic beast Fierce Wind Wolves were just low-grade beasts. The power of an individual wolf was not strong, but the most terrifying part was that they liked living in packs. There was always a large number of them. When they found their prey, the wolf packs will call other groups close by, just like water flooding everywhere. They were courageous and crazy, not stopping until one side died…This kind of wolf pack, even the regular military were afraid of them.The whole army would completely wipe out if they made any mistake.

"Something's wrong, why are there suddenly so many wolf packs?" Redknapp seemed to have found out something. Shirley and the swordsman appeared, looking very seriously.

"Ready…quick! Archers…don't let them get close!"

"Lazy head, go get changed and grab your sword. Do you want to be eaten by wolves?"

"Damn it, why is there so many?"

"Make the fire bigger. They are scared of fire, add more wood…quick, light up the torches!"

The guards of the Soros Caravan were experienced. They respond to the situation very quickly, not even taking three to four minutes, 40 people quickly took over the best place for defense. The camp lit up a lot of torches, blazing in the sky. Everyone raised up their weapons and were ready for a large battle.

But when one looked at Chambord's campsite, they would see that Chambord's expeditionary army was so much quieter.

The King of Chambord never showed up but his army seemed to have received an order and went back to what they were supposed to do, not even being affected by the growling.

At the same time, there were two shadows appearing on the big rock next to the fall,

One was over two meters tall and obese, and there was a scar on his face. He brought a dead and gloomy atmosphere, it was very scary. The other one was tall and thin, a blonde handsome man, holding a longbow. The quiver on his back carried over a hundred arrows, just like a Fairy Prince.

Redknapp knew both of them.

One was the Chambord King's warden, and the other one was the King's guard.

Redknapp was confused why the Chambord King didn't come over but sent them both only on an emergency. Was he that confident about the strengths of his subordinates? Does he think they could defeat the wolf packs by themselves? Or was the Chambord King too arrogant and did not even know how terrifying the wolf pack is?

Redknapp was more leaning towards the latter.

He was experienced and had seen all sorts of surreptitious things. He seemed to know something was wrong about the sudden appearance of this group of giant wolves. From his intuition, he knew it was not that simple. It seems like someone lead the wolf packs here on purpose.

With giving him much time to think, after a long howl, the groups of wolves started running towards them. Many pairs of bloody eyes appeared in the dark, scary like the eyes of devils.

Redknapp stood on a big rock and started mumbling magic spells.

All the guards and masters of the business team stood next to Redknapp, ready to fight. Someone was holding a weapon with his sweaty palms and started to shake.

At the same time, another giant rock crashed into the ground from far away.

The fatty's mouth was holding a stem, and he sat down, just like he was ready to watch what was going to happen. He was crossing his arms, like he was not planning to help. The blonde young man who sat next to the fatty was holding the longbow, and finally pulled out the first long arrow from the quiver on his back.



"What, you actually send someone to do such thing?" In a magnificent tent, a fourteen to fifteen year old teenager in golden armor yelled, "Alpha, who let you to do such a stupid thing?"

Everyone in the tent was frightened at the sight of this angry teenager. They did not even dare to breathe. The old man was the only one who are impassive and said, "Your Majesty, I don't think it is stupid. There will be less troubles when Your Majesty kills him."

"Bastard! If I wanted to kill him, it would be a piece of cake. How come there are so many troubles? How dare you underestimate me?" The golden armored teenager was still very angry and yelled, "Alpha, stop all these stupid actions! This is my order! I will wait here for the arrogant Chambord King, and kill him by myself!"

The old man didn't say a word.

The Black Stone King, Thrace King, Chi Shui King, and many of Fei's enemies were standing behind him. More surprisingly, these were not anybody here but the Kings of all the Kingdoms. However, these people were trembling in front of this teenager, not even daring to be disobedient.

After the teen in golden armor calmed down, he gave multiple orders, and kicked everyone all out of the tent.

"Master Alpha, is our plan still going? It seems his Majesty is very displeased!" The Blackstone King said right away he left the tent.

"Yeah, if Your Majesty knows and decides to investigate…" the Shi Shui King doubted.

The rest of them were also looking at Alpha, the old man. He was obviously a high status.

It seemed like this old man Alpha was very weak, just like a housekeeper, but, he was a very frightful man. Only people who knew him understood how scary this tiny old man was.

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Chapter 187

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Chapter 187: Death is everywhere

Alpha sighed and looked up to the sky as an insidious scent mingled around him. No one knew what he was thinking. After a while, he touched his beard, as usual, smiled and said, "To all Kings, His Majesty is still young, and too ambitious. He will understand we are doing this for his own good as time goes on. Please continue our plan. Don't worry too much, even if His Majesty wants to place blame, it's all on me!"

The Black Stone King was less worried after Alpha made his promise. He gritted his teeth and said, "With that being said, I'm going to prepare!"

Thrace King had a tiny but strong physique with a head of brown curly hair, wearing a gown, a pair of long and bold eyebrows just like a pair of big knife hanging above his eyes. He said, "Haha, amazing, this time we will let the Chambord King suffers!"

Old man Alpha nodded and said, "With the help from two Kings, I now feel assured. I will send the elites from the Empire's Horsemen Sector to assist you two. This time, we cannot make any mistakes."

"Masters from the Empire's Horseman Sector? Great!"

Both Black Stone King and Thrace were delighted. They were more confident with the coming plan, although both didn't understand why Alpha hated the Chambord King so much and spent so much effort to deal with Fei. The enemy's enemy was an ally, so they accepted Alpha's help.


Seeing all the Fierce Wind Wolf bodies covering the ground fifty meters away, everyone in the Soros Caravan including Redknapp were shocked and were breathing hard. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Almost five hundred magic wolves were charging forward for ten minutes.

If it was the Soros Caravan's forty people, even though they had elites on their team, under this situation, it was inevitable to have people injured and dead…but now, what did they see?

They saw the elf-prince-like blonde teenager suppress the coming of magic wolves fifty meters away from their campsite with only his bow and arrows. None of the wolves could come up to the teenager within fifty meters. That border, just like the Goddess of Death had drawn a death-line, no matter how ferocious the wolves were, when they got closer, they would be dead for sure.


The magical rhythmical vibration of the bowstring was still sounding in everyone's ears.

For the last ten minutes, every time the bowstring sounded, there would be a wolf that gets shot with no exception.

How incredible was this archery skill?

Although the overall power of these wolves was not high, the characteristics of the Fierce Wind Wolves were that they were agile and speedy during night time. Under this circumstance, the regular archer couldn't even catch their route.

More surprisingly, the way and speed at which the blonde teenager shot was rapid. After shooting an arrow, another arrow was ready on the bow, shooting a straight line.

During the process, the fat meat mountain who was crossing his arm did one thing only, which was changing the quiver for the blonde man ten times. Every quiver held a hundred arrows, which meant the blonde young man shot a thousand arrows in ten minutes.

The young lady Shirley and the white swordsman were shocked.

Redknapp was amazed, not from his shooting skills since there were a lot of skillful archers in Zenit. The elf race's superior shooting skills were even more well-known, even better than Torres's performance. What amazed Redknapp the most was Torres's age, talent, and background. It was hard to believe that he was a teenager from Chambord, a small country. He was just a poor man, never receiving any professional training but had such a high achievement. He couldn't believe how scary his talent was!

The most incredible thing was Redknapp saw something on the blonde young man that he had never seen before – that young man with the arrow standing on a rock under the moon was just like a beautiful painting.

"This young man, he was born for archery!" Redknapp summarized.

He couldn't help but look at the Chambord King's tent, it was still dark, Redknapp could imagine the Chambord King was hugging his wife and sleeping… the Chambord King, how could he sleep so peacefully at a time like this!

"It seems like I focus too much on the Chambord King, and neglected something around him…the Chambord Kingdom, it is getting interesting. Maybe it would really convince the chairman to activate that plan!"

Everyone from the Soros Caravan went back to their own tents.

The wolves' bodies were everywhere outside the tents. The Fierce Wind Wolf was a type of magic beast. Their bodies had magic crystals, but this low-level beast's crystal was not worth much. And the wolves were killed by the young man from Chambord, they didn't help at all so that they wouldn't be presumptuous and pick up the crystals.

Torres and Oleg jumped down from the rock and walked into the sea of bodies.

Oleg pulled all the arrows from the bodies and put it back into the quiver. At the same time, he picked the crystals from the wolf's skulls with a knife and put it in his pockets. Oleg was pretty insane. Especially on the night when Fei bestowed him with the Cancer constellation characteristics, he started getting excited when dealing with dead bodies.

Although Fernando Torres's fingers were cut by the bowstring, he still checked the wounds on the bodies very carefully, reflecting back onto this fight.

His archery skill was just on the top level of god tier in the Kingdom of Chambord. It was impossible if he wanted to kill about five hundred wind wolves. But after he was given the powers of Sagittarius, it seems like he had some insights on top of his hard work. These days, his archery skills improved a lot.

Tonight was actually a test set up by Fei to train him, he ordered Oleg to protect him, not giving a hand until it was an emergency. For Fei, after he switched to assassin mode, he prepared to help Torres when there was danger. Who knew, under the pressure, Torres bore it and overcame. On average, he used two arrows to kill a Fierce Wind Wolf, but he got very close to stepping into the true bow master's realm, even stimulated Sagittarius's power.

Fei was stunned and surprised to see that Torres's archery skill improved, which gave him the feeling of watching his child grow up. After the danger passed, Fei returned to his tent quietly. No one in the campsite realized Fei came out.

The next day, the team continued the journey.

Although it was quiet on the road, many weird things happened subsequently very soon.

In the afternoon during rest time, someone in the Soros Caravan realized the water close to the resting site was poisoned. There was a poor guard who drank the water, and he was poisoned and died, leading to the discovery. If they didn't find out, the caravan and the Expeditionary Force would be in a big trouble.

"Tasteless and colorless, a terrifying poison. Someone did it on purpose. It wasn't a long time ago, otherwise it would be flushed away. Obviously, someone did it against us…" Redknapp was a four stars sorcerer and he knew a bit of pharmaceutics, so he came to the conclusion from his observation and analysis.

Fei nodded.

He retrieved some poisoned water from the river and put it in a small bottle. He was ready to give it to the pharmaceutical expert in Diablo – Ankara the nun to study the ingredients. It may be useful if she could make an antidote.

During the evening, the Expeditionary Force and the Soros Caravan stopped near some boulders.

The station was attacked by beasts again, as expected/ Torres repelled them using his bow and arrows, and this further confirmed Redknapp's conclusion earlier. Meanwhile, Fei observed from the dark and pondered on something.

On the third day, when the team was passing a steep canyon, rocks began collapsing out of nowhere. Both sides of the cliffs were collapsing and giant rocks began falling down. It was very dangerous.

"Corpse-Piling Shock Wave—!!"

The meat-mountain-like fattie growled and the shockwave he sent smashed a lot of the big rocks into rubble. The situation became manageable with the assistance of the Saint Seiya and the officers. Only one person was injured in the Expeditionary Force. The guard's legs were broken when he tried to protect the Princess. The Soros Caravan followed the Expeditionary Force entering the canyon, so they weren't affected as much, but there were still some people injured or had died.

"I sense the residual scent of the earth-type spell 'Rage of Earth' in the air. This collapse must be created by someone on purpose…" Redknapp had a sullen look as he told Fei his judgment.

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Chapter 188

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Chapter 188: The Hostile Young Man in Golden Armor

"Great minds think alike, Manager Harry. I noticed this too. These slippery smelly mice wouldn't dare to approach us head-on because they know that they are no match for us. That's why they used such a method…" Fei suddenly thought about what the Black Stone King did before. Every time when it approached night, the Black Stone King would send Prince Ike to lead a cavalry squad and continuously harass Fei's camp, and Fei already vaguely remembered something else.

"But they knew that they would not be able to kill you with these means, why would they still do it?"

Manager Harry Redknapp naturally understood that this series of attacks were aimed at the Chambord King, he and the Soros Caravan were just there by chance. However, other than curiosity, he didn't have any thought of just avoiding this Chambord "plague". After all, for a businessman, there was a creed that had been etched into the marrow of their bones – it was absolutely impossible to not pay a price to get a huge return, and before making any investment, they will first let themselves judge the rate of return. And obviously, according to Redknapp's observation recently, especially when the Chambord King demonstrated extraordinary strength during the fight with the Blood-Edge mercenaries, his personal bodyguard Fernando-Torres and the meat-mountain Oleg had also showed their strength, Redknapp became even more convinced that the danger that this Soros Caravan of his would experience was absolutely worth the hidden worth of this Chambord King.

As long as the profit was there, businessmen will never be less courageous than the craziest mercenaries.

"Who knew? Maybe they are stalling time to prepare for something. Maybe they want to tire us out…" Fei shrugged his shoulders and said as if it was not a big deal, "In short, these guys are definitely malicious. Thinking about this is too troublesome, the truth will be revealed one day anyway… Harry, I have this premonition that someone is waiting for us at the front. Maybe, hehe, we will meet them soon."

After treating the injured, Fei commanded and the army began to accelerate their march.

Fei told Angela to return to the safer carriage that the Elder Princess was in, and at the same time, in order to prevent any more unnecessary injuries for being caught off guard, Fei called all the Saint Seiya back, and changed to [Druid Mode] himself. At this moment, the level 32 Druid Character could already summon 5 spirit wolves and 3 ravens. Fei scattered all these beasts and began closely monitoring the surrounding.

Since the Druid could readily change his vision to the perspective of the white spirit wolves or the ravens in the sky, it was almost like Fei grew more pairs of eyes, as if he had military satellites and radars. He could observe almost 10 kilometers of all movement within a radius.

On the surface, Fei looked calm, but inside his heart, killing intent had already risen.

The collapse of the mountain just now already injured five Saint Seiya and a dozen Bylaw Enforcement Officers, and some of the injuries were even serious. This was the most amount of damage Fei had taken after the very first time when Chambord defeated the Black Armor Army. If it wasn't for potions from the Diablo world that treated the injuries in time, there could have been casualties, and the damage had already spread to the Soros Caravan which costed them the lives of 5 guards. Such despicable sneak attacks one after another, who could imagine what those despicable rats would do next? What if someone really dies?

Are you f*cking joking me? My warriors aren't meant to die here.

Fei already made up his mind, he will for sure do something brutal to those sneaky and faceless guys.

The sunset is like blood, dying red the grassland before their eyes.

The scenery was like a painting, so serene.

Suddenly, a very tall and skinny figure slowly appeared on top of a yellow grassland.

He used his trembling hand and slowly took off his pitch black helmet. Beneath that was a thin face with a pair of teary eyes. Looking at the rushing river and the towering castle that sat between the mountains and couldn't suppress his tears anymore. He greedily breathed the air that carried the scent of his homeland, and dropped his knees onto the ground. He began passionately kissing the land under his feet, and his body had already begun shaking excitingly.

"Chambord City, I finally came back alive!"

This man suddenly stood up with his hands in the air as if raising up his own soul, and then he let out an angry roar.

With the roar, more and more figures began appearing behind him and crazily ran to the mountaintop. They were all in ragged cloths and clad in black armor that were not fit for their size. After such a long journey they have been exhausted, using the spears and swords that were originally used for killing as walking sticks. Their energy was fully depleted, and they all relied on that unmovable faith in their heart to be able to make it back here.

"Back… I'm really back!"

"Chambord, my city, I'm actually back to see you again…"

"Oh god, I'm not dreaming am I?"

This group of people was the mine slaves that were finally escorted back by Lampard, Drogba, Pierce, and 20 or so Saint Seiya.

After experiencing the hell-like life in the Black Stone Kingdom, living every day in the fear of death in the next second, seeing comrades being killed from the mine collapsing or under the butcher of their supervisors. They all thought that they might not ever be able to drink from the Zuli River or see Chambord's city wall again, but now the scenery presented before their very eyes finally drove them completely crazy.

Suddenly, an exclamation uttered from the crowd.

A 50-year-old man fell from the horse, and when people lifted him up, he was no longer breathing.

"Dick Daddy is dead… in fact, his body was already overdrawn past the limit. If it wasn't for him holding his last breath to take one last look at motherland Chambord, maybe he would have already died on the road…" Some people's tears were dropping, "Maybe now that he felt that his wish was finally granted, he passed on. Now he can be buried in his homeland."

This group of people had mixed emotions, it was like a dream.

Lampard, Drogba, and Pierce rode round and round to protect the crowd, and they couldn't, help but let out a sigh after seeing this scene. Old man Dick unexpectedly held his last breath until he saw his homeland, and before that, even death was stalled by this old man.

Lampard dispatched a fast horse to Chambord city to report the news of their return.

At that moment, a batch of scouts on horses appeared behind them. They hurried to Lampard's side and whispered. Lampard's face instantly changed. He looked at the compatriots still celebrating crazily for their return, he lowered his voice and asked, "How far?"

"They have stepped into our borders, still one-hour horse-riding from us."

"Damn robbers, they dare to invade our Chambord city so brazenly. They really don't know how good it is to be alive. But now, time is short. Paul, immediately accelerate this group's march, maintain good order, and try your best to get everyone into the city within the next hour. Didier Drogba, dispatch a horse to go report to Elder Bast and Elder Brook. There is a tough enemy attacking so get them prepared to fight. Then, you come with me and cover the rear."

Lampard soon made the most correct decision.

At the Tier 4 subsidiary kingdom Tadeke border area, Thunder Mountain region, there was a narrow and dangerous terrain named the One Line Sky.

On both sides of the One Line Sky were towering cliffs. The cliffs were smooth, unable to be climbed, and there was no vegetation growing.

A few sneaky guys in black cloaks were busy preparing for something on top of a giant rock at the top of the One Line Sky. At the same time, some people were standing in the high lookout staring at the distant mountain road, and at the same time urging, "Hurry up, they are almost here…"

In the distant mountain road appeared a large group of people moving fast.

But suddenly, just at that moment, with a shrill croaking sound, a shadow with a gust of wind came right into their midst. The few people in black cloak lifted their head, and just felt their vision going black, and sharp pain. Three pitch black ravens dove viciously into them, and even directly gouged out the eyes of three of them out with their steel hook-like beaks.

"Ah!!!!! NOO! Help!!!!"

The three unlucky scums that lost their eyeballs screamed in pain and rolled around on the ground. They began stumbling without a sense of direction and fell directly off the cliff.

It was chaotic, and at the same time, giant wolves covered in pure white fur appeared out of nowhere, surrounding the 4 remaining men in black cloaks and began biting fiercely. These giant wolves demonstrated shocking strength that was far beyond the level 3 magic beast Fierce Wind Wolf. Very soon, on the stone mountain top were left piles of scattered bones, rags, and blood.

After a dozen minutes, Chambord's expedition army and the Sorors Caravan finally arrived at One Sky Line canyon.

"Ah, there are a few more bodies here…" The fat man Oleg licked his lips and exclaimed with surprise.

"Go ahead." Fei really wanted to kick this fat ass's ass away because whenever he sees corpses he would act like a guy that was desperate to take a shit who stumbled upon a washroom. This was too f*cking embarrassing.

The manager Redknapp took a careful look at the corpses, and noticed that they were similar to the past 5 or 6 times they saw dead bodies on the road. Although these bodies fell from high above and broke into pieces, it could still be seen that their eyeballs were removed. It looked like they were attacked by some beasts. Redknapp couldn't help but start thinking a bit more. Ever since some people almost died from yesterday when someone used a spell to cause the mountain side to collapse, the Chambord king not only didn't increase their vigilance but withdrew all his scouts and sped up their march. What's even more surprisingly was that, since then, it had been a smooth ride. They didn't encounter any more danger or attacks and smoothly entered the Tadeke border.

Aside from seeing 4 to 5 groups of dead bodies of some men in black cloaks, there was nothing else that happened.

"It seemed like Chambord king did something in the dark and took out those assassins that were preparing their attack… Could it be he still has a hidden force under his command?" Redknapp was in shock.

After passing the One Line Sky and advancing two more hours, they came to the edge of the Thunder Mountain Region.

There were two mountains that were a hundred meters taller than the other mountains, like two tall cranes among a group of chickens. The two mountains were located on opposite sides of each other, like two towering warrior statues that stood on the edge of the mountain region. Their shape was quite peculiar, and they were very famous in this area, named the Dual-Tower Mountain. After passing the Dual-Tower Mountain and another day of traveling, they would successfully enter the territory of their destination, Zenit Empire.

However, when the group was 500 meters away from approaching the Dual-Tower Mountains, Fei noticed, there was a regiment of a hundred knights in golden helmets standing in firm formation under the mountain. They didn't show any signs of moving after seeing the arrival of the expedition army, and the young boy that was standing in front of the regiment, in golden armor, holding a golden helmet, with his blonde hair flying in the wind, riding on a strange-looking magic beast, was currently staring in the distance at him full of hostility.

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Chapter 189

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Chapter 189: The Hardest Battle Yet (Part One)

After seeing the golden armored young knight, a surprise appeared on manager Redknapp's face, "It's him... what a surprise!"

"You know him? Who is he?" Fei asked with a smile on his face.

"Imperial Knight Palace, ranked at the tenth seat of the Ten Executive Knights. He is Chris-Sutton, and the self-claimed Golden Sun Knight. He is a genius knight from Zenit as he is only sixteen years old. Most people his age are still dreaming of becoming a servant of knights, yet Sutton was granted the position of one of the executive knights by Emperor Yasin himself due to his unbeatable talent. He is the star of the future, and many families and nobles of St. Petersburg believed that he could become the future Martial Saint of the empire... Put it in simple terms, he is a character that is hard to deal with..."

Redknapp used a series of flashy titles and adjectives when introducing the young knight that was far away, and his tone sounded very serious. It was obvious that this young knight had a lot of fame in the empire. However, the manager in the black robe laughed and added with a strange expression on his face, "But, this genius who named himself the Golden Sun Knight is short-tempered. He is also famous for his stubbornness and self-conceit. He is merciless and doesn't allow anyone to bend his will. He is a very haughty character, so I would guess that the assassins weren't send by him. He isn't interested in doing anything shady. However, from the looks of it, he is here for you, your majesty. It's better to be careful when you encounter him!"

"Little kids who bocame famous at a young age … they are all arrogant like this. Hehe, gods have mercy! He should hope that he doesn't provoke me!" A meaningful smile appeared on Fei's face as he said that.

The battle sense of a barbarian was very sensitive. Fei had already felt the unhidden hostile attitude that this Golden Sun Knight had towards him. This attitude made Fei wonder why he was like that since they had never met each other before, so they didn't have anything against each other in theory. Fei was a little confused as to where this attitude came from. He also felt angry, "A good dog shouldn't block the road. If you don't want to hold yourself back, I will beat you till your mom can't recognize you! I don't care if you are a genius or the Golden Sun Knight." He thought.

The distance between them got closer and closer. Gradually, everyone felt the subtleness of the atmosphere.

Both parties felt the threat from each other.

Blacky let out a deep and horrifying roar as ferocious lights shone in its eyes. Fernando quietly placed his left hand on three arrows. Warden Oleg held his fist tight, and the strange looking black fist glove with back hooks on it showed itself. Peter-Cech on the other hand formed 25 Saint Seiya into a V shaped charging formation, and a vague red flame appeared on the Roaring Flame Beasts hooves as a light magic energy appeared in the air...

The knights in golden armor under the Dual-tower Mountain also sensed something. Disdainful smiles appeared on their faces. It was like a sneer from a noble towards lower class people. They uniformly pulled down their helmets, raised the lances in their hands to a 45 degree angle, and released silver and golden warrior energy flames outside of them. The energy flames enveloped these knights' lances as well as their horses. Looking from afar, it seemed like that the knights and their horses were merged into one, and together, they looked like a stream of golden current. As if the young knight who attracted the attention like the sun commanded, they would charge and tear up the enemies in front of them into pieces.

Under this tense atmosphere, the two groups got close to each other, and Fei and the young knight stared at each other with no intention of backing off. The distance between them was only 20 meters.

Fei waved his hand, and the expeditionary force as well as the caravans paused.

After a brief moment of silence –

"So you are the King Alexander of Chambord who dared to ignore the laws of the empire and attack affiliated kingdoms of the empire?"

The young knight in the golden armor spoke first.

He tapped the head of the strange demon beast that he was riding on. It looked like a wolf, but it had a horn on its forehead. It had long yellow hair, and chains wrapped around its body. The beast carried the young knight forward, one step at a time. From the knight's tone, it sounded like he was a god who controlled the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and questioning and accusing Fei like a guilty criminal.

"There might be some misunderstandings, Mr. Chris..."

The black robed manager Redknapp heard what Sutton said and felt like there were some misunderstandings, so he quickly signaled Fei and told him not to be impulsive. Redknapp on the other hand rode his horse forward and laughed, "Mister, King Alexander his majesty was attacked and harmed, so he only did what he had to do for self-defence..." Slowly, Redknapp told Sutton exactly what he knew. When it got to the scene where the expeditionary force of Chambord attacked Blackstone Fortress, he artistically described the crimes of Blackstone King such as slavery and murder beforehand, then said, "Both parties had some fault, but the Blackstone King killed and enslaved citizens of Chambord, so he is guilty first. Mr. Chris, you should really investigate it."

"Oh, it's manager Redknapp, long time no see..." The young knight in golden armor nodded. The Soros Merchant Group was one of the powerhouses on the continent, Harry-Redknapp who was one of the top managers at Zenit could be counted as one of the top elites at St. Petersburg. Although Chris-Sutton was arrogant, he had to pay some respect. However, he soon frowned and said, "But, I'm just curious. Why would the prestigious manager Redknapp defend a bunch of savage and the idiot king?"

When Sutton spoke, he didn't try to hide what he meant. The wind blew by, and words like "savage" and "idiot king" clearly landed in Fei's and his men's ears. The expeditionary force was instantly triggered! People like Torres, Oleg, and Cech already had warrior energy flames flashing around their bodies...

Fei lightly waved and quieted everyone down.

He sneered but didn't say anything.

"Mr. Chris, the Blackstone King is at fault here..." Redknapp was still trying to help Fei out.

"Enough, Manager Harry. I think I should remind you of your identity. According to the tradition of this ancient continent, ignoring the laws of the empire and attacking other affiliated kingdoms should always be decided by the Executive Knights of Imperial Knight Palace, and not by your Soros' Merchant Group."

Chris-Sutton cut Redknapp off impatiently as he mocked the people from Chambord, "So what can you do even if what you said are true? There will be people coming to prove if they are innocent after I put these reckless low lives into the prison at the Knight Palace."

"Locking them up at the Knight Palace?" Redknapp was shocked, "How can you do that? The Chambord King is a member of royalty who was canonized by Emperor Yasin..." You have to know that the prison of the Knight Palace locked up serious offenders who committed crimes like treason. Since the establishment of Zenit, no one was able to walk out of the Prison at Knight Palace alive. From what Chris Sutton said, it seemed like he was trying to wipe out these people from Chambord! Why did he want to do that?

"Hahahah, what a joke! What a joke!! Royalty?" The expression on the young knight's face seemed like he heard the most ridiculous joke. He pointed at Fei's forehead with his golden knight lance and sneered, "How can a bunch of savages and a low bumpkin king be royalty? How can they deserve the honor from the empire? They are a bunch of shady bastards who stole the honor! They are stains to the empire, so let me get rid of these stains for the empire myself!"

The young knight didn't pay attention to Redknapp anymore. He rode the strange beast towards Fei. When he was only about ten meters away, he raised his head and said with a commanding tone, "I will give you guys the last chance, if you drop your weapons and give up your Roaring Flame Beasts and surrender, I won't kill you all here now... just a reminder, be fast! I'm not that patient."

"Dumb fuck!" Fei curled his lips.

"What did you say?"

Chris Sutton was stunned. He wasn't sure if he was hearing right, "How dare anyone talk to me like that?"

But what was waiting for him was the mocking from the king of Chambord. Sutton was instantly enraged! With his blonde hair fluttering in the wind, he asked Fei with a murderous tone and flames shooting out of his eyes, "You dare say that again?"

"Dumb fuck! Dumb fuck! Dumb fuck! Dumb fuck!..." Fei looked at Sutton as he got playful. "Do you really think you are important? Daddy is going to say it a hundred times, what are you going to do?" Fei laughed.

"You...…. Ok! You are a bunch of savages. I will kill you first!"

The young knight shouted as he lightly shook his lance out of anger.


A beam of silver metal warrior energy shot out of the body of the golden lance.

The metal warrior energy formed into a silver lance that was about ten meters long and dashed towards Fei while creating a half meter deep trace on the ground as it moved! It caused the rock to explode and the land to shake. Sutton didn't hold back his power at all!

A master would know if the opponent was good or not.

This attack was a test from Sutton, but everyone's face changed color as it was very powerful. Even though they only felt the wind that was created by this lance made out of warrior energy, they felt like there were numerous knives being dragged across their skin. People who were strong felt the pain, and people who were a little weak were already backing off as blood appeared on their skin.

Only someone who was beyond a five star warrior could make such a scene.

Everyone felt like the huge silver knight lance made out of warrior energy was the god's decree, and nothing could ever stop it.

The name of the Ten Executive Knights of the Imperial Knight Palace wasn't famous for nothing.

Fei who was being targeted felt the huge threat. However, he sat on Blacky and suddenly punched out when the silver lance was about 30 centimetres away from him.

The punch felt weak and soft.

But something magical happened! The silver lance made out of warrior energy that was ten meters long suddenly paused in mid-air, as if it bumped to something unmovable. It wouldn't make any more progress after that.

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Chapter 190

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Chapter 190: The duel of the strongest

Everyone started to chatter among themselves when they saw Fei's defense line getting poked through.

Although people from Chambord were confident in their king, some of them gasped when they saw the scene. Even Cech, the strongest among them, couldn't participate in this level of battle. The two men who were battling were at least mid-tier five star warriors. If they weren't fighting on the mountains in the distance, the people watching the battle would be injured just from the energy around them. Since people couldn't see everything clearly, they could only wonder and gasp.

On the other hand, the knights in golden armor cheered on as they saw Chris-Sutton gaining the advantage. Even Chris' wolf, the dog like mount glanced at Blacky with a disdainful look. Blacky immediately responded and growled dangerously as it grabbed onto the ground with its paws.

"Ah, danger!" Emma who was in the luxurious magic carriage gasped and opened her eyes wide as if she was a scared rabbit.

"Don't worry, Alexander is safe!" The Elder Princess who was silent spoke to comfort her. As she patted Emma on the shoulder, she looked at Angela who was sitting beside her. She discovered that this pure girl wasn't afraid about her fiance's situation at all. She just opened her eyes wide and stared at what was happening on the mountains. From her calmness, Tanasha could tell that she had confidence in the man standing on the northern mountain.

In fact, Angela's confidence didn't come out of nowhere.

Tink! Tink! Tink!

A series of ear-piercing metal collision noises sounded.

Fei who was swinging his fist slowly suddenly changed up his tactics. He instantly punched out rapidly like lightning several times. Every single punch hit the golden lance accurately, and every hit reduced the color and the energy flame of the lance by a little. After three punches, the energy flame around the lance disappeared, and the lance's body was completely exposed.


It was another punch.

It struck the tip of the lance accurately.

The young knight was delighted. He laughed, "Such a dumb savage, you want to take on my golden lance by using your body? You are asking for shame... Open!" As he shouted, streams of silver warrior energy charged into the lance from the young knight's body like mercury, and the golden lance shivered in mid-air and let out a noise that sounded like the roar of dragons and tigers.

"Really? Let me see if your shitty stick can handle my fist!"

Fei was wearing the Titan Battle Gauntlets, which were level 6 items from the Diablo World. It still had the durability 50/50, and was virtually indestructible! Why would Fei be afraid of Sutton's lance? As Fei spoke, he smashed onto the tip of the lance.


As if there was a loud thunder, the devastating force directly smashed onto the lance and knocked away all of the silver warrior energy surrounding it. Sutton on the other hand couldn't hold onto it no more, and the lance flew out of his hands and dashed away like a golden light.

Chris-Sutton himself was affected by this huge force as well. He flew back and barely landed on the peak of the southern mountain.

After the wind blew back, it seemed like nothing had happened.

"Great!" the young knight suddenly spoke. With his weapon knocked away, he still had a smile on his face, "I have to admit that I underestimated you savage's fighting ability. Although you surprised me, you would be wrong if you think you could defeat me with this. The real battle starts now!"

As he said that, the young knight waved his hand, and the golden lance that was still falling down the mountain seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and flew back up to his hands. With his right hand pointing the lance upward at the sky, the young knight took off the necklace he was wearing with his left hand. Whoosh! After the necklace was taken off, his golden cape instantly started to flutter in the air.

Also, the young knight's presence changed! Like a huge lance that was pointing at the sky, his strength started to increase! Fei felt like Sutton was almost going to advance through the peak of a 5 star warrior.

"Idiot, I hope your strength is good as your mouth!"

Although Fei was concerned, he didn't hesitate to attack the young knight using his mouth.

However, he had to admit that this arrogant opponent in front of his was the strongest person that he had ever encountered. [One Sword]only flashed by the peak of East Mountain at Chambord when he saved the Elder Princess, the white haired old man on Paris' side was a six star warrior, and [Zenit's God of War] Arshavin was almost a six star warrior. However, both of them were injured early on by traps and calculations from each other and lost the abilities to fight at their prime. [Hidden at Snowpeak] Dani who was a five star warrior was also injured from fights from the peak of East Mountain. All of these factors led to Fei's relative easy victory with a lot of powerful parties. Today, this five star warrior did bring Fei the hardcore battle that he desired.

"Metal Warrior Energy... Gold – Lance – Tsunami – Strike – !"

As the young knight roared, the silver warrior energy surrounding his body started to pile up and spread to the surroundings. Like a tsunami from the ocean, the warrior energy was spreading to the surroundings like waves. What was surprising that it seemed like there were real noise of the tsunami coming from him. The golden lance in his hands circled like lightning and finally turned into a golden blade that stood straight in the tsunami like warrior energy that was piling up behind him. When this "golden blade" appeared, all of the warrior energy seemed to pause for a second.

At that moment, the young knight's strength seemed like it was already at the early stage of a six star warrior.

"Shit! Is he going to cast an ultimate or something?"

Fei instantly put his guard up and got ready to take it.

Every warrior on Azeroth Continent had their own special warrior combat techniques. Through these techniques, warriors were able to deal damage that was beyond their reach. Many time, these technique could turn fights around and flip situations. The warrior combat technique of the young knight seemed impressive! It almost created the image of a tsunami behind Sutton, so it was definitely a stronger technique compared to three star warrior Landes' combat technique which was common to see. Sutton held back onto his warrior energy and tried to condense it even more, and the sharp wind created by this silver metal warrior energy flew everywhere. Fei's skin was already feeling the pain caused by the wind, and the stone under his feet were continuously being ground into dust and blown away by the wind...

"This strike can no longer be taken back once it is casted. Lowly savage, you are pretty strong. If you surrender and listen to the order of the Imperial Knight Palace, I shall spare your life!" The young knight started to levitate into the air as if he was a golden armored god who was sentencing Fei at a holy court. As he shouted at Fei in disdain, his golden lance that was fixed in mid-air was already shivering uncontrollably.

Fei didn't say anything as he sneered.

The word "Lowly savage" coming out of the young knight's mouth angered him as blood thirst flashed in his eyes.

He punched his fists together, and a black light flashed through on the dragon scale like engravings on the Titan Battle Gauntlets. The Level 38 Barbarian's terrifying physical strength was let out completely. The Barbarian's strength at this moment seemed like it had created a strange atmosphere – everything around Fei froze as if a transparent swamp formed. The stone chips around Fei slowly flowed into the air as if all gravity disappeared.

"Since you are asking for it... then die!"

The golden young knight got furious as well. He waved his right arm, and the golden lance turned into a huge dash of golden light as it struck towards Fei. The silver metal warrior energy made huge water wave sounds as it formed air-waves that struck towards Fei as well!

The shocking presence of this strike was devastating. The southern tower mountain was affect by it first. The mountain instantly exploded as stone flew in all directions. It felt like both the sky and the land were moved by this volcano eruptions like incident.

There was only one solution on Fei's mind.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

As Fei punched out, the huge force exploded the air in front of him. Soon, a series of vague transparent fist marks that were the size of car wheels formed in the air to encounter the gold light and the air waves. In an instant, Fei punched out at least a hundred times! There were transparent fist marks everything around him, and these fist marks together accumulated and took Sutton's strike head on!


The force of the collision was sent to the surroundings.

The ground started to shake as numerous cracks appeared on both tower mountains. It seemed like both of them were about to collapse.

"Shit... the mountains are about to fall. Quick! Get away!"

People from both parties quickly backed off to avoid getting injured by the huge stones falling off of the mountains. The strike from both Fei and Sutton seemed to reach the level of six star warriors. To warriors on the Azeroth Continent, the rank of six star warriors was a huge threshold. Once a warrior got over it, it represented that he or she entered the list of true master warriors! This duel of two force that both exceeded the threshold caused the Dual-Tower Mountain that existed for numerous years to collapse!

Sky-high dusts blocked everyone's sight.

Tink! Tink! Tink!

A series of sparks appeared as two figured changed their positions continuously in the sky that was almost covered up by dust.

Streams of silver warrior energy would fly around and let out surprising force. Rolling stones that were touched by these energy were turned into dusts within seconds. Sometimes, spillover energy would tear up the ground while the young knight's roars, Fei's laughter, and loud noises that sounded like huge waves resonated in the sky.


After a loud explosion, it seemed like the two figures separated.

"It's over? Who won?"

Everyone stared at the high ground as the dust slowly dissipated. Everyone's heart started to race as they knew that the result of the battle would be uncovered when all the dusts was blown away. Although they were all confident in the leader of their party, that battle was way too intense. To them, it was like a fight of the gods! Mountains fell and the ground tore as a result! It was impossible for them to stay calm at this moment.

Finally, the dust was blown away.

Two figures appeared clearer and clearer in everyone's eyes.

Red blood slowly dripped to the ground one drop after another.

Everyone was shocked.