
Fujiwara Keiko's File

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Keiko - Shadow, reflection (影子)

Fujiwara - Wisteria field (藤原)

Nicknames - The Knave (of Spades)



Gender: Female

Appearance: Tall and muscular, mostly around her legs and abs. Her long, dark hair is often put into a high ponytail or straight braid and out of the way. She has dark, gray eyes and has a valknut tattoo on her left wrist. She is often seen with bandages on or a long sleeved shirt.

Personality: She is not overly cheerful or energetic, nor is she overly shy. She enjoys hanging out and doesn't stand out much. She can bring out the best in every team and is very flexible. She only needs to play a couple sets with a new team and can adjust accordingly. Keiko is very intelligent, her perceptiveness and her strategic plans are some of the best things she can bring onto the court.

Hobbies: Volleyball, swimming, reading, listening to music, playing with Aki

Side note: She is actually on the swim team. She's been going around and helping volleyball teams all around the country. She usually goes after school to help them. The coach either contacts her themselves or asks another coach to do so. She will only help if someone asks her, otherwise, she keeps her opinion to herself. She and Aki have practice volleyball together, Aki being the setter. Keiko is abused by both of her parents and tries to keep Aki out of it. She often hides Aki in different rooms or even outside when she is getting abused by her parents to make sure that Aki isn't mentally scarred for life.

Age: 15

Birthday: January 28

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Year: 1st year at Karasuno

Height: 180.34 cm (5'11)

Jersey Number: 13

Position: The Knave

The Knave is sort of like a "wild card." Once you put them on the court, they are not allowed under any circumstances, to come off the court. If they do, it will result in a disqualification of the team that the Knave is playing for. There is only one every generation and there are many stereotypes about them but they are pretty much like every other volleyball player. Knaves are usually all rounders and they can be switched with another player to substitute for that player. You can also add them to the court without switching out another player and have seven players in total, but the point of having a Knave is to be as discreet as possible, so putting them out there with the other six is a very clear declaration "I have a Knave, be careful!", so it is not recommended. Knaves are required to wear a special spades pin and it may be placed anywhere (on the jersey) the player may like.

Old School: Chidoriyama Junior High

Jersey Number: 3

Position (at Chidoriyama): All rounder, mostly setter (Chidoriyama's setter was unable to play for most of the season)

Fingertip Height: 219 cm

Jumping Reach: 340 cm (Spike) 330 cm (Block)


Jumping: 5/5

Blocking: 4/5

Speed: 6/5

Perception/Game Sense: 5/5

Stamina: 5/5

Power: 4.5/5


Mother - Nakamura, Nanami - (七美)

Appearance: (5'6) Nanami is lean and relatively tall. She has long, brown hair and harsh, brown eyes. She has thin eyebrows that are pierced. Her ears are also pierced.

Personality: She was kind before she started drinking and smoking. She tends to act before thinking and is very abusive. Both she and her husband drink and smoke.

Father - Fujiwara, Kazuki - (和希)

Appearance: (6'3) Very muscular man. He has a somewhat square face and short, black hair. He has piercing, gray eyes.

Personality: He is very untrusting and is rarely seen smiling. He tends to act before thinking, the same as Nanami. They both act irrationally. He is relatively short tempered and doesn't accept being talked back to.

Sister - Fujiwara, Aki - (A) Second (Ki) Hope (亜希)

Appearance: Aki is very small and athletic. She is selectively mute and relies heavily on Keiko to translate her signing to "normal" people.

Personality: Unlike the rest of her family, Aki is very cheerful and is very outgoing. She also plays volleyball and plays mostly as the setter for Keiko. (Her relationship with Keiko is somewhat like the Miya twins). She and Keiko both practice together and are very in sync. She is very shy when you first meet her, but once she gets to know you, she can be very playful. Aki is homeschooled.

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Hi, y'all! Hope you're having a good day. I want to say thanks for reading this and uh, please be patient with me. I don't have the best attention span, so it's kinda hard for me to buckle down and just WRITE. If you see some inconsistencies then please do tell me. Also, I am not comfortable with typing out curse words so they will be replaced with [honk]. Feel free to replace the [honk] with whatever curse word you'd like. Stay safe and have a good rest of your day/night or whatever class you're DEFINITELY paying attention to. <3


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