
Haikyuu: The God

AHHHHHHHHHHH! WHERE AM I?! WHO ARE YOU...welcome boy your dead and i have granted you 5 wishes you also will be reincarnated into another world

Zoned0utAniya · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Am i straight?...

The past couple of days have been fun, I have been thinking about my sexuality lately do I like girls? do I happen to like boys? I have not really been thinking straight at all.

*Knock knock*

"Come In!" I said as my mother walked in "Tai good news son" My mother said as I put my coloring book down "Hai Hag what is it?" I said as I looked at her "We found an excellent volleyball camp and you are going to go with kuroo is that ok?" My mother asked as I looked out the window, Why didn't my heart beat as fast as a train anymore hearing his name? why am I not feeling anything but seeing him as a friend? I wondered to myself.

"Tai do you not want to go with him brat? if not ill cancel" My mother said as I snapped back to reality "OI HAG I DIDN'T SAY I DIDN'T WANT TO GO... I want to" I said as I fidgeted with my fingers. "Great pack some clothes we will be leaving early to pick up Kuroo so we can take you guys to the camp!" My mother said enthusiastically "ok mom goodnight!" I spoke with a smile as I got ready for bed.

"Wake up son" I heard someone say as I hid under my cover "What the hell do you want it's too early." I said not realizing what I had said as I jolted up "Gomen Father I didn't mean to say that!" I apologized as I got off my bed and bowed "It's quite alright" My father said as he laughed while I just glared at him "Is your bags packed?" He asked me as I looked around making sure "Hai" I said as I spoke with a smile.

"Ok good now get ready we are leaving in 10 minutes," My father said as he pat my head and walked away 'today is the day I start training again even though I'm as good as a pro already' I thought to myself as I walked into the bathroom to freshen up 'A couple of years from now the actual anime should be starting' i thought as I brushed my teeth 'maybe I will know what gender I like the most by then... Females, or males' "UGH THIS IS SO FUCKING DIFFICULT!" I yelled as I threw my face towel on the rack leaving the bathroom "Good morning mother, father" I said as I took a seat at the breakfast table with a math book for 12th graders "Ohayō" They both said to me.

"Look at you brat you're too smart for school," My mother said patting me on the head "Speaking of school can we talk?" I said as I closed my now-finished math book. "Hai son?" my father said to me as I looked up "I Want to go to high school with kuroo when I get older that is." I said looking away embarrassed "I don't see why not brat it's okay," my mother said to me with a smile as I jolted out of my seat to hug them both "I love you guys so much!" I spoke with teary eyes "We love you too son"