
Haikyuu!! : The Twin

A guy with no memories besides an anime named Haikyuu and his love for volleyball wakes up in a white room in front of an old man with a beard that would put Gandalf to shame. A/N: Hello readers, this is my first time writing so pls excuse me if its not up to your liking. Take notice English is not my first language thats exactly why im writing this, to improve my skills. Hope you enjoy

leqendNus · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Ariving at Karasuno

[Third PoV]

After school Hinata went to the gym to finally enter the volleyball club, his brother couldn't come on time because,well he was not interested in the first school day.

When Shoyo entered the gym he saw something he would have never expected


Kageyama turned around and saw one of the two twins he vowed to defeat.

"Hinata Shoyo?!"

"What are you doing here?Shouldn't you be on a better school?"

Kageyama just 'tched' and then said "and what are you doing here you should also be on a stronger school,no?"

Just when Hinata wanted to say something he heard a few voices from behind him.There were 3 peoeple.One with silver gray hair and with a very friendly smile.In the middle another student but with black hair and smile too.But on the right side was an almost bald dude with an funny facial expression which probaly should intimidate them.

"Woah Kageyama Tobio and the Angel Twin Hinata Shoyo." said the gray/silver haired student

"So its true that you both came to Karasuno, I see maybe this year we have a chanche to go to the nationals"

The bald meanwhile said something about respect and first impression.

"Hey Kageyama,how tall are you?"


"woah thats pretty tall"

"But Hinata you didn't grow at all"said the bald guy from the side

Hinata just mumbled something about how unfair it is that his brother grew a few centimeters.

Kageyama then noticed that Hinata Rei wasn't here and was a bit disapointed but also happy that he had a chance to play against him.

The thre introduced themselves when Daichi suddenly asked "Shoyo is your brother also at the Karasuno?"

The question picked the interest from everybod but before Hinata coukd answer they heard the door open and in came the pretty manager Kiyoko Shimizu with a tall orange haird boy in tow.When they saw him they instantly knew the answer to the quetion and all had mixed emotions.

Daichi felt happy because with both twins their win chances were way higher.

Sugawara felt the same.

Tanaka was a mix between happy and sad.Happy because well the same reason as Daichi but sad because he thought that he probably will not have as much playtime as before.

Kageyama was happy because the team was now significantly stronger and he since their last loss he wanted to toss to both twins but even more so to Rei becuase even though Hinata gained his recognition, in his heart Rei was way stronger than his twin.But also sad because he vowed himself to win against both of them.

"Hello I brought someone who wanted to join"said Kiyoko

Before Rei even introduced himself Tanaka went to Kiyoko who straight ignored him,which turned him extremly on.

"Hello everybody, sorry tha I am late I hope I can still register for the club"said Rei sheepishly

"Of course, I would be glad if you join us"said Daichi

"Nii-saaaannnn"shouted Shoyo as he tackled Rei into a hug.He clung himeself onto Rei like a Koala.

"where were you today you missed the whole day"asked Shoyo

"mhh I... had something to do so I couldn't come,hehe"lied Rei completly ignoring the fact that his brother gave him a look that said 'as if'.

"Ohhh Kageyama Tobio what a nice coincidence that the King of the court comes to us smalfolk" teased Rei completly disregarding the look Daichi gave him.

"tch,don't call me that"Kageyama angrily said

"But tell me shouldn't you go to a strong school like Shiratorizawa?"

Kageyama looked embarassed and said "Shiratorizawa... they rejected me"

And on cue Rei broke out laughing "pfft... HAHAHAHAH omg that HAHAHAHAHA"

After a few minutes of intense laughter Rei calmed himself down,Kageyama meanwhile glanced at him and asked as if to seek revenge "What about you guys shouldn't you go to a stronger school to?"

Rei smugly said "No me and Shoyo decided (more like Shoyo begged him to come with him) to go to Karasuno from the start not like the mighty King of the court who got rejected pffttt"

While Rei broke out in laughter again Kageyama shouted vicious "DON'T CALL ME THAT"

Rei jus sighed at the outbreak of Kageyama "You do realise that King of the court could mean many things its just for you to realise what it could mean."

Before Kageyama could ask him what he means Daich interupted them and said "You guys stop with that,and by the way tomorrow we have a test for the 1st years in the afternoon so better be prepared.You aren't the only one who want to join."

When Daichi finished his sentence Shoyo bublled with excitement and shouted "Allright lets go!!!!"

Rei just slapped on the back of his head and said "Not so loud dumbass,now come on Sebastian is waiting at the front gate for us,Mom wants to go eat in a restauraunt today to celebrate."

And with that it became quiet in the Karasuno gym again.

To be continued in the next chapter

A/N;Hello everybody I hope you enjoyed the chapter pls comment on how to improve my writing and the story.