
Hadrian Potter,The Child of Chaos!!!

So it began!!!! The tale of Hadrian potter, Child of KHAOS. 'He would be sent back in time. And this time he will be powerful, he will be dark and he will be chaos in its true form.' okay so the cover art is not mine, if the owner wants it down pls dm me then. thanks-

Songwuyao17 · Book&Literature
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Inheritance and rituals!

Chapter: 03

At the goblin's bank Harry arrived at the lobby.

He saw that there were lots of people queing among selective teller's for their day to day economic-finance management.

At the center of the lobby was a plaque which had 'info and quiries#01, GRIPHOOK' written on it, behind the desk sat a teller who was ridiculously short and someone harry recognized at first glance. It was Griphook, the goblin harry had met when arrived with 'Hagrid' the groundskeeper of Hogwarts. Going to the teller 'goblin' harry raised his voice and asked for the goblin's attention. The goblin looked down from his long desk and saw a child about 13,14 y/old.

"What's your name, human!" asked Griphook. 'I am Harry james potter, teller griphook.' Said harry.

"What is your business with us, heir potter." Said Griphook. 'I have an appointment with my account manager BAGROD.' replied harry.

"Wait a minute Mr.Potter, I would call for someone to escort you to your manager." After a while harry was escorted to his accountant office, where a plaque that reflected the name of the owner was stamped on the door.

The door opened and harry saw his account manager. He was a gurosteque looking goblin, with scars all over his face and sat there with a stern expression. He sat onto the chair that was placed before the desk for visitor's and introduced himself as the heir potter. and asked him about the letter and the matter of taking an inheritance test. the goblin then summoned a goblit and a dagger and put them onto the table, and then asked him to drop three drops of blood into the goblet, which will show all information about him and all the magic that was placed onto his person since his birth.the goblin chanted in gobleddugook as a golden light shown on the parchment.

After doing the said ritual, the goblin then gave the parchment to him to look.


Inheritance cycle and blood ritual:


Name: Hadrian James Potter-Black.

Father name: James Fleamont Potter.

Mother name: Lillian Moon Potter, (nee Evan's).

Godfather: Sirius Orion Black.

Godmother: Alice Longbottom.

Date of birth: ********.15 y/old.

Status: Pureblood.


Lord of:

The most ancient and noble house of Potter-(From patriarchy bloodline).

The most ancient and noble house of Gryffindor-(From patriarchy line).

The most ancient and noble house of Slytherin-(By conquest).

The most ancient and noble house of Ravenclaw-(From Matriarch Bloodline).

The most noble and ancient house of Ambrosius-(Bequest by Lady Magic).

The most noble and ancient house of Le-fay-(Bequest by Death).

The most noble and ancient house of PeverelL-(Bequest by Death).

Heir of:

The most noble and ancient house of Black-(Through blood adoption by Godfather).

The most noble house of Dragon-(From patriarchy bloodline).




V-78(*Family vault), V-81(*Lord vault), V-634(*Heir vault), V-764(*Trust vault).

G: 261M, S: 143, K: 12.


V-6(*Lord vault), V-8(*Heir vault).

G: 57M, S: 148, K: 63.


V-7(*Lord vault), V-9(Heir vault).

G: 11M, S: 16, K: 3.


V-10, V-11

G: 18M, S: 167, K: 12.


G: 78M, S: 1257.


G: 9M, S: 23, K: 4.


G: 65M, S: 2, K: 1.

->Black Heir Vault:

G: 1M.


G: 5000.

->Other Artifacts Value:

G: 56M.


Bloodline Abilities:

Natural occulumen's-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D.

Natural legilimen's-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D.

Natural animagi-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D.

Wandless magic-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D.

Healing ability-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D. [30% broken]

Wordless magic-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D.

Full metamormagus-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D. [10% broken]

Creature inheritance (hybrid) - 100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D.

Parseltongue-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D. [80% broken]

Parselmagic-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D.

Beastspeak-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D.

Familiar bond-100% blocked by A.W.B.P.D.

Magic, spell's and potion's on person:

Profound hatred Potion toward Slytherin and dark families- 100% by A.W.B.P.D.

Loyalty potion keyed to- Molly weasley, Ginerwa weasley, Ron weasley, Hermione granger, A.W.B.P.D.

Love potion tied to- Ginerwa weasley.

Absolute obedience potion- keyed to Molly, A.W.B.P.D.

Full body glamour (period 17 years) - by A.W.B.P.D.

Magical core (DUAL)- 90% blocked by A.W.B.P.D.

Growth stunting potion-(70%) by A.W.B.P.D.

Marriage binding contract- keyed to Ginerwa weasley by molly and A.W.B.P.D. [CAN!!! be broken by the Lord of the most noble and ancient house of Potter].


He looked at the parchment and was shocked again.....

He bristled with anger!!!! How dare they do this to him????

He did not think that there were several compulsion spell's and block's on him and he wanted them to be removed immediately.

'I want them removed Bagrod !!! I don't care how you do it but I want them removed right now!!!!!' he said angrily.

"Alright young heir, please follow me to the medical chamber for the cleansing", said Bagrod.

He followed the goblin through distinct hallways and corridor's and entered a large chamber that had a bed in the center with a rune cirlcle around it with sheer lightened candles that had a soothing effect on one's mind.

Bagrod advised him to lay down on the mattress before ordering him to change in a white tunic like frock that hang down his skinny shoulders and was down to his legs and went out the door.

He laid on the chamber and then watched as the some goblins wearing healer's garment plus his manager entered the room and surrounded the bed around him.

One goblin who looked to be female came closer to him and introduced herself as Healer Maeve.

She then asked for his permission to perform a diagnostic charm which he readily gave her. And watched as light yellow light surround him. When the goblin looked to the parchment hovering itself in the air he watched their expressions converting into uglier ones as they bristled in anger, they started conversing in goblin language and soon light as great as a lumos spell was seen and then vanished. Soon the door banged opened and a mature and taller looking goblin came to them and ordered them to tell him about the truth of the situation.

The healer Maeve who was the head matron started to tell him about his diagnostic results which further caused his face to turn purple in anger. He soon introduce himself as goblin account manager Crasmond Bagrod Sr. to harry.

He asked hadrian if he knew about a horcrux that was bound to his very soul that was leeching on his magic which they identified as truly dark magic. And then asked him if they have the permission to remove this foul cursed entity out of its existence for the use of eternal hellfire[fiend fire magic].

He said 'ofcourse' hell yes....

If he could get rid of this early, it would rid him of headaches....

After getting his permission the healer's started to get in a circle forming all around him started to chant in latin, his vision started to get darker and he started to  loose his consciousness and then it all went dark....