
Hadrian Peverell in Shadow and Bone

Harry Potter after the war tried of the Wizarding world jumps through the veil to a new world of Shadow and Bone.

Just_for_fun1997 · TV
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63 Chs

Chapter 36

Hadrian was soon resting and chatting with his student,when Genya brought Alina.

Genya gave me a pitying look. "Baghra's not so bad once you get used to her. But you don't want to be late."

Alina hastily said"Right,"

Hadrian smiled at her and said"Don't worry,she just wants to help you survive."

Alina nodded taking a deep breath scurried up the path.

Genya called after her"Good luck!" .

The stone hut was round and, Alina followed Hadrian, but she noted apprehensively, that or didn't seem to have any windows.

Hadrian alked up the few steps to the door and knocked. When no one answered,Hadrian spoke up'Teacher,it's me.Also I brought you a new student."

Alina was generous and wasn't sure what to do.She looked back up the path, but Genya was long gone.

Hadrian went inside,but Alina was still afraif.Bu t

then screwed up her courage and opened the door.

The heat hit me like a blast, and I instantly began to sweat in my new clothes. As my eyes adjusted to the dimness, I could just make out a narrow bed, a basin, and a stove with a kettle on it. At the center of the room were two chairs and a fire roaring in a large tile oven. "You're late," said a harsh voice. I looked around but didn't see anyone in the tiny room. Then one of the shadows moved.

Alina nearly jumped out of her skin, when she heard someone shout "Shut the door, girl. You're letting the heat out."

Alina nodded and quickly did so, while Hadrian told Baghra"Teacher, go easy on this one.She has been supressing her powers for a long time.'

Baghra is an elderly woman with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Baghra looked at Alina, like she was an idiot muttered"Is she a fool."

Hadrian winced and replied"She didn't seem to want to be one."

Baghra frowned at Alina said"To reject what you are is the foolish thing, I have ever heard."

Alina looked down and replied "I really didn't know the consequences"

Baghra just"Hmph,"

Then her expression changed to softer one and looked ar Hadrian,then asking"Are you watching?"

Hadrian nodded and replied"Yeah,Kirigan wanted me to asses her."

Baghra nodded and then looked on Alina with eyes so unfathomably bleak that a chill rippled through Alina, despite the heat of the room.While Baghra spoke up in grim tone"I hope you're stronger than you look, girl,"

Bahgra circling Alina muttered"Let's have a look at you."

Then with frown added"A Sun Summoner who wastes her time training with Botkin?"

She then with disgust askedAre you going to punch your way through the Shadow Fold?"

Alina was really intimidated by Baghra,while she saw Hadrian was not stepping in.As Baghra questione"Where's the rest of you?.....Are you mute, girl?"

Alina hesitating answered"No."

Baghra questioned"Then what are you?"

Alina with doubt answered"A Sun Summoner?"

Baghra scoffed and asked"And can you summon the sun without the Hadrian clutching your wrist?

His blood and bones amplify other Grisha. Did you know that?"

Alina unknowingly spoke up"Human amplifiers don't exist."

Baghra rolled her eyes and asked"You're an expert on such things?"

Then Baghra fastened her bony hand around my wrist, Alina realized instantly that she was an amplifier like Hadrian.She felt the same jolting surety flood through me, and sunlight erupted through the room, shimmering over the stone walls of Baghra's hut.

Baghra frowned and said"Do not assume to know everything,when you know nothing."

Alina nodded,then Baghra continued her questioning"Can you summon the power on your own?"

Alina embrassed answered"I can't."

For Hadrian the only thing about the whole training session was a complete disaster.

Bahgra chided Alina, cajoled her, even hit me once with her stick.

Baghra looked at Hadrian and with a growl asked"What am I supposed to do with a girl who can't call her own power?"

Finally, she shooed me away with a disgusted wave of her hand.

Hadrian walked next to Alina, who looked devasted and said"This is what happens when you suppress your power, it becomes harder to call upon and I know Baghra seems ruthless, but she is training you to call upon the power, when is stress and tense situations."

Alina nodded and gave small smile, as Hadriam added"Let's go have some food."