
Hadrian Peverell in Shadow and Bone

Harry Potter after the war tried of the Wizarding world jumps through the veil to a new world of Shadow and Bone.

Just_for_fun1997 · TV
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63 Chs

Chapter 20 new

[A/N:I know Hadrian's kind has found methods to create expandable trucks,pouches...etc.So I was thinking about Dimension like Tao Lo (Shang chi) from MCU,I was thinking of modifying his previous Village to be like Tao Lo and his Dragon practically becoming its gurdian.]

A Shu boy was seated cross-legged on it. He stared at them, his dark hair flopping over his forehead, a notebook in his lap. He couldn't have been more than fifteen.Next to him was a man of Shu,he looked weak and was in a coma.

Hadrian in shu said"We aren't here to harm you and is that you father Bo Yul- Bayur?"

The boy brushed his hair back from his brown eyes nodding replied"Yes"

Nina frowned if Bo Yul Bayur is unable,who was creating the drug,as she looked around asked "Then what is all this?"

The boy without fear questioned"Have you come to kill us?"

Nina wasn't quite sure of the answer to that,as Hadrian decided to answer with honesty "We are from Ravka,we came here after hearing about the Drug and no we are no here kill you,but get you out."

The boy's face frowned. "You're not from Kerch."

Nina shook her heard and replied "We came to rescue Bo Yul-Bayur."

The boy pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. "He's beyond your rescue.

My father is in a coma when the Fjerdans tried to stop the Kerch from taking us out of Ahmrat Jen." His voice faltered. "He was is now just shell of his formerself."

If Bo Yul- Bayur is in coma,then why did Fjerdans had kept his son alive for a reason.As Hadrian asked "They're trying to make you recreate his formula,"

The boy as hesitant,but replied"I helped him in the lab, but I don't remember everything.And I've been stalling."

Hadrian and Nina guessed whatever parem the Fjerdans had been using on the Grisha must have come from the original stock Bo Yul-Bayur had been bringing to the Kerch.

Nina asked"Can you do it?Can you recreate the formula?" The boy hesitated and replied "I think so."

Nina and Hadrian exchanged a glance.

Nina swallowed. She'd killed before. She'd killed tonight, even, but this was different.This boy was innocent.But then she thought of the cells full of Grisha lost in their own misery, all because of this drug.

She raised her arms. "I'm sorry,If you succeed, there will be no end to the suffering you unleash."

Hadrian quickly grabbed her hand stopping her,as she looked at him in surprise"The Shu and Kerch already have samples sooner or later they would figure it and only one who can quickly make an antidote is these two.Also both are Grisha."

The boy's gaze was steady, his chin jutting up stubbornly, as if he'd known this moment might come. The right thing to do was obviously kill this boy quickly, painlessly. Destroy the lab and everything in it. Eradicate the secret of jurda parem. If you wanted to kill a vine, you didn't just keep cutting it back. You tore it from the ground by the roots. And yet her hands were shaking. Wasn't this the way drüskelle thought? Destroy the threat,

wipe it out, no matter that the person in front of you was innocent. When Hadrian said both were Grisha it shocked Nina.

A boy not much younger than she was, caught up in a war he hadn't chosen for himself a survivor.

Hadrian asked, "What's your name?"

The boy answered"Kuwei."

Hadrian nodded "I will heal your father and give you asylum in Ravka, would you come with us."

Kuwei was surprised to hear this as he said"Can you really heal him."

Hadrian nodded and from his expandable pouch took out a Mind awakening potion,which he created for people like Bo Yul-Bayur and he slowly let the potion slip into Bo Yul mouth,it took about 5 minutes for Bo Yul to wake up,first thing he did was hug his son,both cried as Kuwei quickly explained everything to his father.

Bo Yul Bayur was hesitant,but for his son to escape he agreed"We agree with your terms,as long as you can get my son out of here.I cannot move,it's is best you just take my son with you.Also kill me before you go."

Kuwei didn't want to leave his father,as Hadrian nodded and replied"We have a method to get you both out alive,You don't have to worry about Jurda Parem being used by Ravka,I won't allow it and no one will know about you existence."

Bo you'll Bayur once again no lie,having lived as a Grisha in Shu Han,he knew how to survive.

Hadrian then asked"How fast can you destroy this lab?"

Kuwei replied"Fast". He sliced a hand through the air, and the flames from beneath one of the beakers shot out in a blue arc. Nina stared and muttered, "You're an Inferni."

Kuwei nodded as Bo Yul Bayur said "Jurda parem was a mistake.I was trying to find a way to help me hide both out powers.I was a Fabrikator myself."

Nina's mind was reeling Bo Yul-Bayur, a Grisha hiding in plain sight behind the borders of the Shu Han. There was no time to let it sink in.

Nina quickly spoke up"We need to destroy as much of your work as we can,"Kuwei, already gathering up papers and jurda samples and helping his father up replied "There are combustibles,I can rig an explosion."

Bo Yul couldn't fully use his legs having been laying down for years his legs weren't at full strength. Kuwei arranged a series of vials full of liquid over the burners and slowly helped his father up said "We are ready."

Nina's mind was reeling – Bo Yul-Bayur, a Grisha hiding in plain sight behind the borders of the Shu Han.There was no time to let it sink in as Nina held out the port key,as Bo Yul Bayur and Kuwei were confused as Hadrian said"Grab a hold on it."

Nina looked at Hadrian who simply said"I will be just behind you, go now."

Nina nodded,they leaned themselves forward, grabed the device and...WHOOSH!the ground beneath their feet lurches, the sky shudders, spinning independent of the earth.The wind rises in a howl and Nina squints, everything becoming blur, until..all three landed in the Black Mansion.

Hadrian after seeing them disappears checked the corridor and hurried towards the treasury entrance. At every turn he expected to see drüskelle or guards storming their way, but they charged through the halls unimpeded. At the main door, they paused.

Hadrian held his hand out in front of his face as it changed to into Shu.He then transfigured his clothing to match the Shu origin and looked back to see the treasury vault was lighting up in flames,so to make the guards ans Druskelle come faster,he took out a smaller vial of Greek fire through it into the fire the their was loud blast and green flames roared in the vault.

As soon as this happened the clamour of the bells became almost unbearable.Hadrian could see the Elderclock on the highest silvery spire of the palace, its face glowing like a moon. Bright lights from the guard towers moved across the White Island, and he could hear the shouts of soldiers closing in around the palace.

As Druskelle and Guards were racing towards his direction maze.There were drüskelle everywhere in front him,behind him.Any moment the be gunned down.They saw him and yelling intruder in Fjerda.

Hadrian in shu yelled"For Makhi Kir-Taban, Born of Heaven, Most Celestial Highness."then and threw a Greek fire in down at the very moment Hadrian disapparated with Hadrian being twisted and swirled into nothing within a swirling clear haze, accompanied with a loud rustling or rushing sound, while usually ending in a crack, as if he is being sucked into a vortex. None of the guards or Druskelle noticed this as the explosion hit.A wave of heat lifted every guard and Druskelle of their feet and tossed them in the air, chased by a deafening boom.They all came down hard on the white paving stones.One side of the treasury had been reduced to rubble,with green flames launched in every corners.

Hadrian appeared outside the Ice court was watching everything from distance activated his Greek Fire vial runes.Then there was explosions rocked all over the Ice court Prison.Sector,Embassy Sector, Drüskelle Sector and White Island.All these places were exploded and bathed in green flames everything was smoke and chaos. There smoke and dust with green flames dancing and billowing into the night sky.