
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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752 Chs

Chapter 294: Socializing

Initially, Huilin had kept her head down and dared not raise her gaze much in this unfamiliar place. When someone mentioned she was Yang Chen's girlfriend, she nearly fainted from nervousness. She anxiously clasped her hands together, palms sweaty.

Yang Chen bluntly pushed his hand against Zhao Teng's forehead. "What's wrong with your eyes? Do I look like someone who goes after younger girls?"

"Director, you're not old," Zhao Teng complained, rubbing his sore forehead.

"This is my cousin. She's very talented. After discussing with Director Lin, I've brought her here to receive professional vocal and dance training at our company. I'll leave the arrangements to you," Yang Chen explained.

It suddenly dawned on Zhao Teng. After scrutinizing Huilin, he acknowledged her potential to become a star. Since Lin Ruoxi approved, there must be something extraordinary about her. "No problem. The musicians and choreographers we've hired are all top-notch. We've been needing talented students like her."

With that settled, Yang Chen instructed Huilin to follow Zhao Teng's arrangements, heading straight to Yulei Entertainment's recording studio and dance classroom for assessment. Based on her abilities, they would determine her starting level of training.

Knowing he couldn't accompany Huilin indefinitely, Yang Chen told her, "After you finish your practice, whenever you want to go back, just give me a call."

Huilin hesitated. "Can I call Sister instead?"

Yang Chen felt exasperated. "Am I that unwelcoming? You want your sister to pick you up on the first day?"

"It's not that, I just..."

"Alright, alright, do whatever you want," Yang Chen interrupted, unwilling to hear more reasons. He knew Huilin was sensitive and would probably feel more comfortable with Lin Ruoxi, who was also a woman.

Indeed, Huilin was hesitant to spend too much time with Yang Chen. Especially after Zhao Teng mentioned "girlfriend," she became even more shy and afraid, feeling guilty that others might think she and Yang Chen were a couple, which would upset Lin Ruoxi.

As for Yang Chen's mention of an affair and divorce, Huilin saw it as something distant and wasn't entirely sure about it.

Back in his office, Yang Chen intended to sit down and play games on his computer when Wang Jie knocked and entered with a stack of files. Looking somewhat embarrassed, she asked, "Director, do you have time at noon?"

Shaking his head, Yang Chen replied, "I'm free. What's up?"

Wang Jie hesitated and said, "There's a social engagement at noon. Normally, I would go with the driver and assistant, but there's an urgent meeting at Yulei headquarters today. So, I was wondering if the Director could go in my place. Would that be possible?"

An engagement? Yang Chen ran his hand through his hair. Truthfully, he wasn't fond of such occasions, and Wang Jie likely knew that. She looked at him with a mixture of helplessness and pleading.

Yang Chen asked, "Who is it?"

Wang Jie perked up. "It's a rising young director named Huang Hai. He's from Shandong. His last film, made with a production budget of three million, earned twelve million at the box office, giving him some recognition. He's approached our company this time, hoping for us to invest in a small-budget film of around five million. It seems he values our reputation, and other major companies don't have much room for him."

"So, he's inviting us to discuss?" Yang Chen clarified.

"We could say it's a mutually beneficial negotiation. After all, he has some credibility, and he doesn't necessarily have to come to us. However, our company is just getting started, and many emerging directors are interested in working with us. If their first film succeeds, they can become the leading director of our company, which is quite prestigious in the entertainment industry," Wang Jie explained.

Yang Chen roughly understood. Yulei Entertainment, newly established, was currently seen as an attractive opportunity by emerging directors and actors who couldn't secure high positions in established companies.

"I initially wanted to review his script and assess his character and professional ethics. If everything checks out, we could sign a contract with him. But the urgent meeting at headquarters is crucial, and I've been handling those responsibilities. That's why I thought of you, Director. After all, it was you who handled negotiations in Hong Kong back then. This kind of work should be quite manageable for you," Wang Jie added, subtly flattering Yang Chen.

Everyone likes to hear praise. Although the Hong Kong negotiation wasn't a particularly fond memory for Yang Chen, he softened a bit. After thinking it over, he said, "Put the documents down. I'll go over at noon."

Wang Jie breathed a sigh of relief. If Yang Chen hadn't agreed, she wasn't sure who else could go. After all, the company was newly established, and there weren't enough capable hands.

After Wang Jie left, Yang Chen picked up the documents and reviewed the resume of the director Huang Hai, as well as his proposed project. Finally, he noted the location of the noon appointment, a somewhat well-known place in Zhonghai called "Xiangye Entertainment Club."

Seeing the location, Yang Chen furrowed his brow. If he remembered correctly, this place was near the bar street and was categorized as an entertainment club, or more bluntly, a place of debauchery. Many illicit services were offered there, which Wang Jie probably didn't want to visit, among other reasons. However, she couldn't decline such a task simply because she disliked the venue, so she passed it on to Yang Chen under the pretext of the headquarters meeting. After all, it was less likely for a man to encounter problems in such places.

By noon, Yang Chen arrived alone at the Coconut Club, a venue adorned with external decorations that exuded a Southern island vibe. Despite the winter season, the hostesses at the entrance still exposed their fair arms and thighs beneath their thin garments, though they were slightly more covered with vests.

Inside the club, he walked through warmly decorated corridors lined with private rooms on both sides. After reporting the reserved room number, Yang Chen followed the waitress around two corners until they reached the designated spot.

Opening the door revealed a spacious room lit by three floor lamps, casting a subdued but not dim light. The decor included red sofas, a grey carpet, and a large LCD TV playing music videos, likely Korean dance tunes.

Three figures who were seated on the sofa immediately stood up. One was a middle-height man in his early thirties with a slight beard—director Huang Hai. Alongside him were a slightly bald middle-aged man and a woman with striking features and heavy makeup.

"Welcome, Director Yang. I'm pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect you to come personally," Huang Hai greeted warmly, extending his hand for a firm shake with Yang Chen.

Yang Chen understood that Wang Jie had intentionally conveyed that he had insisted on coming, a tactic to show respect and make Huang Hai feel valued.

"No need to be so polite, Director Huang. Since we're discussing cooperation, it's only natural to show sincerity," Yang Chen replied calmly.

Huang Hai agreed enthusiastically and proceeded to introduce the others. "This is my producer, Luo Chang'an, and this lady is my partner, Ai Li. She's also a second-tier actress in the industry, although perhaps not well-known to Director Yang."

Yang Chen nodded knowingly. He speculated that Ai Li had initially bet on Huang Hai's potential when he was less successful, hoping for a breakthrough, which eventually led to their marriage when Huang Hai's career took off.

After exchanging pleasantries with Luo Chang'an and Ai Li, Yang Chen joined them at the table. The waitress served pastries and wine, presenting a unique three-tiered English-style afternoon tea, a creative gesture in hospitality.

"Don't mind the setup, Director Yang. I find traditional lavish meals a bit extravagant and inefficient for discussing film matters among just four of us. That's why I chose this venue. I hope Director Yang understands," Huang Hai explained with a smile.

Such words would appeal to anyone's ears, portraying Huang Hai as efficient and trustworthy, which made a good impression on Yang Chen.

Yang Chen smiled noncommittally. "Director Huang, no need to be so polite. I'm quite casual myself. Let's get down to business."

"Sure, sure. Director Yang is straightforward indeed. However, since it's our first meeting, we should have a drink together. It'd be impolite otherwise," Huang Hai gestured to Ai Li, who was sitting beside him with a smile. "Ai Li, please open the wine and pour us a drink."

Ai Li responded with a sultry voice, acknowledging and giving Yang Chen a slight flirtatious glance before going to open the wine.

Meanwhile, Luo Chang'an retrieved the project proposal and the overall outline of the new film from his folder and handed them to Yang Chen with a fawning smile. "Director Yang, with over twenty years in the industry, I guarantee this film will be a box office hit. With sufficient investment and good results, winning awards like the Golden Horse or Golden Rooster wouldn't be difficult."

Yang Chen took the film proposal and glanced over it. It was a low-budget comedy-action film, fitting the current trend of humorous movies with a touch of life philosophy. However, upon closer inspection, Yang Chen noticed that the projected budget was eighty million, a whole thirty million higher than what Wang Jie had briefed him on.

"Director Huang, the proposal I saw from our manager stated a budget of fifty million for this film. How come there's suddenly an additional thirty million?" Yang Chen fixed his gaze on Huang Hai, not missing any details.