
Hades: Love in a dream

Stephanie moved to Tokyo to escape her small town and make new friends, instead she finds herself alone and overworked. As she falls into delirium, she begins to hear voices, experience strange dreams, and visions of a mysterious man. As her love for him unfolds so does her grasp on reality.

cclilannie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter eight: meaningless comforts

She walked into the library, and looked around to see Hades sitting in his chair, staring into the fire.

"Master, your guest has arrived."

He didn't turn around.

"Get her cleaned up." He waved his hand around.

Stephanie looked like she was about to fight him right there and then, but the maid put her hand on her shoulder, and smiled hoping to keep the peace.

"Come miss let's go to the bath house."

Stephanie held her temper, and followed her. On the first floor there was a doorway with hanging fabric that covered most of it, it spelled out "warm bath". She stepped into the dressing room.

"Please put your clothes in the basket miss."

Stephanie followed her instructions, and got undressed. The maid stood staring with a look of approval.

"Alright then please follow me." She led her to a large room. It had a row of hand held showers on the right. Each with its own mirror, and washing products. On the left was a bath larger than a pool. It filled the room with steam. There were lots of women there bathing. She had been to bath houses before, but still the fact that this was Hades home made her nervous.

The maid ushered her outside, to a beautiful private bathing area.There was a waterfall shower surrounded by stones to act as a wall, and a large natural hotspring bath.

She washed herself in the shower, and tied her hair up, before stepping into the rock bath. The heat stung her sensitive skin as she sank to the floor. Her face, and shoulders could feel the cold air. Her eyes followed the steam into the darkness. She closed her eyes, and relaxed.

"What's you name?" Said Stephanie, who could feel the maid watching her.

"Call me Mara, miss."

Stephanie opened one eye at her. She looked very young, definitely her junior. She had a short bob cut, that barely moved out of place. She looked neat and professional. Hades must be quite strict she thought.

After a few minutes the maid led her back to the dressing room where some women were busy getting dressed. They got so excited when they saw her they rushed over as she sat down at a dressing table.

"Her hair is so beautiful." Said one holding a piece in her hand.

"Her skin is so soft." Said another moving her finger down her shoulder.

Woman surrounded her, their hands examining her beauty. Mara shot a glare at them, and they scattered, dressing again in silence.

"Who are they?" Stephanie whispered.

"Women who work at the mansion. Be careful of some of them."

Stephanie heeded her warning. Mara brought Stephanie some clean clothes, shoes, and helped her do her hair, and make-up.

"You look very pretty miss." Said mara proud of her handy work.

She took Stephanie to meet Hades in the library. When he saw her she looked as beautiful, as she did angry. He didn't mind her being angry, he just didn't like that she was angry with him. He never wanted to be the route of her pain. Still the possibility of having her hate him for a short time, then love him for the rest seemed worth it.

"Hades." She barely looked at him.

"Stephanie. Listen,I don't want you to hate me."

"Oh really, cause you seem to be making it easy for me." She took the drink he left for her, and went to go sit alone.

Hades followed her upstairs. She sat at a reading table. He stood behind her, thinking of what to say.

"Are you ever going to set me free?" She said not turning around.

"I will, for now you can keep your mortal life, but you must come visit me every week."

"Ugh, you are so selfish! Did you ever even think about how this may affect me?"

"All I ever think about is you!" Hades screamed, blue flames filled his eyes going up to his hair. He stormed out the room. He passed Mara, and said "Let her rest, I want to be alone tonight."

"Yes, master." Mara had a sorry look on her face. She led stephanie to her room.

"Have a rest, and hopefully you will feel better tomorrow." Mara smiled as she closed Stephanie's door.

Stephanie layed on the bed, taking a pillow, and throwing it across the room. She was exhausted , but the anger kept her up for a bit longer, until eventually falling asleep.