
HADES is coming run

This is not actually the full bock just a trial for me to get up all my Ideas in to one place and I thought hey why don’t I post it so here we are probably gonna change a lot of later down the line by you get to see the changes soon yeah. Hear you go here’s the trial run Hades is coming

I_am_billons · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 act 1

"I ask you how I asked you do you want extra breakfast today" says mom in a very very sarcastic tone

"Yes please Oh and dad did you hear about that new weapon I don't even remember what they call it but you know that prototype going around that can you shoot a little piece of rock faster than in Bowen arrow" I say in the well I can get my father and eat my breakfast

"Yeah I heard it I think it's gonna be useless personally I mean you got to reload that thing for 20 minutes and the chance it'll blow up in your face. I could get your head off 10 time before you can reload that thing once and if she miss once your daed don't forget it might blow up before I get to you" says dad in angry tone while chewing on his steak and spilling tiny peace of it all over the place.

"I said it is just a prototype you know they're going to fix the blowing up part but I do agree in

That it won't be better than a bow and arrow though it could be useful if you were shooting something far away and you don't miss" I say in a mocking tone as mom hands me my seconds

" that's all you getting boy not into you work it all all outside training with dad and then you can go play with your little friends" says mom why teasing me she knows I hate when they call them my friends the more subordinates but anyway.

I should probably introduce you there Zach Jack and dad I know the name is so similar their father's are supporting us of my dad protector of our family Audie Arita anyway you know my dad is a very cautious man I'm cost is too and now I think about it but you know something it always been weird Zach and jack do whenever I say whenever I say it so I like them but their parents not so much they more listen to my mom more than me and that's weird considering she does nothing but assassin assassination kills you think they listen to Dad more since they serve my grandpa before that well I guess it doesn't matter much