
HADES is coming run

This is not actually the full bock just a trial for me to get up all my Ideas in to one place and I thought hey why don’t I post it so here we are probably gonna change a lot of later down the line by you get to see the changes soon yeah. Hear you go here’s the trial run Hades is coming

I_am_billons · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2 act 2

"As a kid my father always used to tell me the world is evil so if the world is evil you must be evil to kill the world but I always was thought nonsense why would you be the same as the thing you hate" says Hades while looking at you all types of weird

"Anyway when I became one I started it showing some consciousness within me now my father new I was gonna be a great fight like all my family before me. A genius killer who is to kill anyone who get in the kingdom 's way just like my father always wanted so he begin training me as soon as I turned 2 the training was hard I had to do thousand push-ups it was impossible for a child my age and he knew that but he didn't stop me so I kept going until I couldn't move that was my life before I turned five. Then he started making me pick up the sword than knives and axes and everything else he could find and that kept going until I turned 8 that's when he started having me fight bears and lions and tigers." Says Hades why reminiscing about the easier days

"I always lost until I turn 12 thats when he started to tech me how to kill them then I had his fight him and lost constantly on to a better night I would be able to walk to my bed. than I on other nights know what I don't want to talk about it. My life was like this until my 'basic training was complete."

"At 15 I complete my fathers training where are usually takes everyone else 20 years." Says hades in a bragging tone

"You might have noticed I don't talk about my mother or any of my people on my mother side the family because our family has a knack of not speaking about those who betrayed you and downline my mother and grandmother and everyone she has on her side of the family betrayed us"says Hades in a pained tone.

(Well this is where I leave you I will drop you off here where we go into first person out normally I put this into another act but I like you so I think I include the first part in this we'll pick up when I'm 15 from I will destroy myself here so l don't spoil it any further)

Want is he taking about

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