
Hades in the Multiverse

Isekai story about a guy that gives Hades a chance and reincarnates as him. Granted three powerful wishes that allow him to go against fate and destiny, he will travel not only the DC-Universe but also Marvel and maybe some anime ones. Don't take the story too seriously though as it's just for fun. Give me ideas for female leads (no harem though, only two if we must). The story starts in the DC-Universe and then shifts to others of his choosing. He will be able to jump from one to the other as he wishes, so you can wish for certain animes/worlds.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Special Quest #2 - Complete

(Hades POV)

Well, that was an interesting little adventure I experienced right there. I can't imagine what might have happened if I had stayed for much longer though. The laws of that world might not be able to do anything to me that could harm me, but I am not strong enough to fight them to stay in that universe. 

They would have pushed me out ... for the time being. I am growing stronger as well and this little 'Library' is a useful tool. I thought about the Library of Heaven's Path for a long time. My time in the Bleach Universe was not the most exciting of my life. But that wasn't why I was here.

I was here to get a Zanpakuto. I came here for that reason alone — my symbol of power. And now ... I had it. So why wasn't I leaving?

Well, my plans changed. I was not alone anymore. I had finally found the one I wanted to spend eternity with. So it wasn't just about me anymore. I was now waiting for my beloved to grow strong and then take her with me, show her our home and go on other adventures with her. But this took time.

So what did I do in the meantime? I took students and taught them to see what would happen. I wanted to see my friend again in the future and save him ... but some revelations made me reconsider this. I'm sure it will be revealed in the future. 


Now since there seemed to be student after student, I thought that there was a useful tool that could help me with teaching. So the idea was born to get the Library of Heaven's Path. Did I need it? No, absolutely not. Was it useful? Yes, it was very useful. I would probably go to cultivation worlds with my family in the future, and having the Library of Heaven's Path would make the growth we all experience so much easier. 

The Library was a marvellous tool. It had many different functions but it was a tool that served as an information source on how to do things 'correctly'. 

The Library of Heaven's Path allowed Zhang Xuan in the story to compile a book on a cultivator as long as the cultivator executed a battle technique in front of him or touched an unconscious person. The compiled book would contain information about the cultivator's background, abilities, and flaws in his cultivation. So as long as there was anything that a person did in front of Hades, he would gain information on that person. 

It was not the most detailed information, but that wasn't important. It was still amazing. But that was not all.

At the same time, the Library of Heaven's Path can compile books on ongoing processes such as an activated formation or a pill forging process through direct sight, and on artefacts or non-living objects through direct touch. 

Similarly, the book would reflect information concerning the ongoing process or the artefact, including its flaws. A book is also compiled by eating a dish of food, it shows how it was cooked and its history, completing a superior Gourmet skill. 

So there was now no skill he couldn't learn and he would be able to learn it to the best of his abilities. The best way to cook and get heavenly dishes from the worst possible ingredients.


Other than that, the Library of Heaven's Path also can collect books through touch. This ability can be activated regardless of the presence of seals on the book itself. In the story, Zhang Xuan can access the books in the Library of Heaven's Path as well, and his reading speed in the Library of Heaven's Path is stated to be enhanced by more than a hundredfold as compared to outside, thus allowing him to accrue much more knowledge as compared to an average master teacher. 

When he earns the earnest gratitude of his students as a result of his impartation of knowledge, the Library of Heaven's Path has a chance of condensing a golden page in the Book of Heaven's Path. There are about 5 different uses of the golden page, but only two were interesting for Hades.

1. It can be used to enhance his Soul 

2. It can also be used to assimilate the content of all of the books he has collected in the Library of Heaven's Path into his head instantaneously.



Now all of this was the general use of the Library. He was Hades and had no true limit to what he could do. The first thing he did was to conquer and subdue the Library to truly make it his. And since he had left its original Universe, he had the advantage. He managed to subdue it and then modified it to work as he wished. 

Boundary manipulation for the win.

Now, he would be able to teach Senjumaru and others much better and he could also make her much stronger. Cultivation would be something he would do in the future. At least to get all of their knowledge and understand different laws. 

And the coolest thing is my Ultimate Skill: 'Lord of Wisdom', fused with the Library of Heaven's Path. Increasing the value and potential even more than it already had.

! My own Akashic Records will be created. And together with the Tree of Knowledge in the Underworld, I am probably going to achieve that!




(3rd Person POV)

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the Numancia Flamingo, the pirate ship of the Donquixote pirates. This wasn't the first time Senjumaru was here. She tried the challenge multiple times over the years and every time she got closer to defeating the dungeon, it got harder. That meant that more and more of Doflamingo's crew would appear and fight her before she even got to Doflamingo.

Numancia Flamingo was a somewhat large ship whose main exterior and masts were dark red. Its figurehead design is a flamingo's neck and head, with the flamingo wearing Doflamingo's signature sunglasses. On each side of the ship are designs of flamingo wings. The ship possesses two masts, with the first mast's sail bearing the Donquixote Pirates' Jolly Roger and the name "Donquixote". Under the second mast is a circular cabin leading below the deck.



Senjumaru Shutara, a member of the Royal Guard and future Divine Weaver, stood calmly with her arms crossed, facing the flamboyant and menacing Doflamingo Donquixote. She had already killed all the other members of the crew and was now standing in front of the Captain. The man whom Senjumaru had learnt to despise as well as acknowledge as a worthy adversary.

Doflamingo's eyes shone with confidence and malice as he cracked his knuckles, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A little Shinigami playing with strings. You're way out of your league, sweetheart, haven't you understood that yet? No matter how many times you come here, I will always play with you.", Doflamingo said.

"And maybe I'll even use your b*/"(*/ ...", Doflamingo wanted to say but ... he couldn't. Something stopped him from saying what he wanted and for a moment he seemed confused but then relaxed as if nothing happened. Senjumaru was used to this. Every time Doflamingo defeated her and tried to grab her in an indecent way to do ... things to her, he seemed to 'glitch' and then stop as if nothing happened. 

Senjumaru knew what happened of course as she wasn't naive in any way. Something or rather ... someone didn't like Doflamingo talking or acting that way with her and that's the reason why this happened. She found it very cute.


"Words are cheap, Doflamingo. Let's see if your strings can dance to the same tune as mine.", Senjumaru said and initiated the fight. 

Without drawing her Zanpakuto, Senjumaru activated the power of the Ito Ito no Mi, the same Devil Fruit ability that Doflamingo possessed. Threads infused with reishi materialized around her fingers, forming an intricate web of spiritual energy. It showed the skill and talent she possessed.

Doflamingo lunged forward, strings extending from his fingertips like deadly whips. Senjumaru effortlessly dodged her movements like a fleeting shadow. She was as elegant as her clothes. In an instant, she vanished, leaving behind afterimages that confused Doflamingo, but not for long. Kenbunshoku Haki ... Senjumaru had found out what it was that allowed Doflamingo to sense her and predict her attacks.

She was very interested in learning and mastering this technique. As she found out, it was a package of three. Kenbunshoku Haki grants him a sixth sense that allows him to sense her presence. Then there was Busoshoku Haki, an invisible piece of armour he could surround his body with, providing incredible offensive and defensive capabilities. And of course, the last type which she found to be the most dangerous. Haoshoku Haki. Doflamingo called it a rare form of Haki that allows the user to exert their willpower over others and was proof that he was a king.


From the shadows emerged puppets – life-sized, replicas of warriors she had created using her mastery with sewing and clothing.

"Puppets? You think these playthings can defeat me?", Doflamingo asked.

"Chuckling* Don't underestimate the artistry of my work, Doflamingo.", Senjumaru said. These were similar puppets that the original Senjumaru called the Soul King's Blade. But they were even greater than the ones from the TYBW. 

The puppets moved with incredible speed, their movements synchronized as if controlled by a single mind. Doflamingo smirked and swiped his hand to slash the Puppets.

"Goshikito!", Doflamingo says. Five strings came out from his fingers slicing through the puppets with ease. However, each puppet disintegrated into strings and clothes. Due to Senjumaru infusing the puppets with her Reiatsu, they reformed into new shapes.

She remained elusive, her speed and agility unmatched. She weaved through the battlefield, creating more and more puppets with every step. Over the course of her training, she had learned how to use the strings of Doflamingo himself to her advantage and create new puppets with them. She did that by infusing the strings with her Reiatsu, cutting off Doflamingo's control over them.

The air crackled with spiritual energy as the puppets closed in on Doflamingo from all sides.

"Enough games! I'll cut through every one of these strings!"

Doflamingo unleashed a barrage of strings in all directions, attempting to ensnare Senjumaru and her puppets. But she danced through the chaos, effortlessly avoiding the deadly threads. Seizing the opportunity, she closed in on Doflamingo, her fingers doing thousands of tiny movements.

"It's time to end this, Doflamingo.", she said.

She manipulated the threads around Doflamingo, creating a complex pattern that managed to ensnare him completely. It was the plan she came up with to overcome his Kenbunshoku Haki. The puppets converged, forming a barrier around him, their forms intertwining with the threads and creating a prison of sorts.

Doflamingo struggled against the restraints, but Senjumaru's mastery over the Ito Ito no Mi and puppets was undeniable. With a flick of her fingers, she tightened the threads, trying to bind Doflamingo in a web of spiritual energy-infused strings.

"Sleep tight, Flamingo."

Doflamingo's defiant laughter echoed through the night as Senjumaru Shutara stood there victorious, the moon bearing witness to the elegant dance of the threads... or so she thought.



Her senses warned Senjumaru of danger and she retreated while also creating more puppets. An explosion rang out as Doflaingo used Haoshoku Haki to break free of the bindings and punch a hole in his prison. Veins were throbbing on his forehead and he was angry. He saw himself as a king and as such, he unleashed his Haoshoku Haki/Conquerors Haki.

Senjumaru didn't budge this time. She was stronger and her will was tempered by the constant training and fighting with him. If she could she would also unleash her own Haoshoku Haki right now. But her aura and momentum were different from his. It was one of conviction and refusal. Senjumaru understood who she was and what she wanted from her life. 

The future Divine Weaver and wife of Hades would never be defeated by this small human. She would win and kill this man. 


"Birdcage", Doflamingo said and used his ultimate technique. He exudes immense amounts of strings from the centre of a palm, unravelling it, which shoots high into the sky as a concentrated beam. When high enough, they diverge to rain down to all sides in an umbrella-like fashion to cover a large area, creating a gargantuan, razor-sharp wire-domed force field, slicing absolutely everything that passes through it.

Senjumaru already knew this technique. She lost to it once. The last time, to be precise. But that won't happen again. She was waiting for him to use his ultimate move. And then he did. Doflamingo has reached the last stage of his Ito Ito no mi called 'awakening', which allows him to transform the ground and buildings around him into strings for him to use in for his attacks and defence, extending his range and attack volume.

"God Thread", Doflamingo screamed. Doflamingo summons sixteen thick, Busoshoku Haki-infused bundles of string that form sharp points, which he refers to as "Sixteen Holy Assassin's Bullets", and sends them at Senjumaru in a piercing formation. 


Senjumaru saw this happen and only watched this happen. As the attacks came close to her, she narrowed her eyes. This farce had gone on long enough. She could accept him having techniques that were this powerful and his mastery over his fruit was also impressive. But this was enough. She had had enough of this twisted man and his tenacity. 

She was Senjumaru Shutara and she was the Divine Weaver!! 


A limit seemed to break and Senjumaru closed her eyes. Then just as she was about to get pierced, everything stopped ...

The strings all around stopped and didn't listen to Doflamingo anymore. Senjumaru began to move her artificial limbs and the entire battleground made of strings listened to her and moved as she wished. 

"No no no!", Doflamingo screamed and attacked Senjumaru with his Armament Haki.

Senjumaru blocked the attack with thousands of strings and slowly began to cut Doflaingo from all sides. More and more Strings attacked him and his stamina began to wane as he had to cover his entire body with haki. The entire ship was no longer there and it was all strings. Doflamingo had to use his strings to attach to the clouds before he fell into the water and drowned. 

But Senjumaru wouldn't let him. Any strings that were created were taken control of by the Divine Weaver and Doflamingo lost his footing. 

"NOOOOOO!!!", Doflamiingo screamed as he tried to get close to Senjumaru who was just standing in the air. But it was no use. Senjumaru manipulated strings that came out of the sea and wrapped around Doflamingo, dragging him into the depths slowly.




!!!COMPLETE!!! ||