
Hades in the Multiverse

Isekai story about a guy that gives Hades a chance and reincarnates as him. Granted three powerful wishes that allow him to go against fate and destiny, he will travel not only the DC-Universe but also Marvel and maybe some anime ones. Don't take the story too seriously though as it's just for fun. Give me ideas for female leads (no harem though, only two if we must). The story starts in the DC-Universe and then shifts to others of his choosing. He will be able to jump from one to the other as he wishes, so you can wish for certain animes/worlds.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Meeting grand Uncle and grand Aunt

"Greetings venerable guests. My name is Hades, welcome to the Underworld."

The two looked at Hades for a while. It felt like they were trying to understand him. As if he was a species they had never seen before. Finally, after a while of silence, the woman talked.

"You say your name is Hades. I am Nyx, Primordial of the Night and this is my husband Erebus, Primordial of Darkness."

"Greetings Hades.", Erebus said.

"It is my pleasure to meet you two. What brings you to the Underworld today?", Hades asked them.

"We have lived in the depths of Tartarus in my Palace of the Night for aeons. Tonight we felt the Underworld that has always been unclaimed, closed and getting claimed by someone. We were wondering who this was and have come to have a look.", Nyx told Hades.

"I see. Well, it is nice of you to come and welcome me to the Underworld. I'm afraid there is nothing that I can offer you in terms of refreshments but I have only just gotten here. I will however make sure to change this in the future and make it as accomodating as possible for you, should you decide to visit."

Hades was very courteous. He had changed over the years and his temper changed. He became more like a god and a being of his station. His mannerisms changed and became more elegant. Nonetheless, he had not gotten arrogant. He was still the same but just not as easily angered as he was before.

If Zeus and Metis had done the same thing as they did when he left all those years ago and framed him, he would just cut Zeus' dick off and turn him into a woman or something. He will no longer tolerate any shit from anyone, but he will not go around killing everyone just because they said something bad about him or anything like that.

"There is no need for something like that, Hades. We truly only came here to see who it was that finally claimed the Underworld.", Erebus said. It felt like Erebus was not the one who had the pants on in that relationship. He felt much more relaxed and calm than his wife did.

Although Nyx could be calm, it felt like there was a lot of danger and temper that was hidden behind that beautiful face.

"What my husband says is true. We were curious what manner of being had claimed. Though, surprisingly, it was you. I don't think I have ever seen you. And yet you have the feeling of one of Gaia's offspring."

"That would be correct. I am her grandson, to be specific. I was away ... off world so to speak for the last few years. But I am back now and have decided to claim the Underworld and begin to transform and build here."

"Build?", Erebus asked.

"You mean shape surely. Owners of dimensions don't build, they shape and form the environment as they wish.", he explained.

"No, Lord Erebus. I mean build. I am an enthusiast in all things that are about building and shaping my dimension. I was planning the most essential things I wish to add before you arrived. I will use my own two hands and some of my abilities to build and shape the Underworld."

The two primordials were perplexed. That was beyond unusual. A god that willingly took the hard way and got his hands dirty to create something? That would make sense if his divinity was connected to the building or something. But for the god of death and the Underworld to do that was highly unusual.

"If you would like, you may stay here for as long as you wish. I have nothing against two visitors. I will start with the groundwork and you may watch if that interests you."

Another surprising thing for the two primordials. This had never happened. No god would allow others to watch as they work on their dimension. it was a very personal thing to do and yet here he was allowing them to watch as he began his work.

In the end, the curiosity won over the arrogance and the two watched from a bit of a distance as Hades began his work.


Hades closed his eyes. He could feel everything in his dimension. Every particle, atom or subatomic particle was at his beck and call. He could shape and form everything as he liked. However, he did something else. He focused on his intention and his powers as well as the dimension listened.

The ground started to change from its dead state into a dark red and occasional deep blue/green colour. Hades was forming the Nether. Lava was created, different types of stone and netherrack as well and there were even fungi made of speical wood that were covered with red and blue leaves.

This was the beginning. Now he would begin to change everything. First, like every Minecraft run, he began to punch a fungi. He got one wooden log from it. He punched another chunck and got another log from that as well.

After he was done with this, he created four planks out of them. Using those planks, he made a Crafting Table. This little wonder would be the essential tool he would need to craft different building blocks.

Hades got back to punching the fungi. He got another two wooden logs and made four stiks out of them. Then he used the Crafting Table for the first time. He placed two sticks above the other and then put three wooden planks horizontally above them. This created a wooden pickaxe.

Hades had a smile on his face that threatened to split his face in two. He was living the dream right now. A real life Minecraft experience. What more did you want?

After he had created the wooden pickaxe, Hades got netherrack and made a stone pickaxe as well as a stone axe.

He made the rest of the tools as well and began to dig down. Unlike a normal Nether, the Underworld was special. Here you could find many many more ores and materials than in normal Minecraft.

there was gold, silver, platinum, iron and more. But there were more valuable metals such as Adamantium, yes he had Adamantium spawn in the Underworld. But that was not all. There was also Vibranium, Promethium, Inertron, Quantum steel, Smartskin, Amazonium, Supermanium, Eighth Metal, Element X, Carbonadium, Adamantine, Uru, Anti-Metal as well as Nth Metal.

However! However not all of those metals were able to be gathered or even found. They were something that only Hades had access to. He didn't want to make the Underworld more dangeorus than it had to be.


Hades began creating an entrance for a mineshaft from where he would gather all the materials he would need for his very first project: The Highway. It was the first thing he would focus on, but only for a while. What he wanted to do was to build a foundation and then create the first building in the centre of the Underworld.

He had to have a palace but was not willing to create his residence inside the Underworld/Nether. He had plans to have his private quarters and lab as well as everything else that was very personal, in the END.

Yes. Hades was planning on creating the END. But unlike the END from Minecraft, Hades would create it from scratch. It was going to be the void itself. Nothing will exist there except him and all his belongigns.

To create this END, he will have to create a subdimension that will be anchored inside the palace which will be located in the centre of the Underworld.

To start all those project though, Hades needed materials. He could of course simply make them appear or just create the palace out of thin air, but that wasn't something he wanted. He will build this with his hands and that was that.

The entrance to the mineshaft was finished for now. He will make it look better later on but for now it would do. He then began to dig down to gather all sorts of stone and other ores.

His inventory was unlimited. That was something that he thought was important as he did not want to travel back and forth too many times.


Nyx and Erebus were still watching the young god doing its thing. They could not find the right words to describe what they wre seeing. First this godling chagned the landscape and created living trees or fungi and then he began to punch them and got small blocks of wood. Then he made some form of magical table that could assemble objects if you give it the rirhg materials.

They watched as Hades got his hands dirty and really used his tools to dig up the ground adn gather more materials to then build things. He was very skilled in the way handled things and it was beautiful how he decorated that ... mineshaft, as he called it.

The husband and wife forgot what they were doing and simply watched Hades work. But then some time during his digging, they felt something. It seemed like Hades might not have any more time to build in the near future. Someone had arrived and was waitign for Hades to let her in.

As Hades got more and more stone and netherrack, he was in his element. He forgot everything around him and only focuesed on the task at hand. This was what he loved to do. The Underworld would be glorious and he will have built it all on his own.

As he was going about it, he could feel a kock at the entrance of the Underworld. This being could not enter uninvited and Hades had full control so it was impossible for htis being to come in, no matter how powerful it might ahve been.

"Haah, it seems like I won't be able to finish here any time soon. But maybe I can make it quick and then get back here to continue?"


Hades allowed the presence to enter the Underworld and not one second after that, a woman stood before him. She wore green robes that left her arms and legs free. She had brown hair and smelled of nature. Hades knew who she was and sighed. It seemed like he would have to see his siblings again.

However he would take his time. He had nothing ot gain from the war and would play by his own rules. No matter how powerful Gaia thought she was, he would still destroy her consciousness and live his llife like nothing happened.

"Greeings grandmother. What brings you here today?"