
Hades in the Multiverse

Isekai story about a guy that gives Hades a chance and reincarnates as him. Granted three powerful wishes that allow him to go against fate and destiny, he will travel not only the DC-Universe but also Marvel and maybe some anime ones. Don't take the story too seriously though as it's just for fun. Give me ideas for female leads (no harem though, only two if we must). The story starts in the DC-Universe and then shifts to others of his choosing. He will be able to jump from one to the other as he wishes, so you can wish for certain animes/worlds.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Goodbye and welcome

(3rd Person POV)

The time had come for Senjumaru to join the Zero Division. Hades was unhappy about this because this was the first time his power worked against him. Senjumaru wanted to stand on her own two feet and not feel like a chihuahua that gets carried everywhere. Hades had to respect that but it didn't mean that he wouldn't help her grow ... faster.

He planned to give her two things today. His first kiss and a system. The system was similar to the one Sung Jin-woo had. But it functioned on the power system of the Bleach world. Hades guessed that she would get quite strong with this. 

The clouds were blown away as the Tenchuren fell on the ground in front of them. The Squad Zero's transport vehicle had arrived and with it, the rest of the Zero Division. Hades was not enthusiastic to meet the Monk again. He didn't like him and given their history ... it was probably mutual. Or more like the monk was scared of him.

The door opened and out walked two people. Two Shinigami walked out of the Tenchuren. That made sense if Hades thought about it. Well, he knew that there were only two members currently because he had gotten his Zanpakuto from Oetsu back then, but it also made sense that Senjumaru was the second to join the Zero Division. 

Ichibe Hyosube the leader of the Zero Squad walked in front and right behind him was Oetsu Nimaiya. 

"Oh greetings, greetings. It's good to see you again, Senjumaru Shutara. And who do we have her-", Ichibe was about to say when he saw who it was. The words were stuck in his throat and cold sweat ran down his back. He was ... scared again. But he didn't show it. He was Manako Osho and he was the strongest. He was careless last time, that was all. This wouldn't happen again.

"Look what fell out the sky ... a black stain on the canvas of competence. I am surprised that you can even look me in the eyes ... Ichibe Hyosube. But I guess you were always arrogant. At least your second is more pleasing to the eye. Yo, how are you Oetsu?", Hades asked.

"Oh? Eimin what are you doing here? Do you know Senjumaru as well?"

"I do indeed.", Hades said and grabbed Senjumaru.

He pulled her close and gave her a deep and long kiss ... 

This not only surprised her but also the other two men who had not expected to see such a spectacle. Oetsu gave Hades the thumbs up, while Ichibe tried to find out how to use this information he had just gained. But Hades was so far ahead that he didn't fear anything.

"I gave you something just now ... Just as I promised it will help you in your goal and hopefully bring you back faster. I don't think I said this before but ... I love you!!!", Hades said this in a low voice that only the two of them heard it. 

Senjumaru began to smile. It was a smile that put the one of Rose to shame. She was the epitome of beauty and grace right now and Hades knew that she was his only weakness ... but one he gladly accepted. 



Hades turned to Ichibe and Oetsu. 

"Well then gentlemen ... I leave my treasure in your hands ... for now. Make sure to treat her well, okay Oetsu?", Hades said.

"Oi, ya' can be assured bro, I'll treat her like ma' own sister, yo."

"That's good then ..."

----- Time stood still and Hades was inside his Shadow dimension -----

"And to you, I say this ... should ANYTHING happen to Senjumaru ... I will put you through worse torture than you could ever imagine. I will expose you for the fraud you are and feed you to Hollows only to then revive you and give you to the Quincies. Then I will unseal Rey and let you watch as the world you so desperately wanted to create crumbles to the ground ... savvy? Ichibe Hyosube."

Ichibe only gritted his teeth because he was powerless right now. It was laughable. The Monk who called the True name, whose power was all of the colour black could do nothing and was as powerless as an infant in the Shadow dimension. A dimension where the only colour was black ... 

Ichibe nodded his head slowly and Hades then let him out and time resumed. 



Hades was happy to see Senjumaru's proud expression and determination. She did this to grow stronger and if there was anything Hade respected ... it was the grind. 

Hades created a separate dimension, real quick ... in there the time flowed faster than outside. He wanted to have some more time to say goodbye.

"I will not use my hands until the day that we meet again.", Senjumaru said.

"I will give you something as well.", Hades said and took something out of the Gates of Hades. This was Hades' adaptation of the Gates of Babylon from Gilgamesh. 

He took out a large golden ornament in the shape of a crescent moon with numerous small lines radiating outwards. It was similar to the one she had in the story. 

"I know how much you like the moon, so I created something for you. It is special as we can use it to communicate with each other and ... it has some special features that you'll have to figure out on your own. It is however more than just an accessory. It is the first version of your future crown. As the future queen of the Underworld, you will need something like this.", Hades said.

Hades has created this with all sorts of protections. He was not going to hold her hand, but a bit of protection wouldn't hurt.

"... I love it. Thank you. And I also have something for you.", Senjumaru said and took out something from her bag. 

It was special clothes that Senjumaru had prepared for Hades. Ironically it looked similar to the clothes Hades from Records of Ragnarok wore. And Hades loved it. 

"I love it as well ... It's perfect."



The Tenchuren was fired from the Shiba compound and left the Seireitei again. Hades was left standing there and thought about what he would do now. He might train someone else now ... it is funny to him that Senjumaru didn't want to be trained by him and rather spend her time in the Royal Palace and only get down for some Hollow removal.

But it was her decision. She would understand that it was a bad one and he would wait for her after. She was never truly away from him anyway. One move and he could just walk into the Royal Palace. But that was not for right now, he had lots of time and little to do. 


Time passed again. Hades had taken it upon himself to find someone else to teach. Over the years his student Shigekuni Yamamoto had made a name for himself. And it seemed he had become a bit arrogant again. His fiery temper began to show and he was truly a monster with the blade and Zanpakuto.

One day however something interesting happened. Shigekuni came back to Hades' mansion with many cuts and wounds on him. He looked like he had just fought against someone and got injured during the fight. 

"Shigekuni, how nice of you to see me every once in a while. It looks like you had fun, yes?", Hades asked him.

"Sensei, I just met someone who was almost as skilled in Zanjutsu as I was. He refused to use his Shikai for some reason so we fought only using our sealed Zanpakuto ... he almost bested me."

"Hmm is that right? And why did you not use your Shikai when he didn't use it? Did you think it was ... not honourable?"


"It seems like you have gotten arrogant Shigekuni. Did constantly winning ruin your character? It is good that you came here. We can have another lesson."

"But Sensei!!"

"No 'buts' Shigekuni. I will see how much you've progressed in the years we haven't seen each other.", Hades said and dragged Yamamoto to the sparing section.


After the fight, which was more of a one-sided beatdown, Hades and Yamamoto were both seen in the garden drinking tea. They were just in Hades' personal bathhouse and were now relaxing. 

"Sensei, did you grow stronger?", Yamamoto asked.

"What makes you say that?"

"It feels like you ... are stronger. It's just a weird feeling."

"Those are some impressive instincts you have Shigekuni. I have indeed grown more powerful, but that is not what you felt. I just used more sill and strength to beat you. There is no way to grow stronger if you only fight those weaker than you."

"So you could have used this much strength even before?"


"Then how strong ARE you, sensei?"

"You shouldn't concern yourself with my strength. Rather you should profit from it. Next time you face that Shinigami, you will win because he will not appear to be as strong anymore after fighting me."

"By the way Sensei, he asked me how I got so strong and I told him about you. I didn't tell him where you live though, so he won't come to bother you.", Yamamoto said.

"Too late.", Hades said.

"What do you mean too late?"

"He's already here...", Hades said and looked to the right. 

A man walked out of the forest which was next to the garden where they were sitting. 

It was a very tall, lanky, and pale man with visibly sunken skin on his face and chest, particularly around his grey eyes. He had the beginnings of a pointy black moustache that extended a couple of inches out from his face on either side but was shaven in the middle, as well as a long black goatee covering the centre of his chin, and spiky black hair that was largely covered by a dark purple fabric he kept wrapped around his temples and forehead, the sides of his face, and the underside of his jaw.

The man had a Zanpakuto which took the form of a katana with a rectangular golden tsuba featuring an arrowhead jutting out from each side and a violet handle.


Yamamoto stood up and grabbed the handle of his Zanpakuto. 

"You!! What are you doing here?! How dare you come here? I told you that this is forbidden and that you shouldn't bother my teacher!!"

"I know but I didn't care about that. You are the strongest opponent I have ever faced and even though you managed to narrowly beat me in the end, it was not so much that I had to accept you as a superior fighter. What's more, I am far more interested in the one who taught you.", the man said with a grin. 

He had bandages all over his body, showing the wounds Yamamoto gave him during their fight. 

"Calm down Shigekuni. I am perfectly capable of handling anyone that trespasses into my home ... and that's what you did. So, how may I help you?", Hades said.

"I came here to challenge you, of course."

"So instead of challenging Shigekuni again, whom you lost against, you would rather challenge me? Normally you do the possible things before trying the impossible."

"Ha, and who says that it's impossible? Even if I don't win, fighting against someone as strong as you is the best way to grow and have fun at the same time!", the man said and unsheathed his sword.

In one fluid motion, he had covered the distance between him and Hades and slashed at him, aiming at his neck. Yamamoto was taken by surprise and was not ready to block the man, therefore.



"What?! Impossible!!", the man said as he saw that Hades had stopped his Zanpakuto with one finger. 

"Not impossible ... improbable. Now you not only trespass into my home, you also don't introduce yourself and then attack me for no reason. I'm sure you understand the repercussions this brings ...", Hades said and stood up. 

The man pulled his sword back and was just about to swing again when Hades spoke. 

"Let me show you ..."

The man who was midswing suddenly stopped and grabbed his neck with his hand. He choked for a moment and screamed. (Picture)



Next Chapter: 25.11