
Chest pain

I hated this chapter. It just shows how bad I am at writing anything that concerns love and love interests. It's going to bore me to death and then I lose interest fast. So I must find a way around that.


(Oetsu POV)

Me and ma' hunnies watched Eimin pull out his Zanpakuto from the fire and then ... I blacked out. It was weird and confusing. I couldn't remember what happened but I was sure that we blacked out and when we woke up, Eimin was standing there waiting for us to wake up.

He stood there with a pitch-black walking stick. The head was a silvery-white skull that fit perfectly into his hand. 

"Ah shiiit, is that you sealed Zanpakuto? That is fire man. Also, what was that explosion? I feel like I fell unconscious for a second there.", I ask him.

"You did indeed fall unconscious. But don't worry about that. It's all good now and I have my Zanpakuto. I thank you for that Oetsu. You did a marvellous job. I shall take my leave for now.", Eimin said and then ... he just vanished. 

"Oh my, I feel like this guy is unreal. I'm not sure but somehow my pride as a blacksmith has been hurt."



(Hades POV)

I leave the forge of Oetsu Nimaiya and go to check up on my dear student. I wonder what he's been up to since he got his Asauchi. 

If I value his talent and all the training he got from me, then he should be a lot faster with infusing his essence onto the Asauchi and gaining his Zanpakuto.

But I don't know how long it took him in the original story. I feel like it is time for him to fight some Hollows and gain some experience. His enemies won't just use all the basics the Mannequins use. 

Sure they are very powerful the higher leveled they are, but they are still only using basic techniques. The Zanjutsu mannequins only use Zanjutsu and the Hakuda mannequins only use Hakuda. Although both use Hoho in their fights.

Even some of the weaker characters can have some pretty hax abilities in Bleach. Just think about Orihime. She was a human and if she had stronger will and was better trained, she would have been a top powerhouse. Her ability to reject any sort of phenomenon is broken.

And she's only human. Now imagine a character like Tsukishima, the Fullbringer uses his ability better and infuses his ability into a Shinigami and then works his way to the top until he reaches the likes of Aizen.

He could make Aizen believe that he did all of that for him and then have Aizen give him the Hogyoku. The possibilities are endless. 

And these are just two examples. There are many powerful abilities in the world of Bleach and that is what makes it such a fun world to be in ... if you are powerful, or you are just reading the manga.

If you are weak ... then it is a pretty bad and dangerous word. 


So that is why I will have Shigekuni start to gain more experience fighting. And we will start with Hollows. Barragan already is the King of Hueco Mundo and he is actually my friend. 

Although it is quite one-sided, I still enjoy the spars we have. He is trying to kill me still, but he's not making any progress with it. 

But there should be more Vasto Lorde in Hueco Mundo for Shigekuni to fight. We'll go as soon as I have dealt with this annoying feeling I have. 



It has been bothering me for the longest time now. It started a few centuries ago. It was like a call or an urge that came from somewhere, but I didn't know where. 

I sealed the feeling as if it was stopping me from living my life and it was annoying. My second wish should not allow this, but for some reason ... I don't know what's happening. 

It is painful. It feels like the worst itch that you can imagine and no matter what you do, you can't scratch it. And it keeps getting worse and worse. 

I thought that getting my Zanpakuto was the problem and that it was my soul calling out to me to get my own Zanpakuto, but now ... I have my own and it's still not going away. 

My chest feels like it tightens around my heart and compresses it until it pops. I sound like a love-struck boy! F*ck!!! 



I arrive back home and feel Yamamoto in the meditation section. He is listening to me and trying to infuse his essence into his Asauchi. 


I also go to the meditation chamber, that I created for myself. It works like a Hyperbolic Time Chamber from Dragon Ball. Normally I wouldn't use it for the time dilation as I had enough time on my hands but I know that it might come in handy in the future, so I made it. 

As it is custom, I turn on my personal setting that I use to train in. 

Gravity: 1.e+15

Atmosphere: Space

Air pressure: 101 GPa

Energies: All of them

It was something I used to push my limits, or try and keep focused no matter the environment or the circumstances. Now I just need something to keep my mind off of things. 

I have to talk to his new partner.


I arrive in my inner world that has not changed at all. If anything it goes even more things going on now. 

"Back so soon? I'm glad.", I hear Shūen no Kyōkai's voice.

"I am. I came here because of this foreign feeling I have. It ... hurts.", I tell her.

"Haha, you say that as if you haven't had any pain ever.", she says.

"Well I did but it's been so long since that happened. And I shouldn't ..."

"I know. You shouldn't feel pain, because it is something you consider bad for you. And thanks to that wish you made, you have never felt pain since you understood what it truly meant.", she summarized.

"I'm glad you know me so well.", I smile.

"I'm the one who knows you better than yourself.", she says.

"What is that supposed to mean?", I ask her confused.

"Well, it means that I, unlike you baffoon, know why you are feeling that way. And if you stopped to think about it, you would too.", she said in a neutral voice. 

It was the first time she hadn't been smiling since I met her. And that was concerning. 

Zanpakuto usually wants to keep their hosts safe, so this should affect her as much as it does me. But I don't see a change in my inner ... Universe.

When Ichigo was sad or depressed or whatever, it started to rain in his inner world. But I don't see anything around here that would point at sadness.

"It won't rain here ...", she said.

"What do you mean?", I ask her.

"You are looking if you can see whether this feeling is reflected in your inner world, but it isn't."

"Why is that?", I wonder.

"Because you are immune to things that are harmful to you."

"But ... I can feel this ... pain?"

"Haa, Hades ... you are still so dense. I will have problems with you...", she said in a dramatic way. 

"WHAT? Don't say it like that. And please explain what you mean by this."

"Hehe, alright. It is quite simple really. Your second wish stated that you can not be affected by anything that you would classify as harmful. Now the fact that you can feel this ... feeling that you call 'pain' means that it isn't really harmful to you.

That is the only logical conclusion. Now if this feeling would affect your inner world, it would affect your power AND THAT would be harmful or bad for you. That is the reason why you don't see a change in here.", she explained. 

"I understand all this, but why do I feel it then? What is this feeling?"

"Well, my dear Hades you should know this yourself. What gives heartache?..."





"No that makes no sense. How would that be possible? I am not in love whatsoever.

... or is it homesickness?"

"Hehe, no dear Hades. You are going through the classical lovesickness Like that one woman that you saw in the anime.", Shūen no Kyōkai told me. 

It seems she truly knew a lot. But I just couldn't believe that I had ... lovesickness. Like that joke that turned the proud Kuja Empress into a ... urgh.

"This is frustrating. So then I will keep this until I find my ... intended? What is this some Twilight bullshit? I have no interest in going on a treasure hunt...", I am getting frustrated and angry.

"Hades.", Shūen no Kyōkai, says in a calm voice. 

She comes to me and calms me down.

"You are mistaken. The fact that you have this is not because you must find the woman, but that you must be together ... it is similar to the One Piece case of the Kuja Empress'. 

Hihi, I find this hilarious."

"I can turn it off though right?"

"... yes. You could. But why would you do that?"

"Because I have no interest in being contained by anything. I shall then remove this feeling and ... wait a moment. Did you say I don't have to find her but just be close?"

"Ah, so you noticed. Hehe, I'm not telling you anything anymore."

"Urgh this has gone south fast. Whatever I'll just ... then that means I already met her?", I ask again.


"What is wrong with you? Stop acting like a schoolgirl and tell me!"

"You are Hades. There is nothing that can truly harm you if you don't want to. You can seal this feeling away for now, but I recommend that you don't get rid of it entirely."

"But I already tried to seal it away and it didn't seem to work."

"Because you didn't know what it was. Now you know and can easily get rid of it.", she said.


"Why would I need romance anyway? I was fine, having fun whenever I liked so ... there is nothing I am missing out on. A relationship only means trouble anyway."

"Spoken like a true virgin.", she said.

"WHAT?! What are you saying? I'm not-"

"Yes yes, you are. Don't deny it. You are as untouched as they come."

"That's ... that's just not true. I mean virginity is cool! Yes, that's what I believe. And also there aren't any women that have interested me so far."

"Oh, so you're not interested in women then? I see. That is fine, I still see you as you were."

"That is NOT what I'm saying. Goodness. Haaa."


"So what will you do?", she asks me.

"No one tells me what to do. This feeling has to go, so I will seal it away for now. I'll see how it goes then and deal with it accordingly. I have no time or interest for some love drama."

"I understand. Says the one that was here for ... oh I don't know how many years ... 1 MILLION???"

"... I guess there is some truth to that. But I did leave and went back to the Underworld in the DC universe a few times. So I didn't actually spend 1 million years here."

"I guess, but you still have unlimited time on your hands. You can do with some drama every once in a while."

"I am starting to see the negatives of having a female Zanpakto spirit.", I say.

"Now that's just rude. I will have you know that I RARELY speak about these things.... only once or twice a day."

"Oh god."

"It's not as bad as it sounds. Oh and next time you come here, bring me some tea and a nice couch as well. We wouldn't want to eat on the floor do we?"

"What are you talking about you can do that yourself. It's my inner world after all."

"Why would I do it myself, when I have you to do it?"

"I am rethinking my decision to get a Zanpakuto right now."
