

With their parents dead and nowhere else to go, the Hart kids have to learn to survive and live on their own, the murderers of their parents hot on their trail. They uncover the truth and begin a quest to avenge their parents and destroy the men that turned their lives upside down, uncovering a trail of lies and political deceit with ties to the Mafia. One Woman's quest to bury a secret leaves a trail of dead bodies in her wake. Just when their Mission was coming to an end, Hada discovers a shocker. .................... .................... "Griffith they're not here" Shaun said calmly. "They might come back and these two, I'm sure will have an idea where to hide them permanently... especially this one" he said, pointing to Sammie. "then we ensure there's nothing to come back to" Shaun replied, stomping off the last juice his cigarette had, putting it out. Griffith raised his brows. "the old way...cut them off...if they have nowhere to go to, they'll wander....if they wander, the easier they get caught" said Shaun. Griffith's eyes glinted with understanding. ................ ................ Warning! This book contains hard language, violence, graphic content. Under 16 not permitted (^_^)

Hoxe · Urban
Not enough ratings
45 Chs


"are you through detective Flint?" asked Hannah, brows raised.

"yes... he's not here"

"certain?" she asked again.

What's the matter with you woman? I'm telling you the fucker isn't here yet you're asking me stupid questions Flint wanted to yell but instead settled for " no he isn't..I was thorough.. thank you for your time Mrs Hannah"

The friendliness on her face vanished that instant.

"it's Miss detective Flint and thank you for wasting my precious time...shut the door on your way out and don't come back" she said.

Flint wondered what he did wrong.

He gathered his things and left the office without sparing her a glance.

He went directly up the last floor to Barth's office and gave a rap on the door.

The secretary didn't bother to get in his way.

"come in" came Barth's voice from within.

"did you find what you were looking for?" he asked.

"no... he's not on any employee record"

"So he's not a staff of Barth industries" Barth replied, reclining on his seat.

"not necessarily... perhaps he's in your personal employ?" asked Flint, brows raised.

"what are you insinuating detective?"

"nothing...I was just wondering" Flint replied casually as though he'd just asked out of plain curiosity.

"why so interested in this Miguel figure detective Flint" Barth asked

Flint replied plainly, not bothering to mask anything.

"some connection has been found with him to the murder of ex minister Adam Hart"

He watched Barth's reaction. The man didn't flinch.

"well in that case, I'm pleased he has nothing to do with Barth industries...I think we're done here detective" Barth replied, switching on his poker face.

Flint knew not to push further.

"thank you for your time" he said, standing up to leave.

Barth gave him no reply.

As he walked out of Barth's industries elevators, Barth called the chief of police.

"put your dog on a leash" he said into the receiver then he dropped the call.


"What the.." Fayth Flint said as she turned to find him holding a while handkerchief.

Before she could utter a word, Miguel grabbed her and pressed it to her nostrils.

Her muffled screams could be heard as she struggled to breathe and avoid the stench of rohypnol entering her system.

She struggled as much as she could and reached into her trunk for the brick she usually used to wedge her car tyre on special occasions.

The moment her finger found it, she grabbed the thing and smashed it with all the might she has left against Miguel's head.

His hold grew loose and she took the opportunity to step down hard on his foot, before turning to run in the direction of the grocery store.

She'd barely moved 5 steps when her legs began to feel heavy.

She tried to drag them, but they just wouldn't budge then she felt herself fall.

Her eyes rolled into her head and she slept.

"Fucking bitch"Miguel cursed the moment the brick connected with his skull.

He hadn't expected her attack.

Well she was a police officer's daughter and expectedly should have some degree of self defense skills but getting hit by a brick?

Nope, he definitely hadn't expect that.

He bundled her crumpled heap unto his shoulders and slammed her car trunk shut before heading towards his sedan.

He threw her in the back, well not before making sure to bind her hands and legs properly and gag her.

Even with the sedation, she might still come around and was sure to cause him trouble if that happened.

Some people don't stay put for long after being sedated. She could be one.

He wanted no more problems.

As he worked, blood dripped from his smashed head unto his sweater.

Some were beginning to get into his eyes.

After he was done, he jumped right into the driver's seat and zoomed off, ignoring the sting in his eyes from the blood.

He'd made sure he put quite a distance between him and the store before he slammed on the brakes and produced a first aid kit from under his seat.

Using his rearview mirror, he worked quickly and got the bleeding under control.

After cleaning up himself, he threw the kit back where he produced it from and resumed his driving.

He took her to the same location where he literally crucified Peter.

He kept her in the same position.

He waited for a while, then another car drove into the parking lot of the warehouse.


Flint's flight had touched down San Jose's international airport when his phone rang.

"Hello detective..I hear you have taken quite the interest in my person...so have I in you and others...." Miguel said ominously into the reciever.

"you bastard! I'll find you ...you jus..." Flint began

"oh shut up detective Flint Kennedy" Miguel said, cutting his sentence short.

"I have.." Miguel continued, but the line went dead.

Flint stared hard at his phone as though he intended to bore holes into it.

He could have called back, but Miguel had dialed him with a private number.

He was bloody furious.

That cunt had some guts!

The call confirmed his suspicions. Bartholomew himself had a hand in the entire mess.

How else would Miguel know of his hunt.

Then his mind flashed to Peter.

No ...no way... The man hated Miguel with the last pint of his blood.

No was was he telling Miguel shit.

He was still deep in thought when his cell rang again, breaking his stream of thoughts.

He hurriedly fished it from his pocket, only to find the caller id display 'Chief' Flint cursed under his breath.

He had half the mind to just ignore the idiot but he ended up taking the call.

"hello" Flint had barely said when the chief began to admonish him.

"listen you punk ...are you trying to make me loose my job? what part of close the case weren't you paying attention to? You even went to Barth industries! Bartholomew himself! do you have a death wish?! if you're trying to die, why do you want to drag me along with you to the doors of death" the chief said, really pissed.

Flint pulled the device away from his ears and gave it a long hard stare.

What was the idiot so upset about? he wondered.

He placed the phone back on his ears.

"..... you're off the case" was the last statement he heard before the line went dead.

hell no... this was his case!

He hailed the nearest taxi and headed to the precinct.

"chief you can't do this" he said the moment he walked through the doors of the chief's office.

"you're off Flint and it's final. That's an order and it came all the way from the top" the chief said, putting on his poker face before he raised his head to look at Flint.

Flint's face was red with anger.

"and you did nothing? come to think of it, it's always been what you wanted" Flint accused.

"I'm not the person who went knocking on Bartholomew's door" the chief replied with no remorse.

Flint was about to fire a retort of his own when his cell rang again.

"what do you want!" Flint said harshly into the receiver and The sound of Miguel's victory laughter floated into his ears.

"I have some things that belong to you which you might be curious to know about"

There's a new message in your mailbox detective....Have a look to your satisfaction and I'll call you right back" Miguel said then the line went dead.

"we're not done with this yet" he said to the chief before slamming the door behind him.

Flint settled into one of the screw benches made available for visitors in the precinct's waiting hall.

He opened his email and his eyes went to the last message received.

He clicked.

It was a video. A one minute clip.

At first, it was dark, then a lone bulb came on.

There were two figures proped up, dangling from chains.

A boy and a girl.

The boy was bleeding terribly and apparently had been badly beaten, judging from the marks on his skin. His eyes glanced at the camera, weakness displaying all it's strength in them.

The girl appeared to be asleep.

The figures were unmistakable.

Even if he were doused in hot water while still asleep, he would totally recognized them instantly.

His heart flew to his chest, his hands shook, he dropped the phone.

His entire being quaked with a kind of fear he'd never experienced in his life.

Just then, his phone rang again.

"listen you bastard!... don't you.. even thi....." he began, but was interrupted by Miguel's slow chuckle.

"detective... you're in no position to make threats ...so I'd listen up if I were you.." Miguel said, humor dancing in his voice.

Flint's body was shaking with fear.

He knew first hand what this guy was capable of.

How stupid of him not to think of the safety of his kids.

When one dinned with the devil, they were supposed to bring a very fucking long spoon, but he stupidly used his hands and he'd brought his entire fucking family along for company.