
The Present

On the road between Bridney and the closest skill palace, which was in the metropolitan city of Philade, the new capital of Indonesia, was 300km of dirt path, passing through rolling green hills and luscious pastures.

This 300km path would have been a breeze for anyone who had already activated their skill, as they should, with enough understanding of their skill, be able to utilize it effectively in order to use it as a helpful travel tool. This stage of understanding, which most people called Familiar, was a basic threshold to reach if you wanted to be regarded as accomplished in life.

For example, Charlotte had telekinesis, which is quite high-end, and was termed as an A-class skill, meaning the ability to control other objects just by using your mind. Therefore, when she was in Familiar stage, she would probably move the object so that she could stand on it, and then fly away. Though, the higher-ranked your skill, the harder it was to develop your understanding of it. If not, how could the skills be profound enough to be ranked as high-class skills.

This was another problem for the virtual class. As they could only be used on virtual worlds, within the original Earth, they were not even qualified to be basic warriors. Bu that's just in the real world. In the virtual world, they were gods disguised as humans, or at least appeared so in terms of skill.

On Earth, people started ranking people for the fun of it, like actually, it was made by people who read to much Xianxia/Xuanhuan novels. But it somehow became a trend and caught on.

Like most new systems of this day and age, this grading system for understanding was unbearably vague, and probably provided no reference whatsoever for those who were in perfect harmony with their skills.

But for Brian now, it was enough. The levels of understanding went: Vague, Familiar, Good Understanding, Amazing, Brilliant, and then Godly.

The later stages were quite mysterious as many towns wouldn't see one appear before them for hundreds of years, much less generate one for themselves.

Currently, on this 300 or so km dirt road, was a young man. His feature were not half bad. At sixteen, this young man, sporting a mess of blonde hair, covering a pair of green eyes, as malicious as a snake yet as calming as a meadow, over a well-proportioned nose and mouth. This young man, around 1m 80cm, was obviously Brian.

He was travelling nonchalantly, which by the way, I have learnt NOT to do, gazing at the wonderful scenery of rolling hills as far as the eye could see.

Brian had never been this far out of Bridney before. At most, he would go out to where the farmers were diligently working and tilling their farms with the All-purpose farming equipment varying from version 1 - ?, there were already too much to count, and only those dedicated enough would know. These were produced and sold by guess who, that's right, the NWC. They had a finger in every pie, and industry, and world, depending on how you looked at it.

These farmers were all preparing for either the Spring harvest, or quickly hoarding and gathering in preparation for trading caravans to come along. That's why this new scenery was eye-candy to this young man, closed off from the world, world-s, dang, I sill can't get it right.

Now, you may find it strange that in a so technologically advanced civilization, Brian would be walking on a dirt path. But, that was actually to be expected. Why? Well because no one used roads anymore, at least not in those big cities. They all had their fancy hovercars, programmed so that there wouldn't ever be a single crash. Ahhh, I sometimes wish I could wake up one day and find that my enemy died in a car crash. But alas...

Anyway, staying on topic, the only people that didn't have hovercars, or hoverboards, or hoverbikes, or a hover-somthing or rather, supplied by you guessed it, the NWC, were all poor.

These poor people would just settle for the old down-to-earth method of travelling- Haha, get it, down to Earth, hovercars float above the ground, and they don't have it. No? It appears no one understands good humor anymore, so disappointed...-

Well anyway, that's basically the reason, and this hovercar ownership was also the basic premise of a rich person, or snobby second-generation rich kid, in some cases.

And so, this tough 300km walk had to be done on foot, all the way, by our protagonist, Brian. How lucky!!


Little did Brian know though, that due to his poor self, he would meet something so profound and mysterious that would completely change his fate and the direction in which he headed. You could say, truly, that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, possibly even more than one lifetime.

Hey guys,

Sorry for a little less words this time. It's because I just needed to catch you guys up on the present, instead of, as previous chapters indicated, the past and future.

Another reason is that next chapter is quite important to the plot, so I wanted to leave it as its own chapter.

I will try to make the next ones longer to make up for this one. :)

JuiceTincreators' thoughts